

Oracle静态部署dbca.rsp配置描述。############################################################################## ## ## ## DBCA response file ## ## —————— ## ## Copyright 1998, 2007, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ## ## ## ## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize Oracle ## ## Database Configuration installation. ## ## ## ## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment identifies the ## ## variable type. ## ## ## ## Please specify the values in the following format : ## ## Type : Example ## ## String : "" ## ## Boolean : True or False ## ## Number : ## ## StringList : {"",""} ## ## ## ## Examples : ## ## 1. dbca -progress_only -responseFile ## ## Display a progress bar depicting progress of database creation ## ## process. ## ## ## ## 2. dbca -silent -responseFile ## ## Creates database silently. No user interface is displayed. ## ## ## ## 3. dbca -silent -createDatabase -cloneTemplate ## ## -responseFile ## ## Creates database silently with clone template. The template in ## ## responsefile is a clone template. ## ## ## ## 4. dbca -silent -deleteDatabase -responseFile ## ## Deletes database silently. ## ##############################################################################

#—————————————————————————– # GENERAL section is required for all types of database creations. #—————————————————————————– [GENERAL]

#—————————————————————————– # Name : RESPONSEFILE_VERSION # Datatype : String # Description : Version of the database to create # Valid values : "11.1.0" # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes #—————————————————————————– RESPONSEFILE_VERSION = "11.2.0"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : OPERATION_TYPE # Datatype : String # Description : Type of operation # Valid values : "createDatabase" "createTemplateFromDB" "createCloneTemplate" "deleteDatabase" "configureDatabase" "addInstance" (RAC-only) "deleteInstance" (RAC-only) # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes #—————————————————————————– OPERATION_TYPE = "createDatabase"

#———————–*** End of GENERAL section ***————————

#—————————————————————————– # CREATEDATABASE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "createDatabase". #—————————————————————————– [CREATEDATABASE]

#—————————————————————————– # Name : GDBNAME # Datatype : String # Description : Global database name of the database # Valid values : . – when database domain isn't NULL # – when database domain is NULL # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes #—————————————————————————– #全局数据库的免费精选名字大全=SID+主机域名 GDBNAME = "ORCL.Admin-PC"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : POLICYMANAGED # Datatype : Boolean # Description : Set to true if Database is policy managed and # set to false if Database is admin managed # Valid values : TRUEFALSE # Default value : FALSE # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #POLICYMANAGED = "false"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : CREATESERVERPOOL # Datatype : Boolean # Description : Set to true if new server pool need to be created for database # if this option is specified then the newly created database # will use this newly created serverpool. # Multiple serverpoolname can not be specified for database # Valid values : TRUEFALSE # Default value : FALSE # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #CREATESERVERPOOL = "false"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : FORCE # Datatype : Boolean # Description : Set to true if new server pool need to be created by force # if this option is specified then the newly created serverpool # will be assigned server even if no free servers are available. # This may affect already running database. # This flag can be specified for Admin managed as well as policy managed db. # Valid values : TRUEFALSE # Default value : FALSE # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #FORCE = "false"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SERVERPOOLNAME # Datatype : String # Description : Only one serverpool name need to be specified # if Create Server Pool option is specified. # Comma-separated list of Serverpool names if db need to use # multiple Server pool # Valid values : ServerPool name # Default value : None # Mandatory : No [required in case of RAC service centric database] #—————————————————————————– #SERVERPOOLNAME =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : CARDINALITY # Datatype : Number # Description : Specify Cardinality for create server pool operation # Valid values : any positive Integer value # Default value : Number of qualified nodes on cluster # Mandatory : No [Required when a new serverpool need to be created] #—————————————————————————– #CARDINALITY =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SID # Datatype : String # Description : System identifier (SID) of the database # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide # Default value : specified in GDBNAME # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– SID = "ORCL"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : NODELIST # Datatype : String # Description : Comma-separated list of cluster nodes # Valid values : Cluster node names # Default value : None # Mandatory : No (Yes for RAC database-centric database ) #—————————————————————————– #NODELIST=

#—————————————————————————– # Name : TEMPLATENAME # Datatype : String # Description : Name of the template # Valid values : Template file name # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes #—————————————————————————– TEMPLATENAME = "General_Purpose.dbc"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : OBFUSCATEDPASSWORDS # Datatype : Boolean # Description : Set to true if passwords are encrypted # Valid values : TRUEFALSE # Default value : FALSE # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #OBFUSCATEDPASSWORDS = FALSE

