


我不需要发送特定命令,只需要发送一个或几百个字节,具体取决于许多因素。 我需要更新一个使用简单套接字的旧TCP服务器,它是我4年多前使用System.Net.Sockets libs制作的,我想用SuperSocket作为一个更好的解决方案使用一个好的笔记库。





 public class MyRequestInfo : IRequestInfo { public string Key { get; set; } public string Unicode { get; set; } // You can add more properties here } 

然后创建ReceiveFilter – ReceiveFilter基本上是过滤所有传入消息的类。 如果您不想实现协议,这就是您所需要的。

 public class MyReceiveFilter: IReceiveFilter { // This Method (Filter) is called whenever there is a new request from a connection/session //- This sample method will convert the incomming Byte Array to Unicode string public MyRequestInfo Filter(byte[] readBuffer, int offset, int length, bool toBeCopied, out int rest) { rest = 0; try { var dataUnicode = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(readBuffer, offset, length); var deviceRequest = new MyRequestInfo { Unicode = dataUnicode }; return deviceRequest; } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } public void Reset() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public int LeftBufferSize { get; } public IReceiveFilter NextReceiveFilter { get; } public FilterState State { get; } } 

下一步是创建自定义AppSession 。 会话就像客户端连接服务器为其创建会话,并在客户端断开连接或服务器关闭连接时被销毁。 这适用于需要客户端连接然后服务器必须发送ACKnowledgment以便客户端发送下一条消息的情况。

 public class MyAppSession : AppSession { // Properties related to your session. public int ClientKey { get; set; } public string SomeProperty { get; set; } } 


 // Here you will be telling the AppServer to use MyAppSession as the default AppSession class and the MyRequestInfo as the defualt RequestInfo public class MyAppServer : AppServer { // Here in constructor telling to use MyReceiveFilter and MyRequestInfo protected MyAppServer() : base(new DefaultReceiveFilterFactory()) { NewRequestReceived += ProcessNewMessage; } // This method/event will fire whenever a new message is received from the client/session // After passing through the filter // the requestInfo will contain the Unicode string private void ProcessNewMessage(MyAppSession session, MyRequestInfo requestinfo) { session.ClientKey = SessionCount; // Here you can access the Unicode strings that where generated in the MyReceiveFilter.Filter() Method. Console.WriteLine(requestinfo.Unicode ); // Do whatever you want session.Send("Hello World"); session.Close(); } } 

您还可以覆盖AppServer类的其他方法,如: OnSessionClosedOnNewSessionConnected

就是这样 – 那么你只需要初始化并启动服务器:


  var myAppServer = new MyAppServer(); if (!myAppServer.Setup(2012)) { _logger.LogMessage(MessageType.Error, string.Format("Failed to setup server")); return; } if (!myAppServer.Start()) { _logger.LogMessage(MessageType.Error, string.Format("Failed to start server")); return; } 




上一篇 2021年11月26日
下一篇 2021年11月26日
