
一、中标麒麟v10sp1在飞腾2000+系统安装略二、系统依赖包安装[root@ft2000db opt]# yum install bzip*[root@ft2000db opt]# nkvers#



  [root@ft2000db opt]# yum install bzip*  [root@ft2000db opt]# nkvers  ############## kylin linux version #################  release:  kylin linux advanced server release v10 (tercel)    kernel:  4.19.90-17.ky10.aarch64    build:  kylin linux advanced server  release v10 (sp1) /(tercel)-aarch64-build04/20200711  #################################################  [root@ft2000db opt] # yum install -y perl-extutils-embed  [root@ft2000db opt]# yum install -y flex  root@ft2000db opt]# yum install -y bison  root@ft2000db opt]# yum install -y readline-devel  root@ft2000db opt]# yum install -y zlib-devel  root@ft2000db opt]# yum install -y openssl-devel  root@ft2000db opt]# yum install -y pam-devel  root@ft2000db opt]# yum install -y libxml2-devel  root@ft2000db opt]# yum install -y libxslt-devel  root@ft2000db opt]# yum install -y openldap-devel  root@ft2000db opt]# yum install -y python-devel  root@ft2000db opt]# yum install -y gcc-c++  root@ft2000db opt]# yum install -y libssh2-devel


  [root@ft2000db opt]# wget https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v13.1/postgresql-13.1.tar.bz2  [root@ft2000db opt]# tar xjvf postgresql-13.1.tar.bz2  [root@ft2000db opt]# cd postgresql-13.1/  [root@ft2000db postgresql-13.1]# mkdir -p /opt/pgsql  [root@ft2000db postgresql-13.1]# ./configure --prefix=/opt/pgsql  ................................................................  configure: creating ./config.status  config.status: creating gnumakefile  config.status: creating src/makefile.global  config.status: creating src/include/pg_config.h  config.status: creating src/include/pg_config_ext.h  config.status: creating src/interfaces/ecpg/include/ecpg_config.h  config.status: linking src/backend/port/tas/dummy.s to src/backend/port/tas.s  config.status: linking src/backend/port/posix_sema.c to src/backend/port/pg_sema.c  config.status: linking src/backend/port/sysv_shmem.c to src/backend/port/pg_shmem.c  config.status: linking src/include/port/linux.h to src/include/pg_config_os.h  config.status: linking src/makefiles/makefile.linux to src/makefile.port

[root@ft2000db postgresql-13.1]# gmake //这里编译时间大约30分钟,如果失败一般都是系统依赖包原因,根据提示解决

  gmake[2]: 离开目录“/opt/postgresql-13.1/src/test/isolation”  gmake -c test/perl all  gmake[2]: 进入目录“/opt/postgresql-13.1/src/test/perl”  gmake[2]: 对“all”无需做任何事。  gmake[2]: 离开目录“/opt/postgresql-13.1/src/test/perl”  gmake[1]: 离开目录“/opt/postgresql-13.1/src”  gmake -c config all  gmake[1]: 进入目录“/opt/postgresql-13.1/config”  gmake[1]: 对“all”无需做任何事。  gmake[1]: 离开目录“/opt/postgresql-13.1/config”  all of postgresql successfully made. ready to install.    [root@ft2000db postgresql-13.1]#gmake install


  gmake[1]: 离开目录“/opt/postgresql-13.1/src”  gmake -c config install  gmake[1]: 进入目录“/opt/postgresql-13.1/config”  /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/opt/pgsql/lib/pgxs/config'  /usr/bin/install -c -m 755 ./install-sh '/opt/pgsql/lib/pgxs/config/install-sh'  /usr/bin/install -c -m 755 ./missing '/opt/pgsql/lib/pgxs/config/missing'  gmake[1]: 离开目录“/opt/postgresql-13.1/config”  postgresql installation complete.


  [root@ft2000db postgresql-13.1]# /opt/pgsql/bin/postgres --version  postgres (postgresql) 13.1


  [root@ft2000db postgresql-13.1]# groupadd -g 1002 postgres  [root@ft2000db postgresql-13.1]# useradd -g 1002 -u 1002 postgres  [root@ft2000db postgresql-13.1]# passwd postgres  [root@ft2000db postgresql-13.1]# chown -r postgres:postgres /opt/  [root@ft2000db postgresql-13.1]# chmod -r 775 /opt/


  [postgres@ft2000db ~]$ cat .bash_profile  # source /root/.bashrc if user has one  [ -f ~/.bashrc ] && . ~/.bashrc    # user specific environment and startup programs    path=$path:$home/.local/bin:$home/bin    export path    path=/opt/pgsql/bin:$path  export path  ld_library_path=/opt/pgsql/lib  export ld_library_path


  [postgres@ft2000db ~]$ mkdir -p /opt/pgsql/data  [postgres@ft2000db ~]$ initdb -d /opt/pgsql/data  the files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".  this user must also own the server process.    the database cluster will be initialized with locale "zh_cn.utf-8".  the default database encoding has accordingly been set to "utf8".  initdb: could not find suitable text search configuration for locale "zh_cn.utf-8"  the default text search configuration will be set to "simple".    data page checksums are disabled.    fixing permissions on existing directory /opt/pgsql/data ... ok  creating subdirectories ... ok  selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix  selecting default max_connections ... 100  selecting default shared_buffers ... 128mb  selecting default time zone ... asia/shanghai  creating configuration files ... ok  running bootstrap script ... ok  performing post-bootstrap initialization ... ok  syncing data to disk ... ok    initdb: warning: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections  you can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the option -a, or  --auth-local and --auth-host, the next time you run initdb.    success. you can now start the database server using:    pg_ctl -d /opt/pgsql/data -l logfile start


  [postgres@ft2000db ~]$ pg_ctl -d /opt/pgsql/data start  waiting for server to start....2020-11-20 16:01:05.881 cst [34826] log: starting postgresql 13.1 on aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (gcc) 7.3.0, 64-bit  2020-11-20 16:01:05.882 cst [34826] log: listening on ipv6 address "::1", port 5432  2020-11-20 16:01:05.882 cst [34826] log: listening on ipv4 address "", port 5432  2020-11-20 16:01:05.882 cst [34826] log: listening on unix socket "/tmp/.s.pgsql.5432"  2020-11-20 16:01:05.884 cst [34827] log: database system was shut down at 2020-11-20 16:00:27 cst  2020-11-20 16:01:05.887 cst [34826] log: database system is ready to accept connections  done  server started


  [postgres@ft2000db ~]$ psql -p 5432  psql (13.1)  type "help" for help.    postgres=#







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