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : Password for SYS user # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes #—————————————————————————– #SYS管理员密码 SYSPASSWORD = "orcl"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSTEMPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : Password for SYSTEM user # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes #—————————————————————————– #SYSTEM管理员密码 SYSTEMPASSWORD = "orcl"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : EMCONFIGURATION # Datatype : String # Description : Enterprise Manager Configuration Type # Valid values : CENTRAL|LOCAL|ALL|NOBACKUP|NOEMAIL|NONE # Default value : NONE # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #EMCONFIGURATION = "NONE"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DISABLESECURITYCONFIGURATION # Datatype : String # Description : Database Security Settings # Valid values : ALL|NONE|AUDIT|PASSWORD_PROFILE # Default value : NONE # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #DISABLESECURITYCONFIGURATION = "NONE"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSMANPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : Password for SYSMAN user # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if LOCAL specified for EMCONFIGURATION #—————————————————————————– #SYSMANPASSWORD = "password"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DBSNMPPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : Password for DBSNMP user # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if EMCONFIGURATION is specified #—————————————————————————– #DBSNMPPASSWORD = "password"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : CENTRALAGENT # Datatype : String # Description : Grid Control Central Agent Oracle Home # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if CENTRAL is specified for EMCONFIGURATION #—————————————————————————– #CENTRALAGENT =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : HOSTUSERNAME # Datatype : String # Description : Host user name for EM backup job # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION #—————————————————————————– #HOSTUSERNAME =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : HOSTUSERPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : Host user password for EM backup job # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION #—————————————————————————– #HOSTUSERPASSWORD=

#—————————————————————————– # Name : BACKUPSCHEDULE # Datatype : String # Description : Daily backup schedule in the form of hh:mm # Default value : 2:00 # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION #—————————————————————————– #BACKUPSCHEDULE=

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SMTPSERVER # Datatype : String # Description : Outgoing mail (SMTP) server for email notifications # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOBACKUP are specified for EMCONFIGURATION #—————————————————————————– #SMTPSERVER =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : EMAILADDRESS # Datatype : String # Description : Email address for email notifications # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOBACKUP are specified for EMCONFIGURATION #—————————————————————————– #EMAILADDRESS =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DVOWNERNAME # Datatype : String # Description : DataVault Owner # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if DataVault option is chosen #—————————————————————————– #DVOWNERNAME = ""

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DVOWNERPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : Password for DataVault Owner # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if DataVault option is chosen #—————————————————————————– #DVOWNERPASSWORD = ""

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DVACCOUNTMANAGERNAME # Datatype : String # Description : DataVault Account Manager # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide # Default value : None # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #DVACCOUNTMANAGERNAME = ""

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DVACCOUNTMANAGERPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : Password for DataVault Account Manager # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide # Default value : None # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #DVACCOUNTMANAGERPASSWORD = ""

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DATAFILEJARLOCATION # Datatype : String # Description : Location of the data file jar # Valid values : Directory containing compressed datafile jar # Default value : None # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #DATAFILEJARLOCATION =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DATAFILEDESTINATION # Datatype : String # Description : Location of the data file's # Valid values : Directory for all the database files # Default value : $ORACLE_BASE/oradata # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #DATAFILEDESTINATION =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : RECOVERYAREADESTINATION # Datatype : String # Description : Location of the data file's # Valid values : Recovery Area location # Default value : $ORACLE_BASE/flash_recovery_area # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #RECOVERYAREADESTINATION=

#—————————————————————————– # Name : STORAGETYPE # Datatype : String # Description : Specifies the storage on which the database is to be created # Valid values : FS (CFS for RAC), ASM # Default value : FS # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #STORAGETYPE=FS

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DISKGROUPNAME # Datatype : String # Description : Specifies the disk group name for the storage # Default value : DATA # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #DISKGROUPNAME=DATA

#—————————————————————————– # Name : ASMSNMP_PASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : Password for ASM Monitoring # Default value : None # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #ASMSNMP_PASSWORD=""

#—————————————————————————– # Name : RECOVERYGROUPNAME # Datatype : String # Description : Specifies the disk group name for the recovery area # Default value : RECOVERY # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #RECOVERYGROUPNAME=RECOVERY

