

我试图用Dapper运行一个带有一组已知参数的查询,但是带有这些参数的值列表。 我想要做的一个简单例子是:

DateTime endDate = DateTime.Now; DateTime startDate = endDate.AddHours(-24); string query = "select COUNT(*) from Test where Status = @Status AND DateCreated  new { Status = 1, Hour = hour, })); 

Dapper抛出一个exception’参数’@Status’必须定义’。 我知道Dapper在进行批量插入和更新时可以处理参数列表,但是它不能用于选择吗?


是的,有一个我们支持Execute的场景,不支持Query,具体来说:使用一系列不同的参数值顺序运行相同的操作。 这对于Execute是有意义的,但对于查询,它可能意味着您应该使用in查看不同的查询。 或者,只需循环和连接。

相反,它正在查看单个参数对象并查找公共值 – 可枚举的dapper没有任何合适的参数值。


 List names = new List { "Bob", "Fred", "Jack" }; string query = "select * from people where Name in @names"; var stuff = connection.Query(query, new {names}); 





  public IEnumerable Query(T templateobject) { var sql = "SELECT * From " + typeof(T).Name + " Where "; var list = templateobject.GetType().GetProperties() .Where(p => p.GetValue(templateobject) != null) .ToList(); int i = 0; Dictionary dbArgs = new Dictionary(); list.ForEach(x => { sql += x.Name + " = @" + x.Name; dbArgs.Add(x.Name, x.GetValue(templateobject)); if (list.Count > 1 && i < list.Count - 1) { sql += " AND "; i++; } }); Debug.WriteLine(sql); return _con.Query(sql, dbArgs).ToList(); } 


* repo是包含上述function的类

 var blah = repo.Query(new Domain() { Id = 1, IsActive=true }); 


 SELECT * From Domain Where Id = @Id AND IsActive = @IsActive 


 DECLARE @Now datetime SET @Now = getdate() SELECT DATEADD( hh, -n, @Now ) AS StartDate, DATEADD( hh, -n+1, @Now ) AS EndDate INTO #DateRanges FROM Numbers WHERE n <= 24 SELECT COUNT(*) AS [Count], #DateRanges.StartDate FROM Test JOIN #DateRanges ON Test.DateCreated >= #DateRanges.StartDate AND Test.DateCreated < #DateRanges.EndDate GROUP BY #DateRanges.StartDate 



 n ----- 1 2 3 4 5 ... 


 CREATE TABLE #Numbers ( n int ) SET NOCOUNT ON INSERT #Numbers values (1); GO INSERT #Numbers SELECT n + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Numbers) FROM #Numbers GO 16 --execute batch 16 times to create 2^16 integers. 

您不能在存储过程中拥有多个批次,但可以在文本命令中使用。 GO 16运行前一批次16次。 如果您需要在存储过程中使用此function,则可以多次重复第二次INSERT命令,而不是使用批处理。 对于这个特定的查询,2 ^ 16个整数是过度的,但它是我需要时复制和粘贴的命令,2 ^ 16通常就足够了,而且速度太快,以至于我通常都不用费心去改变它。 GO 5将产生32个整数,这足以满足24个日期范围。



 --Create a temp table full of integers. This could also be a static --table in your DB. It's very handy. --The table drops let us run this whole script multiple times in SSMS without issue. IF OBJECT_ID( 'tempdb..#Numbers' ) IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Numbers CREATE TABLE #Numbers ( n int ) SET NOCOUNT ON INSERT #Numbers values (1); GO INSERT #Numbers SELECT n + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Numbers) FROM #Numbers GO 16 --execute batch 16 times to create 2^16 integers. --Create our Test table. This would be the real table in your DB, -- so this would not go into your SQL command. IF OBJECT_ID( 'tempdb..#Test' ) IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Test CREATE TABLE #Test ( [Status] int, DateCreated datetime ) INSERT INTO #Test SELECT 1, DATEADD( hh, -n, getdate() ) FROM #Numbers WHERE n <= 48 --#Test now has 48 records in it with one record per hour for --the last 48 hours. --This drop would not be needed in your actual command, but I --add it here to make testing this script easier in SSMS. IF OBJECT_ID( 'tempdb..#DateRanges' ) IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #DateRanges --Everything that follows is what would be in your SQL you send through Dapper --if you used a static Numbers table, or you might also want to include --the creation of the #Numbers temp table. DECLARE @Now datetime SET @Now = getdate() SELECT DATEADD( hh, -n, @Now ) AS StartDate, DATEADD( hh, -n+1, @Now ) AS EndDate INTO #DateRanges FROM #Numbers WHERE n <= 24 /* #DateRanges now contains 24 rows that look like this: StartDate EndDate 2016-08-04 15:22:26.223 2016-08-04 16:22:26.223 2016-08-04 14:22:26.223 2016-08-04 15:22:26.223 2016-08-04 13:22:26.223 2016-08-04 14:22:26.223 2016-08-04 12:22:26.223 2016-08-04 13:22:26.223 ... Script was run at 2016-08-04 16:22:26.223. The first row's end date is that time. This table expresses 24 one-hour datetime ranges ending at the current time. It's also easy to make 24 one-hour ranges for one calendar day, or anything similar. */ --Now we just join that table to our #Test table to group the rows those date ranges. SELECT COUNT(*) AS [Count], #DateRanges.StartDate FROM #Test JOIN #DateRanges ON #Test.DateCreated >= #DateRanges.StartDate AND #Test.DateCreated < #DateRanges.EndDate GROUP BY #DateRanges.StartDate /* Since we used two different getdate() calls to populate our two tables, the last record of our #Test table is outside of the range of our #DateRange's last row by a few milliseconds, so we only get 23 results from this query. This script is just an illustration. */ 




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