






  • 首先,我们在pl/sql代码块的declaration部分指定 "p_search_text" –>要搜索的常量文本。
  • 在最下面一行,我们指定schema name为一个常量。
  • 在下一行中,我们指定了table name。
  • 当我们把table name字段传递为空时,我们搜索该模式中的所有表。
  • 如果我们把table name传满,我们应该注意该模式中的表。否则,我们的搜索将找不到任何记录。

如上所述输入我们的定义后,我们可以通过oracle sql developer或toad运行下面的pl/sql块。


declare      p_search_text      constant varchar2 (1000) := 'sample search write';      p_schema_name      constant varchar2 (1000) := 'sample schema name';       p_table_name       constant varchar2 (1000) := 'sample table name';-- null (if full will work, give the table name null)        type r_column_data is record      (          column_name    sys.dba_tab_columns.column_name%type      );        type tr_column_data is table of r_column_data          index by pls_integer;        ltr_column_data             tr_column_data;        type tr_table is table of varchar2 (200)          index by pls_integer;        l_sql                       varchar2 (1000);      l_count                     number;      ltr_table                   tr_table;      l_found                     number := 0;      l_column_name               varchar2 (100);  begin        select table_name          bulk collect into ltr_table          from dba_tables         where     owner = p_schema_name               and table_name like '' || p_table_name || '' || '%'               and rownum <= 19999      order by 1;        dbms_application_info.set_module ('pv_finder', null);        for i in 1 .. ltr_table.count      loop          dbms_application_info.set_client_info (              i || '/' || ltr_table.count || ' -> ' || ltr_table (i));              select col.column_name              bulk collect into ltr_column_data              from sys.dba_tab_columns col                   inner join sys.dba_tables t                       on col.owner = t.owner and col.table_name = t.table_name             where col.table_name = ltr_table (i) and col.data_type = 'varchar2'          order by col.column_id;            for j in 1 .. ltr_column_data.count          loop              dbms_application_info.set_client_info (                     j                  || '/'                  || ltr_column_data.count                  || ' -> '                  || ltr_column_data (j).column_name);                l_sql :=                     'select /*+ parallel (a 8)*/ count(1) from '                  || p_schema_name                  || '.'                  || ltr_table (i)                  || ' a where '                  || ltr_column_data (j).column_name                  || ' ='''                  || p_search_text                  || '''';                execute immediate l_sql into l_count;                if l_count > 0              then                  if l_found = 0                  then                      dbms_output.put_line (                          'search keyword: ' || p_search_text);                      dbms_output.put_line (                          '-------------------------------------------');                  end if;                    dbms_output.put_line ('table name found : '||ltr_table (i) );                  dbms_output.put_line ('column name found : ' || ltr_column_data (j).column_name);                  dbms_output.put_line ('count : ' || l_count);                  dbms_output.put_line ('sql name : ' || l_sql);                  dbms_output.put_line ('*****');                    l_found := l_found + 1;              end if;          end loop;      end loop;        dbms_application_info.set_module (null, null);      dbms_application_info.set_client_info (null);      dbms_output.put_line ('-------------------------------------------');      dbms_output.put_line ('total number of tables searched : ' || ltr_table.count);      dbms_output.put_line ('total number of tables found : ' || l_found);  end;    /*select module,client_info from v$session where module like '%pv_finder%'*/


  • 如果我们搜索的关键词/文本在相关的表中找到了,找到的表的名称和找到的列的名称,数量,以及查询信息都会被写出来。
  • 在底部是一般的总信息。我们可以看到搜索到的表的总数以及这些表中有多少被找到。
search keyword: sample search keyword  -------------------------------------------  table name found : table - 1  column name found : column name   count : 4  sql name : select /*+ parallel (a 8)*/ count(1) from schema_name.table-1 a where table-1.column ='sample search keyword'  *****  table name found : table - 2  column name found : column name   count : 2  sql name : select /*+ parallel (a 8)*/ count(1) from schema_name.table-2 a where table-1.column ='sample search keyword'  *****  table name found : table - 3  column name found : column name   count : 2  sql name : select /*+ parallel (a 8)*/ count(1) from schema_name.table-3 a where table-1.column ='sample search keyword'  *****  table name found : table - 4  column name found : column name   count : 2  sql name : select /*+ parallel (a 8)*/ count(1) from schema_name.table-4 a where table-1.column ='sample search keyword'  *****  -------------------------------------------  total number of tables searched : 72  total number of tables found : 4

oracle, plsql, oracle数据库, oracle表, 关键字搜索







上一篇 2022年6月14日
下一篇 2022年6月14日