#—————————————————————————– # Name : CHARACTERSET # Datatype : String # Description : Character set of the database # Valid values : Check Oracle11g National Language Support Guide # Default value : "US7ASCII" # Mandatory : NO #—————————————————————————– CHARACTERSET = "AL32UTF8"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : NATIONALCHARACTERSET # Datatype : String # Description : National Character set of the database # Valid values : "UTF8" or "AL16UTF16". For details, check Oracle11g National Language Support Guide # Default value : "AL16UTF16" # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– NATIONALCHARACTERSET= "UTF8"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : REGISTERWITHDIRSERVICE # Datatype : Boolean # Description : Specifies whether to register with Directory Service. # Valid values : TRUE FALSE # Default value : FALSE # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #REGISTERWITHDIRSERVICE= TRUE

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DIRSERVICEUSERNAME # Datatype : String # Description : Specifies the name of the directory service user # Mandatory : YES, if the value of registerWithDirService is TRUE #—————————————————————————– #DIRSERVICEUSERNAME= "name"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DIRSERVICEPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : The password of the directory service user. # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here. # Mandatory : YES, if the value of registerWithDirService is TRUE #—————————————————————————– #DIRSERVICEPASSWORD= "password"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : WALLETPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : The password for wallet to created or modified. # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here. # Mandatory : YES, if the value of registerWithDirService is TRUE #—————————————————————————– #WALLETPASSWORD= "password"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : LISTENERS # Datatype : String # Description : Specifies list of listeners to register the database with. # By default the database is configured for all the listeners specified in the # $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora # Valid values : The list should be space separated names like "listener1 listener2". # Mandatory : NO #—————————————————————————– #LISTENERS = "listener1 listener2"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : VARIABLESFILE # Datatype : String # Description : Location of the file containing variable value pair # Valid values : A valid file-system file. The variable value pair format in this file # is =. Each pair should be in a new line. # Default value : None # Mandatory : NO #—————————————————————————– #VARIABLESFILE =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : VARIABLES # Datatype : String # Description : comma separated list of name=value pairs. Overrides variables defined in variablefile and templates # Default value : None # Mandatory : NO #—————————————————————————– #VARIABLES =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : INITPARAMS # Datatype : String # Description : comma separated list of name=value pairs. Overrides initialization parameters defined in templates # Default value : None # Mandatory : NO #—————————————————————————– #INITPARAMS =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : MEMORYPERCENTAGE # Datatype : String # Description : percentage of physical memory for Oracle # Default value : None # Mandatory : NO #—————————————————————————– #MEMORYPERCENTAGE = "40"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DATABASETYPE # Datatype : String # Description : used for memory distribution when MEMORYPERCENTAGE specified # Valid values : MULTIPURPOSE|DATA_WAREHOUSING|OLTP # Default value : MULTIPURPOSE # Mandatory : NO #—————————————————————————– #DATABASETYPE = "MULTIPURPOSE"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : AUTOMATICMEMORYMANAGEMENT # Datatype : Boolean # Description : flag to indicate Automatic Memory Management is used # Valid values : TRUE/FALSE # Default value : TRUE # Mandatory : NO #—————————————————————————– #AUTOMATICMEMORYMANAGEMENT = "TRUE"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : TOTALMEMORY # Datatype : String # Description : total memory in MB to allocate to Oracle # Valid values : # Default value : # Mandatory : NO #—————————————————————————– #TOTALMEMORY = "800"

#———————–*** End of CREATEDATABASE section ***————————

#—————————————————————————– # createTemplateFromDB section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "createTemplateFromDB". #—————————————————————————– [createTemplateFromDB] #—————————————————————————– # Name : SOURCEDB # Datatype : String # Description : The source database from which to create the template # Valid values : The format is :: # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES #—————————————————————————– SOURCEDB = "myhost:1521:orcl"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSDBAUSERNAME # Datatype : String # Description : A user with DBA role. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES #—————————————————————————– SYSDBAUSERNAME = "system"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSDBAPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : The password of the DBA user. # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES #—————————————————————————– #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : TEMPLATENAME # Datatype : String # Description : Name for the new template. # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes #—————————————————————————– TEMPLATENAME = "My Copy TEMPLATE"

#———————–*** End of createTemplateFromDB section ***————————

#—————————————————————————– # createCloneTemplate section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "createCloneTemplate". #—————————————————————————– [createCloneTemplate] #—————————————————————————– # Name : SOURCEDB # Datatype : String # Description : The source database is the SID from which to create the template. # This database must be local and on the same ORACLE_HOME. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES #—————————————————————————– SOURCEDB = "orcl"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSDBAUSERNAME # Datatype : String # Description : A user with DBA role. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES, if no OS authentication #—————————————————————————– #SYSDBAUSERNAME = "sys"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSDBAPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : The password of the DBA user. # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES #—————————————————————————– #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : TEMPLATENAME # Datatype : String # Description : Name for the new template. # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes #—————————————————————————– TEMPLATENAME = "My Clone TEMPLATE"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DATAFILEJARLOCATION # Datatype : String # Description : Location of the data file jar # Valid values : Directory where the new compressed datafile jar will be placed # Default value : $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates # Mandatory : NO #—————————————————————————– #DATAFILEJARLOCATION =

