

是否可以在C#中定义具有默认实现的接口? (这样我们就可以定义一个实现该接口的类,而无需实现该特定的默认方法)。

我知道扩展方法 (例如在此链接中解释)。 但这不是我的答案,因为有一个方法扩展如下,编译器仍然抱怨在MyClass中实现MyMethod:

public interface IMyInterface { string MyMethod(); } public static class IMyInterfaceExtens { public static string MyMethod(this IMyInterface someObj) { return "Default method!"; } } public class MyClass: IMyInterface { // I want to have a default implementation of "MyMethod" // so that I can skip implementing it here } 

我问这个是因为(至少就我所理解的而言)可以在Java中这样做(见这里 )。

PS:拥有一个带有某种方法的抽象基类 也不是我的答案,因为我们在C#中没有多重inheritance,它与接口的默认实现(如果可能!)不同。

我开发游戏所以我经常希望为接口的所有实现提供通用function,但同时允许每个实现也做自己的事情,就像子类的’virtual / override方法一样。


 public class Example { void Start() { WallE wallE = new WallE(); Robocop robocop = new Robocop(); // Calling Move() (from IRobotHelper) // First it will execute the shared functionality, as specified in IRobotHelper // Then it will execute any implementation-specific functionality, // depending on which class called it. In this case, WallE's OnMove(). wallE.Move(1); // Now if we call the same Move function on a different implementation of IRobot // It will again begin by executing the shared functionality, as specified in IRobotHlper's Move function // And then it will proceed to executing Robocop's OnMove(), for Robocop-specific functionality. robocop.Move(1); // The whole concept is similar to inheritence, but for interfaces. // This structure offers an - admittedly dirty - way of having some of the benefits of a multiple inheritence scheme in C#, using interfaces. } } public interface IRobot { // Fields float speed { get; } float position { get; set; } // Implementation specific functions. // Similar to an override function. void OnMove(float direction); } public static class IRobotHelper { // Common code for all IRobot implementations. // Similar to the body of a virtual function, only it always gets called. public static void Move(this IRobot iRobot, float direction) { // All robots move based on their speed. iRobot.position += iRobot.speed * direction; // Call the ImplementationSpecific function iRobot.OnMove(direction); } } // Pro-Guns robot. public class Robocop : IRobot { public float position { get; set; } public float speed { get; set;} private void Shoot(float direction) { } // Robocop also shoots when he moves public void OnMove(float direction) { Shoot(direction); } } // Hippie robot. public class WallE : IRobot { public float position { get; set; } public float speed { get; set; } // Wall-E is happy just moving around public void OnMove(float direction) { } } 






 public abstract class MyType { public string MyMethod() { // some implementation } public abstract string SomeMethodWhichDerivedTypeWillImplement(); } 


 public class DerivedType : MyType { // now use the default implemented method here } 



C#v8将开始允许在接口中实现具体方法。 这将允许您在更改将来实现的接口时不会破坏具体的实现类。


 interface IA { void NotImplementedMethod(); void M() { WriteLine("IA.M"); } //method definition present in the interface } 

请参阅此GitHub 问题#288 。 Mads Torgersen也在这个频道9video中详细讨论了这个即将推出的function。

注意 :在编写此答案时,RTM状态下的当前版本的C#语言是v7。


 public interface ITestUser { int id { get; set; } string firstName { get; set; } string lastName { get; set; } string FormattedName(); } static class ITestUserHelpers { public static string FormattedNameDefault(this ITestUser user) { return user.lastName + ", " + user.firstName; } } public class TestUser : ITestUser { public int id { get; set; } public string firstName { get; set; } public string lastName { get; set; } public string FormattedName() { return this.FormattedNameDefault(); } } 


作为一名新手C#程序员,我正在阅读这个主题,并想知道以下代码示例是否可以提供任何帮助(我甚至不知道这是否是正确的方法)。 对我来说,它允许我编写接口后面的默认行为。 请注意,我使用generics类型特定来定义(抽象)类。


 namespace InterfaceExample { public interface IDef { void FDef(); } public interface IImp { void FImp(); } public class AbstractImplementation where T : IImp { // This class implements default behavior for interface IDef public void FAbs(IImp implementation) { implementation.FImp(); } } public class MyImplementation : AbstractImplementation, IImp, IDef { public void FDef() { FAbs(this); } public void FImp() { // Called by AbstractImplementation } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { MyImplementation MyInstance = new MyImplementation(); MyInstance.FDef(); } } } 




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