

我需要能够使用C#动态生成波形并播放它,无需任何外部库,也无需将声音文件存储在硬盘上。 延迟不是问题; 声音将在应用程序需要之前生成。


如果我动态地生成自己的声音,我可以得到一个比简单的嘟嘟声更精彩的声音。 例如,我可以从三角波制作波形,其频率从2 KHz增加到4 KHz,同时衰减音量。 我不需要花哨的16位立体声,只需8位单声道即可。 我不需要动态控制音量和音高,只需在内存中生成一个声音文件并播放它而不存储它。

许多年前,我需要在Apple II,惠普工作站和我的旧Amiga计算机上生成声音。 从那时起就不需要这样做,而且我所描述的简单似乎变得更加复杂。 我很难相信这么简单的东西看起来很难。 我看到的大多数答案都是指NAudio或类似的库,这不是这个项目的选项(除了拉动整个库只是为了播放音调这一事实似乎是浪费)。

基于我收到的答案中的一个链接,以及我发现的.wav标题格式的其他一些页面,这是我的工作代码,用于生成8位“ding!”的小类。 用户指定的频率和持续时间的声音。 它基本上是一个蜂鸣声,在指定的持续时间内在幅度上线性衰减到零。

public class AlertDing { private SoundPlayer player = null; private BinaryWriter writer = null; ///  /// Dynamically generate a "ding" sound and save it to a memory stream ///  /// Frequency in Hertz, eg 880 /// Duration in multiple of 1/10 second public AlertDing(double freq, uint tenthseconds) { string header_GroupID = "RIFF"; // RIFF uint header_FileLength = 0; // total file length minus 8, which is taken up by RIFF string header_RiffType = "WAVE"; // always WAVE string fmt_ChunkID = "fmt "; // Four bytes: "fmt " uint fmt_ChunkSize = 16; // Length of header in bytes ushort fmt_FormatTag = 1; // 1 for PCM ushort fmt_Channels = 1; // Number of channels, 2=stereo uint fmt_SamplesPerSec = 14000; // sample rate, eg CD=44100 ushort fmt_BitsPerSample = 8; // bits per sample ushort fmt_BlockAlign = (ushort)(fmt_Channels * (fmt_BitsPerSample / 8)); // sample frame size, in bytes uint fmt_AvgBytesPerSec = fmt_SamplesPerSec * fmt_BlockAlign; // for estimating RAM allocation string data_ChunkID = "data"; // "data" uint data_ChunkSize; // Length of header in bytes byte [] data_ByteArray; // Fill the data array with sample data // Number of samples = sample rate * channels * bytes per sample * duration in seconds uint numSamples = fmt_SamplesPerSec * fmt_Channels * tenthseconds / 10; data_ByteArray = new byte[numSamples]; //int amplitude = 32760, offset=0; // for 16-bit audio int amplitude = 127, offset = 128; // for 8-audio double period = (2.0*Math.PI*freq) / (fmt_SamplesPerSec * fmt_Channels); double amp; for (uint i = 0; i < numSamples - 1; i += fmt_Channels) { amp = amplitude * (double)(numSamples - i) / numSamples; // amplitude decay // Fill with a waveform on each channel with amplitude decay for (int channel = 0; channel < fmt_Channels; channel++) { data_ByteArray[i+channel] = Convert.ToByte(amp * Math.Sin(i*period) + offset); } } // Calculate file and data chunk size in bytes data_ChunkSize = (uint)(data_ByteArray.Length * (fmt_BitsPerSample / 8)); header_FileLength = 4 + (8 + fmt_ChunkSize) + (8 + data_ChunkSize); // write data to a MemoryStream with BinaryWriter MemoryStream audioStream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(audioStream); // Write the header writer.Write(header_GroupID.ToCharArray()); writer.Write(header_FileLength); writer.Write(header_RiffType.ToCharArray()); // Write the format chunk writer.Write(fmt_ChunkID.ToCharArray()); writer.Write(fmt_ChunkSize); writer.Write(fmt_FormatTag); writer.Write(fmt_Channels); writer.Write(fmt_SamplesPerSec); writer.Write(fmt_AvgBytesPerSec); writer.Write(fmt_BlockAlign); writer.Write(fmt_BitsPerSample); // Write the data chunk writer.Write(data_ChunkID.ToCharArray()); writer.Write(data_ChunkSize); foreach (byte dataPoint in data_ByteArray) { writer.Write(dataPoint); } player = new SoundPlayer(audioStream); } ///  /// Call this to clean up when program is done using this sound ///  public void Dispose() { if (writer != null) writer.Close(); if (player != null) player.Dispose(); writer = null; player = null; } ///  /// Play "ding" sound ///  public void Play() { if (player != null) { player.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // rewind stream player.Play(); } } } 


这可能会有所帮助: http : //channel9.msdn.com/coding4fun/articles/Generating-Sound-Waves-with-C-Wave-Oscillators

以下文章解释了如何使用SoundPlayer生成和播放* .wav文件。 请注意,SoundPlayer可以将流作为参数,因此您可以在MemoryStream中生成wav文件内容并避免保存到文件。


我尝试了从Anachronist(2012-10)剪下的代码 – 它对我有用



for (uint i = 0; i < numSamples - 1; i += fmt_Channels)


for (uint i = 0; i < numSamples; i += fmt_Channels)

如果不改变,则在每次“播放”结束时将产生系统的“零”,从而产生尖锐的咔嗒声 。 (=幅度跳跃0-> min-> 0)






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