Csharp/C#教程:MusicStore’System.Data.Objects.ObjectSet ‘不包含’Add’的定义,也没有扩展方法’Add’接受第一个参数分享

MusicStore’System.Data.Objects.ObjectSet ‘不包含’Add’的定义,也没有扩展方法’Add’接受第一个参数

我正在关注MusicStore教程我已经在tutoria的第8部分了 。 当我尝试添加ShoppingCart类时,我遇到了这个错误..我试图谷歌找到一个可能的解决方案,但未能找到一个干净的T_T ..基于我的研究我得到这个错误因为我正在使用edmx这是数据库首先而不是代码首先在教程上。


namespace Project.Models { public partial class ShoppingCart { ProjectEntities db = new ProjectEntities(); string ShoppingCartId { get; set; } public const string CartSessionKey = "cart_ID"; public static ShoppingCart GetCart(HttpContextBase context) { var cart = new ShoppingCart(); cart.ShoppingCartId = cart.GetCartId(context); return cart; } // Helper method to simplify shopping cart calls public static ShoppingCart GetCart(Controller controller) { return GetCart(controller.HttpContext); } public void AddToCart(Product product) { // Get the matching cart and album instances var cartItem = db.Carts.SingleOrDefault(c => c.cart_ID == ShoppingCartId && c.product_ID == product.product_ID); if (cartItem == null) { // Create a new cart item if no cart item exists cartItem = new Cart { product_ID = product.product_ID, cart_ID = ShoppingCartId, Count = 1, DateCreated = DateTime.Now }; db.Carts.Add(cartItem); } else { // If the item does exist in the cart, then add one to the quantity cartItem.Count++; } // Save changes db.SaveChanges(); } public int RemoveFromCart(int id) { // Get the cart var cartItem = db.Carts.Single(cart => cart.cart_ID == ShoppingCartId && cart.record_ID == id); int itemCount = 0; if (cartItem != null) { if (cartItem.Count > 1) { cartItem.Count--; itemCount = cartItem.Count; } else { db.Carts.Remove(cartItem); } // Save changes db.SaveChanges(); } return itemCount; } public void EmptyCart() { var cartItems = db.Carts.Where(cart => cart.cart_ID == ShoppingCartId); foreach (var cartItem in cartItems) { db.Carts.Remove(cartItem); } // Save changes db.SaveChanges(); } public List GetCartItems() { return db.Carts.Where(cart => cart.cart_ID == ShoppingCartId).ToList(); } public int GetCount() { // Get the count of each item in the cart and sum them up int? count = (from cartItems in db.Carts where cartItems.cart_ID == ShoppingCartId select (int?)cartItems.Count).Sum(); // Return 0 if all entries are null return count ?? 0; } public decimal GetTotal() { // Multiply album price by count of that album to get // the current price for each of those albums in the cart // sum all album price totals to get the cart total decimal? total = (from cartItems in db.Carts where cartItems.cart_ID == ShoppingCartId select (int?)cartItems.Count * cartItems.Product.Price).Sum(); return total ?? decimal.Zero; } public int CreateOrder(Order order) { decimal orderTotal = 0; var cartItems = GetCartItems(); // Iterate over the items in the cart, adding the order details for each foreach (var item in cartItems) { var orderDetail = new OrderDetail { product_ID = item.product_ID, order_ID = order.order_ID, UnitPrice = item.Product.Price, Quantity = item.Count }; // Set the order total of the shopping cart orderTotal += (item.Count * item.Product.Price); db.OrderDetails.Add(orderDetail); } // Set the order's total to the orderTotal count order.Total = orderTotal; // Save the order db.SaveChanges(); // Empty the shopping cart EmptyCart(); // Return the OrderId as the confirmation number return order.order_ID; } // We're using HttpContextBase to allow access to cookies. public string GetCartId(HttpContextBase context) { if (context.Session[CartSessionKey] == null) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.User.Identity.Name)) { context.Session[CartSessionKey] = context.User.Identity.Name; } else { // Generate a new random GUID using System.Guid class Guid tempCartId = Guid.NewGuid(); // Send tempCartId back to client as a cookie context.Session[CartSessionKey] = tempCartId.ToString(); } } return context.Session[CartSessionKey].ToString(); } // When a user has logged in, migrate their shopping cart to // be associated with their username public void MigrateCart(string userName) { var shoppingCart = db.Carts.Where(c => c.cart_ID == ShoppingCartId); foreach (Cart item in shoppingCart) { item.cart_ID = userName; } db.SaveChanges(); } } } 


好了,我做了什么让它工作..而不是使用.Add()我使用.AddObject()而不是使用.Remove我使用.DeleteObject()..我不知道这个事情如何工作背后的原因但至少它不再显示错误信息..:P感谢所有帮助过我的人.. ?


所以我的猜测是使用System.Data.Entity丢失了吗? 还检查项目中添加的引用EntityFramework.dll? 或者使用包管理器(nuget)在项目中添加EF?你的上下文是否来自DBContext? 如果不是没有添加。 如果您看到AddObject,则很可能是从ObjectContext派生的

试试这个。 它将删除您的错误并运作良好。


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 Employee emp = new Employee(); foreach (int id in employeeIdsToDelete) { emp = db.Employees.Find(id); db.Employees.Remove(emp); db.SaveChanges(); } 




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