#———————–*** End of createCloneTemplate section ***————————

#—————————————————————————– # DELETEDATABASE section is used when DELETE_TYPE is defined as "deleteDatabase". #—————————————————————————– [DELETEDATABASE] #—————————————————————————– # Name : SOURCEDB # Datatype : String # Description : The source database is the SID # This database must be local and on the same ORACLE_HOME. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES #—————————————————————————– SOURCEDB = "orcl"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSDBAUSERNAME # Datatype : String # Description : A user with DBA role. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES, if no OS authentication #—————————————————————————– #SYSDBAUSERNAME = "sys"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSDBAPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : The password of the DBA user. # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES, if no OS authentication #—————————————————————————– #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password" #———————–*** End of deleteDatabase section ***————————

#—————————————————————————– # GENERATESCRIPTS section #—————————————————————————– [generateScripts] #—————————————————————————– # Name : TEMPLATENAME # Datatype : String # Description : Name of the template # Valid values : Template name as seen in DBCA # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes #—————————————————————————– TEMPLATENAME = "New Database"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : GDBNAME # Datatype : String # Description : Global database name of the database # Valid values : . – when database domain isn't NULL # – when database domain is NULL # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes #—————————————————————————– #全局数据库的免费精选名字大全=SID+主机域名 GDBNAME = "ORCL.Admin-PC"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SCRIPTDESTINATION # Datatype : String # Description : Location of the scripts # Valid values : Directory for all the scripts # Default value : None # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #SCRIPTDESTINATION =

#———————–*** End of deleteDatabase section ***————————

#—————————————————————————– # CONFIGUREDATABASE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "configureDatabase". #—————————————————————————– [CONFIGUREDATABASE]

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SOURCEDB # Datatype : String # Description : The source database is the SID # This database must be local and on the same ORACLE_HOME. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES #—————————————————————————– #SOURCEDB = "orcl"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSDBAUSERNAME # Datatype : String # Description : A user with DBA role. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES, if no OS authentication #—————————————————————————– #SYSDBAUSERNAME = "sys"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSDBAPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : The password of the DBA user. # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES, if no OS authentication #—————————————————————————– #SYSDBAPASSWORD =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : REGISTERWITHDIRSERVICE # Datatype : Boolean # Description : Specifies whether to register with Directory Service. # Valid values : TRUE FALSE # Default value : FALSE # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #REGISTERWITHDIRSERVICE= TRUE

#—————————————————————————– # Name : UNREGISTERWITHDIRSERVICE # Datatype : Boolean # Description : Specifies whether to unregister with Directory Service. # Valid values : TRUE FALSE # Default value : FALSE # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #UNREGISTERWITHDIRSERVICE= TRUE

#—————————————————————————– # Name : REGENERATEDBPASSWORD # Datatype : Boolean # Description : Specifies whether regenerate database password in OID/Wallet # Valid values : TRUE FALSE # Default value : FALSE # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #REGENERATEDBPASSWORD= TRUE

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DIRSERVICEUSERNAME # Datatype : String # Description : Specifies the name of the directory service user # Mandatory : YES, if the any of the reg/unreg/regenPasswd options specified #—————————————————————————– #DIRSERVICEUSERNAME= "name"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DIRSERVICEPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : The password of the directory service user. # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here. # Mandatory : YES, if the any of the reg/unreg/regenPasswd options specified #—————————————————————————– #DIRSERVICEPASSWORD= "password"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : WALLETPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : The password for wallet to created or modified. # You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here. # Mandatory : YES, if the any of the reg/unreg/regenPasswd options specified #—————————————————————————– #WALLETPASSWORD= "password"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DISABLESECURITYCONFIGURATION # Datatype : String # Description : Database Security Settings # Valid values : ALL|NONE|AUDIT|PASSWORD_PROFILE # Default value : NONE # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #DISABLESECURITYCONFIGURATION = "NONE"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : ENABLESECURITYCONFIGURATION # Datatype : String # Description : Database Security Settings # Valid values : true|false # Default value : true # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #ENABLESECURITYCONFIGURATION = "true"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : EMCONFIGURATION # Datatype : String # Description : Enterprise Manager Configuration Type # Valid values : CENTRAL|LOCAL|ALL|NOBACKUP|NOEMAIL|NONE # Default value : NONE # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #EMCONFIGURATION = "NONE"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSMANPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : Password for SYSMAN user # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if LOCAL specified for EMCONFIGURATION #—————————————————————————– #SYSMANPASSWORD = "password"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DBSNMPPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : Password for DBSNMP user # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if EMCONFIGURATION is specified #—————————————————————————– #DBSNMPPASSWORD = "password"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : CENTRALAGENT # Datatype : String # Description : Grid Control Central Agent Oracle Home # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if CENTRAL is specified for EMCONFIGURATION #—————————————————————————– #CENTRALAGENT =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : HOSTUSERNAME # Datatype : String # Description : Host user name for EM backup job # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION #—————————————————————————– #HOSTUSERNAME =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : HOSTUSERPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : Host user password for EM backup job # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION #—————————————————————————– #HOSTUSERPASSWORD=

