



String.Compare(txt1,txt2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 

这里唯一的问题是我想忽略前导或尾随空格,即Trim(),但如果我使用Trim,我对字符串分配也有同样的问题。 我想我可以检查每个字符串,看看它是StartsWith(“”)还是EndsWith(“”)然后才修剪。 要么指出索引,要么计算每个字符串的长度并传递给string.Compare覆盖

 public static int Compare ( string strA, int indexA, string strB, int indexB, int length, StringComparison comparisonType ) 



 public bool IsEqual(string a, string b) { return (string.Compare(a, b, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0); } public bool IsTrimEqual(string a, string b) { if (Math.Abs(a.Length- b.Length) > 2 ) // if length differs by more than 2, cant be equal { return false; } else if (IsEqual(a,b)) { return true; } else { return (string.Compare(a.Trim(), b.Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0); } } 


 public static int TrimCompareIgnoreCase(string a, string b) { int indexA = 0; int indexB = 0; while (indexA < a.Length && Char.IsWhiteSpace(a[indexA])) indexA++; while (indexB < b.Length && Char.IsWhiteSpace(b[indexB])) indexB++; int lenA = a.Length - indexA; int lenB = b.Length - indexB; while (lenA > 0 && Char.IsWhiteSpace(a[indexA + lenA - 1])) lenA--; while (lenB > 0 && Char.IsWhiteSpace(b[indexB + lenB - 1])) lenB--; if (lenA == 0 && lenB == 0) return 0; if (lenA == 0) return 1; if (lenB == 0) return -1; int result = String.Compare(a, indexA, b, indexB, Math.Min(lenA, lenB), true); if (result == 0) { if (lenA < lenB) result--; if (lenA > lenB) result++; } return result; } 


 string a = " asdf "; string b = " ASDF t "; Console.WriteLine(TrimCompareIgnoreCase(a, b)); 





 String.Compare(txt1,txt2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) 

并根据需要添加任何.Trim()调用。 这将在大多数情况下保存初始选项4字符串( .ToLower().Trim() ,并始终保存两个字符串( .ToLower() )。


首先确保您确实需要优化此代码。 也许创建字符串的副本不会显着影响您的程序。

如果你真的需要优化,你可以在第一次存储时尝试处理字符串,而不是在比较它们时(假设它发生在程序的不同阶段)。 例如,存储字符串的修剪版和小写版,这样当您比较它们时,您可以使用简单检查等效性。

你不能只修剪(并可能使它小写)每个字符串一次(获得它)? 做更多听起来像过早优化….

  1. 问题是,如果需要完成,则需要完成。 我不认为你的任何不同的解决方案会有所作为。 在每种情况下,都需要进行多次比较才能找到空格或将其删除。


  2. 并且在比较之前对字符串进行小写,如果您使用unicode字符并且可能比复制字符串慢,则会出现错误。

警告是关于过早优化是正确的,但我会假设你已经测试了这一点,并发现很多时间浪费在复制字符串上。 在这种情况下,我会尝试以下方法:

 int startIndex1, length1, startIndex2, length2; FindStartAndLength(txt1, out startIndex1, out length1); FindStartAndLength(txt2, out startIndex2, out length2); int compareLength = Math.Max(length1, length2); int result = string.Compare(txt1, startIndex1, txt2, startIndex2, compareLength); 


 static void FindStartAndLength(string text, out int startIndex, out int length) { startIndex = 0; while(char.IsWhiteSpace(text[startIndex]) && startIndex < text.Length) startIndex++; length = text.Length - startIndex; while(char.IsWhiteSpace(text[startIndex + length - 1]) && length > 0) length--; } 

您可以实现自己的StringComparer 。 这是一个基本的实现:

 public class TrimmingStringComparer : StringComparer { private StringComparison _comparisonType; public TrimmingStringComparer() : this(StringComparison.CurrentCulture) { } public TrimmingStringComparer(StringComparison comparisonType) { _comparisonType = comparisonType; } public override int Compare(string x, string y) { int indexX; int indexY; int lengthX = TrimString(x, out indexX); int lengthY = TrimString(y, out indexY); if (lengthX <= 0 && lengthY <= 0) return 0; // both strings contain only white space if (lengthX <= 0) return -1; // x contains only white space, y doesn't if (lengthY <= 0) return 1; // y contains only white space, x doesn't if (lengthX < lengthY) return -1; // x is shorter than y if (lengthY < lengthX) return 1; // y is shorter than x return String.Compare(x, indexX, y, indexY, lengthX, _comparisonType); } public override bool Equals(string x, string y) { return Compare(x, y) == 0; } public override int GetHashCode(string obj) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } private int TrimString(string s, out int index) { index = 0; while (index < s.Length && Char.IsWhiteSpace(s, index)) index++; int last = s.Length - 1; while (last >= 0 && Char.IsWhiteSpace(s, last)) last--; return last - index + 1; } } 



 public static bool TrimmedOrdinalIgnoreCaseEquals(string x, string y) { //Always check for identity (same reference) first for //any comparison (equality or otherwise) that could take some time. //Identity always entails equality, and equality always entails //equivalence. if(ReferenceEquals(x, y)) return true; //We already know they aren't both null as ReferenceEquals(null, null) //returns true. if(x == null || y == null) return false; int startX = 0; //note we keep this one further than the last char we care about. int endX = x.Length; int startY = 0; //likewise, one further than we care about. int endY = y.Length; while(startX != endX && char.IsWhiteSpace(x[startX])) ++startX; while(startY != endY && char.IsWhiteSpace(y[startY])) ++startY; if(startX == endX) //Empty when trimmed. return startY == endY; if(startY == endY) return false; //lack of bounds checking is safe as we would have returned //already in cases where endX and endY can fall below zero. while(char.IsWhiteSpace(x[endX - 1])) --endX; while(char.IsWhiteSpace(y[endY - 1])) --endY; //From this point on I am assuming you do not care about //the complications of case-folding, based on your example //referencing the ordinal version of string comparison if(endX - startX != endY - startY) return false; while(startX != endX) { //trade-off: with some data a case-sensitive //comparison first //could be more efficient. if( char.ToLowerInvariant(x[startX++]) != char.ToLowerInvariant(y[startY++]) ) return false; } return true; } 



 public static int TrimmedOrdinalIgnoreCaseHashCode(string str) { //Higher CMP_NUM (or get rid of it altogether) gives //better hash, at cost of taking longer to compute. const int CMP_NUM = 12; if(str == null) return 0; int start = 0; int end = str.Length; while(start != end && char.IsWhiteSpace(str[start])) ++start; if(start != end) while(char.IsWhiteSpace(str[end - 1])) --end; int skipOn = (end - start) / CMP_NUM + 1; int ret = 757602046; // no harm matching native .NET with empty string. while(start < end) { //prime numbers are our friends. ret = unchecked(ret * 251 + (int)(char.ToLowerInvariant(str[start]))); start += skipOn; } return ret; } 




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