Csharp/C#教程:在SELECT IN中使用Oracle参数的问题分享

在SELECT IN中使用Oracle参数的问题


SELECT * FROM tablename a WHERE a.flokkurid IN (3857,3858,3863,3285) ORDER BY sjodategund, rodun 


  SELECT * FROM tablename a WHERE a.flokkurid IN (:strManyNumbers) ORDER BY sjodategund, rodun 


 using (OracleCommand sel = new OracleCommand(SQL, connectionstring)) { sel.Parameters.Add(":strManyNumbers", OracleDbType.Varchar2, "Client", ParameterDirection.Input); } 







为查询创建参数时,将其声明为关联的PL / SQL数组:

 OracleParameter param1 = new OracleParameter(); param1.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Int32; param1.CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray; 


 param1 = new int[] { 3857, 3858, 3863, 3285 }; 


 SELECT * FROM tablename a where a.flokkurid in (TABLE(CAST(:manyNumbers AS number_table))) order by sjodategund, rodun 

不是参数的工作原理。 您不能将“set”指定为参数,您必须在字符串中组装SQL查询。 并注意SQL注入 。



Codo的答案对Oracle来说非常有趣。 我现在无法测试它,但它肯定看起来很有希望。

这里有一个非常相似的问题: OracleParameter和IN Clause ,正如@DCookie所指出的那样。 它不是完全重复的,因为当数组中项的类型发生更改时,SQL强制转换也会发生变化。

