jQuery技术:jQuery DataTable – 搜索一列下拉列表


Vendor Location Currency Vendor Type Vendor
Vendor Location Currency Vendor Type Vendor
New York American Steel Vendor Name 1 Vendor Name 2 Vendor Name 3 Vendor Name 4 Vendor Name 5
Montreal Canadian Plastic Vendor Name 1 Vendor Name 2 Vendor Name 3 Vendor Name 4 Vendor Name 5
Toronto Canadian Logistics Vendor Name 1 Vendor Name 2 Vendor Name 3 Vendor Name 4 Vendor Name 5
Los Angeles American Lumber Vendor Name 1 Vendor Name 2 Vendor Name 3 Vendor Name 4 Vendor Name 5
Seattle American Services Vendor Name 1 Vendor Name 2 Vendor Name 3 Vendor Name 4 Vendor Name 5
#vendorListing_wrapper { width: 800px; } #vendorListing_filter { display: none; } .odd { background: #dddddd !important; } .even { background: #ffffff; } var vendorTable = ""; $(function() { $('#vendorListing tfoot th.searchBox').each(function() { var title = $(this).text(); $(this).html(''); }); vendorTable = $("#vendorListing").DataTable(); vendorTable.columns().every(function() { var that = this; $('input', this.footer()).on('keyup change', function() { if (that.search() !== this.value) { that .search(this.value) .draw(); } }); }); });

从上面的代码中可以看出,您可以单独搜索每个列。 我遇到的问题是仅使用下拉列表搜索列中的选定选项。 例如,当我搜索名称1时,我应该只获取纽约行,但是我得到所有行,因为名称1仍然存在于所有下拉列表中,它只是未被选中。




    检查这个jsfiddle 。 您需要做的是覆盖默认搜索。

     $.fn.dataTable.ext.search.push( function (settings, data, dataIndex, rowData, counter) { var search_VendorLocationText = $('#search_VendorLocation').val(); var search_CurrencyText = $('#search_Currency').val(); var search_VendorTypeText = $('#search_VendorType').val(); var search_VendorText = $('#search_Vendor').val(); var textFound = true; if(search_VendorLocationText.length){ var pattern = new RegExp(search_VendorLocationText, 'i'); if(pattern.test(data[0])){ textFound = true; }else{ textFound = false; } } if(search_CurrencyText.length){ var pattern = new RegExp(search_CurrencyText, 'i'); if(pattern.test(data[1])){ textFound = true; }else{ textFound = false; } } if(search_VendorTypeText.length){ var pattern = new RegExp(search_VendorTypeText, 'i'); if(pattern.test(data[2])){ textFound = true; }else{ textFound = false; } } if (search_VendorText.length) { var pattern = new RegExp(search_VendorText, 'i'); if (pattern.test($(rowData[3]).children("option:selected").html())) { textFound = true; }else{ textFound = false; } } return textFound; } ); 



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      上一篇 2021年12月13日
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