
plsql中的sql语句 ## select into 语句:用于把从中查询出的内容存入变量 declare v_hire_date employees.hire_date%type


## select into 语句:用于把从中查询出的内容存入变量

  declare       v_hire_date employees.hire_date%type;      v_salary empployees.salary%type;  begin      select hire_date,salary      into v_hire_date,v_salary      from employees      where department_id = 100;      ...  end;  
  set serveroutput on  declare      v_sum_sal number(10,2);      v_deptno number not null := 60;  begin      select sum(salary) --group function      into v_sum_sal      from employees      where department_id = v_deptno;      dbms_output.put_line('the sum salary is ' || to_char(v_sum_sal));  end;

注意:该语句支持单行的查询结果,如果where条件控制的不好,导致多行查询结果,则会引发to manay rows的例外

## insert,update,delete,merge语句:在plsql中执行这些语句和直接执行这些语句差不多,只不过可以在sql语句中使用plsqls声明变量。

  begin      insert into employees      (employee_id, first_name, last_name, email,         hire_date, job_id, salary)      values      ((employees_seq.nextval, 'ruth', 'cores', 'rcores',sysdate, 'ad_asst', 4000)  end;
  declare      v_sal_increase employees.salary%type;  begin      update employees      set salary = salary + v_sal_increase;      where job_id = 'st_clerk';  end;
  declare       v_deptno  employees.department_id%type := 10;  begin      delete from employees      where department_id = v_ deptno;  end;
  declare        v_empno employees.employee_id%type := 100;   begin   merge into copy_emp c        using employees e        on (e.employee_id = v_empno)      when matched then        update set c.first_name = e.first_name,                    c.last_name  = e.last_name,              c.email = e.email,             ...  when not matched then        insert values(e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.last_name,..., e.department_id);   end;




  if condition then      statements;  [elsif condition then      statements;]  [else       statements;]      end if;    
  case selector      when expression1 then result1;      when expression2 then result2;      ...      when expressionn then resultn;      [else resultn + 1]  end;    

### 循环语句的语法与其他语言类似:有基本循环、for循环、wihle循环三种 :

  loop      statement1;      ...      exit [when condition];  end loop    
  while condition loop      statement1;      statement1;      ...  end loop
  for counter in [reverse] lower_bound .. upper_bound loop      statement1;      statement2;      ...  end loop;


  declare       v_country_id    locations.country_id%type := 'ca';   v_location_id   locations.location_id%type;         v_city          locations.city%type := 'montreal';  begin      select max(location_id) into v_location_id      from locations      where country_id = v_country_id;      for i in 1 .. 3 loop          insert into locations(location_id, city, country_id)        values((v_location_id + i), v_city, v_country_id );       end loop;  end;


  ...  begin      <>      loop           v_counter := v_counter+1;           exit when v_counter > 10;          <>          loop               ...              exit outer_loop when total_done = 'yes';              -- leave both loops              exit when inner_done = 'yes';              --  leave inner loop only               ...          end loop inner_loop;           ...      end loop outer_loop;  end;  ...

## plsql中的复杂自定义数据类型


plsql中常用的自定义类型就两种: 记录类型、plsql内存表类型(根据表中的数据字段的简单和复杂 程度又可分别实现类似于简单数组和记录数组的功能)


  type emp_record_type is record      (last_name   varchar2(25),        job_id      varchar2(10),             salary      number(8,2));  emp_record emp_record_type;      

%rowtype属性:在plsql中 %rowtype 表示某张表的记录类型或者是用户指定以的记录类型,使用此属性可以很方便的定义一个变量,其类型与某张表的记录或者自定义的记录类型保持一致。极大的方便了select * into ….的语句使用。

  declare       emp_rec employees%rowtype  begin      select * into emp_rec      from employees      where employee_id = &employee_number;        insert into retired_emps(empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate,                                leavedate, sal, comm, deptno) ;      values (emp_rec.employee_id, emp_rec.last_name, emp_rec.job_id,          emp_rec.manager_id, emp_rec.hire_date, sysdate,                  emp_rec.salary, emp_rec.commission_pct,      emp_rec.department_id);       commit;  end;

plsql内存表即index by table ,这种结构类似于数组,使用主键提供类似于数组那样的元素访问。这种类必须包含两个部分:

使用binary integerl类型构成的索引主键; 另外一个简单类型 或者用户自定义类型的字段作为具体的数组元素。 这种类型可以自动增长,所以也类似于可变长数组。

  ...  type ename_table_type is table of employees.last_name%type      index by binary_integer;  ename_table ename_table_type;      ...



  declare       type ename_table_type is table of employees.last_name%type          index by binary_integer;      type hiredate_table type is table of date          index by binary_integer;      ename_table ename_table_type;      hiredate_table hiredate_table_type;  begin      ename_table(1) := 'cameron';      hiredate_table := sysdate + 7;          if ename_table.exists(1) then              insert into ...          ...  end;

备注:对plsql内存表中某个元素的访问类似于数组,可以使用下表,因为binary_integer这种数据类型 的值在-2147483647 … 2147483647范围内,所以下表也可以在这个范围内。




  declare      type emp_table_type is table of employees%rowtype          index by binary_integer;      my_emp_table emp_table_type;      v_count number(3) := 104;  begin      for i in 100 .. v_count      loop          select *          into my_emp_table(i)          from employees          where employee_id = i;      end loop;      for i in my_emp_table.first .. my_emp_table.last      loop          dbms_output.put_line(my_emp_table(i).last_name);      end loop;  end;




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