 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE IH_FORMS_TRIAL.STRING_TO_TABLE IS type grs_list_row is record ( varchar_list varchar2(512), int_list number, date_list date ); type grs_list_tab is table of grs_list_row; FUNCTION ft_string_to_table(av2_list varchar2, av2_delimiter varchar2 := ',', av2_list_type varchar2 := 'V', av2_date_mask varchar2 := 'DD-MON-YY') return grs_list_tab PIPELINED; END STRING_TO_TABLE; / CREATE OR REPLACE package body IH_FORMS_TRIAL.STRING_TO_TABLE IS FUNCTION ft_string_to_table(av2_list varchar2, av2_delimiter varchar2 := ',', av2_list_type varchar2 := 'V', av2_date_mask varchar2 := 'DD-MON-YY') return grs_list_tab PIPELINED IS /********************************************************************************************************** https://www.oracle.com/technology/sample_code/tech/pl_sql/htdocs/x/Table_Functions_Cursor_Expressions/Pipelined_Table_Functions.htm https://www.akadia.com/services/ora_pipe_functions.html PIPLELINED TABLE FUNCTION PURPOSE - ------------------ This function takes a string as input and returns a table. The table that is returned will normally be used in an SQL "IN" clause ===================================================================================== ARGUMENTS ------------------ av2_list - this is a comma delimited list of values that will be converted into single rows of a table av2_delimiter - this is a character value and should only be one character long. It is the delimiter that is between valid values in the av2_list The default value is a comma ',' av2_list_type - This function can return various types of lists or tables For this parameter A value of 'V' will return a table of varchar2 A value of 'I' will return a table of integers A value of 'D' will return a table of dates av2_date_mask - This is required if the value of av2_list_type is 'D' for date The date mask will be used by the Oracle built-in TO_DATE function A default value of 'DD-MON-YY' is used ===================================================================================== RETURNS Table of values for input to an IN portion of a WHERE clause ===================================================================================== EXAMPLES SELECT * FROM  WHERE  IN (select varchar_list from table (ih_core_owner.core.ft_string_to_table.ft_string_to_table('has986, abc454'))); SELECT * FROM 
WHERE IN (select int_list from table (ih_core_owner.core.ft_string_to_table.ft_string_to_table('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9', ',', 'I'))); SELECT * FROM
WHERE IN (select date_list from table (ih_core_owner.core.ft_string_to_table.ft_string_to_table('2010-03-04, 2010-03-05', ',', 'D', 'YYYY-MM-DD'))); ===================================================================================== TEST CASES select varchar_list from table (ih_core_owner.core.ft_string_to_table.ft_string_to_table('has986, abc454', ',', 'V')); select int_list from table (ih_core_owner.core.ft_string_to_table.ft_string_to_table('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9', ',', 'I')); select date_list from table (ih_core_owner.core.ft_string_to_table.ft_string_to_table('04-mar-10, 05-mar-10', ',', 'D')); select date_list from table (ih_core_owner.core.ft_string_to_table.ft_string_to_table('2010-03-04, 2010-03-05', ',', 'D', 'YYYY-MM-DD')); test using and invalid list type Use Y instead of V, I or D Should produce an error select varchar_list from table (ih_core_owner.core.ft_string_to_table.ft_string_to_table('has986, abc454', ',', 'Y')); test using a date format that does not match the date format passed Should produce an error select date_list from table (ih_core_owner.core.ft_string_to_table.ft_string_to_table('2010-03-04, 2010-03-05', ',', 'D', 'YYYY-MON-DD')); select date_list from table (ih_core_owner.core.ft_string_to_table.ft_string_to_table('2010-MAR-04, 2010-MAR-05', ',', 'D', 'YYYY-MM-DD')); ---------- ===================================================================================== REVISION HISTORY Called by misc systems ---------------------------------------------------------------- Modification History Date User Description ------------ -------------- ---------------------------------- 2006-03-03 HarvS Initial Release 2010-04-09 HarvS Translated from SQL Server to ORACLE Combined functions that returned lists of varchar, integer, and date into one function with optional parameters REVISION HISTORY ---------------- Build Version - Build Date - 08-June-2010 Modified By - has986 Description - Created ******************************************************************************/ --local variable of type grs_list_row lrs_row grs_list_row; E_INVALID_LIST_TYPE EXCEPTION; li_delimiter_position int; li_previous_delimiter_position int; lv2_value varchar2(512); BEGIN if av2_list_type not in ('V', 'I', 'D') THEN raise E_INVALID_LIST_TYPE; end if; li_delimiter_position := 1; li_previous_delimiter_position := 1; li_delimiter_position := INSTR(av2_list, av2_delimiter, li_delimiter_position); while li_delimiter_position > 0 loop lv2_value := substr(av2_list, li_previous_delimiter_position, (li_delimiter_position - li_previous_delimiter_position)); --Trim the value lv2_value := RTRIM(LTRIM(lv2_value)); if length(lv2_value) > 0 THEN if av2_list_type = 'V' then --varchar lrs_row.varchar_list := lv2_value; elsif av2_list_type = 'I' then --integer lrs_row.int_list := to_number(lv2_value); elsif av2_list_type = 'D' then --date lrs_row.date_list := to_date(lv2_value, av2_date_mask); end if; pipe row ( lrs_row ); END IF; --set the new delimiter positions li_previous_delimiter_position := li_delimiter_position + 1; li_delimiter_position := INSTR(av2_list, av2_delimiter, li_delimiter_position + 1); END loop; --Get the last value lv2_value := SUBSTR(av2_list, li_previous_delimiter_position, length(av2_list)); --Trim the value lv2_value := RTRIM(LTRIM(lv2_value)); if length(lv2_value) > 0 THEN --Insert the value into the in memory table if av2_list_type = 'V' then --varchar lrs_row.varchar_list := lv2_value; elsif av2_list_type = 'I' then --integer lrs_row.int_list := to_number(lv2_value); elsif av2_list_type = 'D' then --date lrs_row.date_list := to_date(lv2_value, av2_date_mask); end if; pipe row ( lrs_row ); END IF; return; EXCEPTION WHEN E_INVALID_LIST_TYPE then /* The developer should be notified of this error during the development phase. */ raise_application_error (-20001, av2_list_type || ' is not a valid type. Valid types are (V, I, or D)' ); WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END ft_string_to_table; end string_to_table; / select * FROM table( string_to_table.ft_string_to_table('1, 2, 3', ',', 'I')); select * FROM table( string_to_table.ft_string_to_table('fred, wilma, betty, barney', ',', 'V')); select * FROM table( string_to_table.ft_string_to_table('2011-5-1, 1950-1-1, 1960-1-2, 2023-12-1', ',', 'D', 'yyyy-mm-dd'));

希望这对你有用。 我已经看到了其他一些代码也可以做到这一点。 为了它的价值,这在Microsoft SQL Server中更容易实现


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