数据库教程:SQL Server Alwayson 主从数据库账号同步

我们建立了Alwayson后,辅助副本下的数据库是没有相应的账号的,怎么样进行账号的同步呢?怎么在不知道密码的情况下,进行账号的同步设置。 我们可以通过SP–sp_help_revlogin 来实现,此存储过程在主副本上创建了,在执行的时候直接数据你需要同步的账号就会生成创建的SQL命令。 我们将 …



我们可以通过sp–sp_help_revlogin 来实现,此存储过程在主副本上创建了,在执行的时候直接数据你需要同步的账号就会生成创建的sql命令。

我们将这个sql 命令 copy至辅助副本上去执行,然后辅助副本上关于这个账号就生效了。



sp– sp_help_revlogin的完整代码如下(需先创建sp_hexadecimal,代码随后)

use [master]  go  /****** object:  storedprocedure [dbo].[sp_help_revlogin]    script date: 2016/12/9 16:21:57 ******/  set ansi_nulls on  go  set quoted_identifier on  go  create procedure [dbo].[sp_help_revlogin] @login_name sysname = null as  declare @name sysname  declare @type varchar (1)  declare @hasaccess int  declare @denylogin int  declare @is_disabled int  declare @pwd_varbinary  varbinary (256)  declare @pwd_string  varchar (514)  declare @sid_varbinary varbinary (85)  declare @sid_string varchar (514)  declare @tmpstr  varchar (1024)  declare @is_policy_checked varchar (3)  declare @is_expiration_checked varchar (3)    declare @defaultdb sysname     if (@login_name is null)    declare login_curs cursor for          select p.sid, p.name, p.type, p.is_disabled, p.default_database_name, l.hasaccess, l.denylogin from   sys.server_principals p left join sys.syslogins l        on ( l.name = p.name ) where p.type in ( 's', 'g', 'u' ) and p.name <> 'sa'  else    declare login_curs cursor for            select p.sid, p.name, p.type, p.is_disabled, p.default_database_name, l.hasaccess, l.denylogin from   sys.server_principals p left join sys.syslogins l        on ( l.name = p.name ) where p.type in ( 's', 'g', 'u' ) and p.name = @login_name  open login_curs    fetch next from login_curs into @sid_varbinary, @name, @type, @is_disabled, @defaultdb, @hasaccess, @denylogin  if (@@fetch_status = -1)  begin    print 'no login(s) found.'    close login_curs    deallocate login_curs    return -1  end  set @tmpstr = '/* sp_help_revlogin script '  print @tmpstr  set @tmpstr = '** generated ' + convert (varchar, getdate()) + ' on ' + @@servername + ' */'  print @tmpstr  print ''  while (@@fetch_status <> -1)  begin    if (@@fetch_status <> -2)    begin      print ''      set @tmpstr = '-- login: ' + @name      print @tmpstr      if (@type in ( 'g', 'u'))      begin -- nt authenticated account/group          set @tmpstr = 'create login ' + quotename( @name ) + ' from windows with default_database = [' + @defaultdb + ']'      end      else begin -- sql server authentication          -- obtain password and sid              set @pwd_varbinary = cast( loginproperty( @name, 'passwordhash' ) as varbinary (256) )          exec sp_hexadecimal @pwd_varbinary, @pwd_string out          exec sp_hexadecimal @sid_varbinary,@sid_string out             -- obtain password policy state          select @is_policy_checked = case is_policy_checked when 1 then 'on' when 0 then 'off' else null end from sys.sql_logins where name = @name          select @is_expiration_checked = case is_expiration_checked when 1 then 'on' when 0 then 'off' else null end from sys.sql_logins where name = @name                 set @tmpstr = 'create login ' + quotename( @name ) + ' with password = ' + @pwd_string + ' hashed, sid = ' + @sid_string + ', default_database = [' + @defaultdb + ']'            if ( @is_policy_checked is not null )          begin            set @tmpstr = @tmpstr + ', check_policy = ' + @is_policy_checked          end          if ( @is_expiration_checked is not null )          begin            set @tmpstr = @tmpstr + ', check_expiration = ' + @is_expiration_checked          end      end      if (@denylogin = 1)      begin -- login is denied access        set @tmpstr = @tmpstr + '; deny connect sql to ' + quotename( @name )      end      else if (@hasaccess = 0)      begin -- login exists but does not have access        set @tmpstr = @tmpstr + '; revoke connect sql to ' + quotename( @name )      end      if (@is_disabled = 1)      begin -- login is disabled        set @tmpstr = @tmpstr + '; alter login ' + quotename( @name ) + ' disable'      end      print @tmpstr    end      fetch next from login_curs into @sid_varbinary, @name, @type, @is_disabled, @defaultdb, @hasaccess, @denylogin     end  close login_curs  deallocate login_curs  return 0  


注意其上的sp在代码中会包含sp –sp_hexadecimal,需要先创建

use [master]  go    /****** object:  storedprocedure [dbo].[sp_hexadecimal]    script date: 2016/12/9 16:11:25 ******/  set ansi_nulls on  go    set quoted_identifier on  go    create procedure [dbo].[sp_hexadecimal]      @binvalue varbinary(256),      @hexvalue varchar (514) output  as  declare @charvalue varchar (514)  declare @i int  declare @length int  declare @hexstring char(16)  select @charvalue = '0x'  select @i = 1  select @length = datalength (@binvalue)  select @hexstring = '0123456789abcdef'  while (@i <= @length)  begin    declare @tempint int    declare @firstint int    declare @secondint int    select @tempint = convert(int, substring(@binvalue,@i,1))    select @firstint = floor(@tempint/16)    select @secondint = @tempint - (@firstint*16)    select @charvalue = @charvalue +      substring(@hexstring, @firstint+1, 1) +      substring(@hexstring, @secondint+1, 1)    select @i = @i + 1  end    select @hexvalue = @charvalue    go  


需要了解更多数据库技术:SQL Server Alwayson 主从数据库账号同步,都可以关注数据库技术分享栏目—计算机技术网(www.ctvol.com)!




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