
记录一下,免得以后忘记了又要到处去找。 begin /*这里不能直接执行select语句但可以直接执行update、delete、insert语句*/ end里面不能接执行select语句,声明会话级临时表必须有“execute immediate 'TRUNCATE TABLE 表名';”这一句不 …


begin /*这里不能直接执行select语句但可以直接执行update、delete、insert语句*/ end里面不能接执行select语句,声明会话级临时表必须有“execute immediate 'truncate table 表名';”这一句不然其他的session无法drop(truncate table 表名 必须在 ‘drop table 表名’ 这一句前执行)

  create or replace procedure p_devdata(p_id in varchar2(150),pageindex in number,pagecount in number,totalcount in number,p_cur out sys_refcursor)   authid current_user  as  begin   declare   num_id number;   tocount number;   strsql varchar2(1000);   begin   strsql:='insert into temp_robot_id select id,robot_typeid from robot where id=:p_id and is_del=0 and status=1';   execute immediate 'truncate table temp_robot_id';   execute immediate 'drop table temp_robot_id';   execute immediate 'create global temporary table temp_robot_id(ro_id varchar2(150),robot_typeid number)on commit preserve rows';--创建会话级临时表  execute immediate strsql using p_id;   execute immediate 'commit';   execute immediate 'truncate table temp_dev_table';   execute immediate 'drop table temp_dev_table ';   execute immediate 'create global temporary table temp_dev_table (id varchar2(150),device_code varchar2(150),name varchar2(150))on commit preserve rows';--创建会话级临时表  execute immediate 'insert into temp_dev_table select distinct bai.id,bai.device_code,bai.name from device_base_info bai where bai.robot_id =(select ro_id from temp_robot_id) and is_del=0 and status=1';   execute immediate 'commit';   execute immediate 'truncate table temp_dev_data_table';   execute immediate 'drop table temp_dev_data_table ';   execute immediate ' create global temporary table temp_dev_data_table (id varchar2(150),device_code varchar2(150),   name varchar2(150),type_name varchar2(100),yy_num varchar2(10),mm_num varchar2(10),day_num varchar2(10),   hh_num varchar2(10) )on commit preserve rows';--创建会话级临时表  select count(1) into tocount from temp_robot_id;   if tocount>0 then   select robot_typeid into num_id from temp_robot_id;   if num_id=1 then   dbms_output.put_line('视频没有数据');  elsif num_id=2 then   dbms_output.put_line('井盖数据不通');  elsif num_id=3 then   execute immediate 'truncate table temp_smoke_alarm_info';   execute immediate 'drop table temp_smoke_alarm_info ';   execute immediate 'create global temporary table temp_smoke_alarm_info on commit preserve rows as select * from smoke_alarm_info';--创建会话级临时表  execute immediate 'commit';   insert into temp_dev_data_table select t.id,t.device_code,t.name,t.type_name,t.yy_num,t.mm_num,t.day_num,t.hh_num from (   select tab.id,tab.name,tab.device_code,'烟感报警'as type_name,   (select count(s.device_base_infoid) hh_num from temp_smoke_alarm_info s where s.device_base_infoid=tab.id   group by to_char(s.create_date,'yyyy'),s.device_base_infoid) as yy_num   from temp_dev_table tab)t where t.yy_num is not null;   commit;   elsif num_id=4 then   dbms_output.put_line('未知类型');  elsif num_id=5 then   dbms_output.put_line('未知类型');  else   dbms_output.put_line('未知类型');  end if;   end if;    end;   if totalcount<=0 then    open p_cur for select * from (   select row_.*, rownum rownum_   from (   select t.* from temp_dev_data_table t   order by t.id desc   ) row_   where rownum <=case when pagecount <> 0 then pagecount*1 else rownum end /*每页显示多少条*页数*/   )  where rownum_>=case    when pagecount <> 0    then    /*(页数-1)=0 说明为第一页则(页数-1)*每页显示多少条否则(页数-1)*每页显示多少条+1*/   case when (pageindex-1)=0 then ((pageindex-1)*1) else (((pageindex-1)*pagecount)+1) end   else rownum_ end; /*(页数-1)*每页显示多少条+1*/   else   open p_cur for select count(1) as totalcount from temp_dev_data_table;   end if;  end p_devdata;







上一篇 2021年9月12日
下一篇 2021年9月12日