#—————————————————————————– # Name : BACKUPSCHEDULE # Datatype : String # Description : Daily backup schedule in the form of hh:mm # Default value : 2:00 # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOEMAIL are specified for EMCONFIGURATION #—————————————————————————– #BACKUPSCHEDULE=

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SMTPSERVER # Datatype : String # Description : Outgoing mail (SMTP) server for email notifications # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOBACKUP are specified for EMCONFIGURATION #—————————————————————————– #SMTPSERVER =

#—————————————————————————– # Name : EMAILADDRESS # Datatype : String # Description : Email address for email notifications # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes, if ALL or NOBACKUP are specified for EMCONFIGURATION #—————————————————————————– #EMAILADDRESS =

#———————–*** End of CONFIGUREDATABASE section ***————————

#—————————————————————————– # ADDINSTANCE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "addInstance". #—————————————————————————– [ADDINSTANCE]

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DB_UNIQUE_NAME # Datatype : String # Description : DB Unique Name of the RAC database # Valid values : # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes #—————————————————————————– DB_UNIQUE_NAME = "orcl11g.us.oracle.com"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : INSTANCENAME # Datatype : String # Description : RAC instance name to be added # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide # Default value : + # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #INSTANCENAME = "orcl1"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : NODELIST # Datatype : String # Description : Node on which to add new instance # (in 10gR2, instance addition is supported on 1 node at a time) # Valid values : Cluster node name # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes #—————————————————————————– NODELIST=

#—————————————————————————– # Name : OBFUSCATEDPASSWORDS # Datatype : Boolean # Description : Set to true if passwords are encrypted # Valid values : TRUEFALSE # Default value : FALSE # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #OBFUSCATEDPASSWORDS = FALSE

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSDBAUSERNAME # Datatype : String # Description : A user with DBA role. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES #—————————————————————————– SYSDBAUSERNAME = "sys"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSDBAPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : The password of the DBA user. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES #—————————————————————————– #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"

#———————–*** End of ADDINSTANCE section ***————————

#—————————————————————————– # DELETEINSTANCE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "deleteInstance". #—————————————————————————– [DELETEINSTANCE]

#—————————————————————————– # Name : DB_UNIQUE_NAME # Datatype : String # Description : DB Unique Name of the RAC database # Valid values : # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes #—————————————————————————– DB_UNIQUE_NAME = "orcl11g.us.oracle.com"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : INSTANCENAME # Datatype : String # Description : RAC instance name to be deleted # Valid values : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide # Default value : None # Mandatory : Yes #—————————————————————————– INSTANCENAME = "orcl11g"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : NODELIST # Datatype : String # Description : Node on which instance to be deleted (SID) is located # Valid values : Cluster node name # Default value : None # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #NODELIST=

#—————————————————————————– # Name : OBFUSCATEDPASSWORDS # Datatype : Boolean # Description : Set to true if passwords are encrypted # Valid values : TRUEFALSE # Default value : FALSE # Mandatory : No #—————————————————————————– #OBFUSCATEDPASSWORDS = FALSE

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSDBAUSERNAME # Datatype : String # Description : A user with DBA role. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES #—————————————————————————– SYSDBAUSERNAME = "sys"

#—————————————————————————– # Name : SYSDBAPASSWORD # Datatype : String # Description : The password of the DBA user. # Default value : none # Mandatory : YES #—————————————————————————– #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"

#———————–*** End of DELETEINSTANCE section ***————————





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下一篇 2021年9月13日
