

我正在尝试查找代码或预先打包的控件,它采用对象图并在TreeView中显示属性的公共属性和值(递归)。 即使是天真的实现也没问题,我只需要一些东西就可以了。


因此,我从Chris Taylor的示例和代码项目文章的结构中获取了部分内容并将它们合并到此:

TreeView xaml:



 void DisplayObjectGraph(object graph) { var hierarchy = new ObjectViewModelHierarchy(graph); tvObjectGraph.DataContext = hierarchy; } 


 public class ObjectViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged { ReadOnlyCollection _children; readonly ObjectViewModel _parent; readonly object _object; readonly PropertyInfo _info; readonly Type _type; bool _isExpanded; bool _isSelected; public ObjectViewModel(object obj) : this(obj, null, null) { } ObjectViewModel(object obj, PropertyInfo info, ObjectViewModel parent) { _object = obj; _info = info; if (_object != null) { _type = obj.GetType(); if (!IsPrintableType(_type)) { // load the _children object with an empty collection to allow the + expander to be shown _children = new ReadOnlyCollection(new ObjectViewModel[] { new ObjectViewModel(null) }); } } _parent = parent; } public void LoadChildren() { if (_object != null) { // exclude value types and strings from listing child members if (!IsPrintableType(_type)) { // the public properties of this object are its children var children = _type.GetProperties() .Where(p => !p.GetIndexParameters().Any()) // exclude indexed parameters for now .Select(p => new ObjectViewModel(p.GetValue(_object, null), p, this)) .ToList(); // if this is a collection type, add the contained items to the children var collection = _object as IEnumerable; if (collection != null) { foreach (var item in collection) { children.Add(new ObjectViewModel(item, null, this)); // todo: add something to view the index value } } _children = new ReadOnlyCollection(children); this.OnPropertyChanged("Children"); } } } ///  /// Gets a value indicating if the object graph can display this type without enumerating its children ///  static bool IsPrintableType(Type type) { return type != null && ( type.IsPrimitive || type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(string)) || type.IsEnum); } public ObjectViewModel Parent { get { return _parent; } } public PropertyInfo Info { get { return _info; } } public ReadOnlyCollection Children { get { return _children; } } public string Type { get { var type = string.Empty; if (_object != null) { type = string.Format("({0})", _type.Name); } else { if (_info != null) { type = string.Format("({0})", _info.PropertyType.Name); } } return type; } } public string Name { get { var name = string.Empty; if (_info != null) { name = _info.Name; } return name; } } public string Value { get { var value = string.Empty; if (_object != null) { if (IsPrintableType(_type)) { value = _object.ToString(); } } else { value = ""; } return value; } } #region Presentation Members public bool IsExpanded { get { return _isExpanded; } set { if (_isExpanded != value) { _isExpanded = value; if (_isExpanded) { LoadChildren(); } this.OnPropertyChanged("IsExpanded"); } // Expand all the way up to the root. if (_isExpanded && _parent != null) { _parent.IsExpanded = true; } } } public bool IsSelected { get { return _isSelected; } set { if (_isSelected != value) { _isSelected = value; this.OnPropertyChanged("IsSelected"); } } } public bool NameContains(string text) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { return false; } return Name.IndexOf(text, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1; } public bool ValueContains(string text) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Value)) { return false; } return Value.IndexOf(text, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1; } #endregion #region INotifyPropertyChanged Members public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) { if (this.PropertyChanged != null) { this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } } #endregion } 


 public class ObjectViewModelHierarchy { readonly ReadOnlyCollection _firstGeneration; readonly ObjectViewModel _rootObject; public ObjectViewModelHierarchy(object rootObject) { _rootObject = new ObjectViewModel(rootObject); _firstGeneration = new ReadOnlyCollection(new ObjectViewModel[] { _rootObject }); } public ReadOnlyCollection FirstGeneration { get { return _firstGeneration; } } } 

嗯,这可能比你想要的更天真,但它可能会给你一个起点。 它可以用一些重构,但它确实在15分钟内完成,所以把它当作它,它没有经过充分测试或使用任何WPF幻想。




树只加载第一级属性,每个节点具有格式PropertyName:Value或PropertyName:Type,如果属性是基本类型(请参阅IsPrimitive函数),则显示该值,否则添加空字符串作为子节点。 添加空字符串向用户指示节点可以扩展。


因此,当节点扩展时,这基本上构建了树。 这有两个原因使得更容易



 using System; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Reflection; namespace ObjectBrowser { public partial class PropertyTree : UserControl { public PropertyTree() { InitializeComponent(); } private void treeView1_Expanded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { TreeViewItem item = e.OriginalSource as TreeViewItem; if (item.Items.Count == 1 && item.Items[0].ToString() == string.Empty) { LoadGraph(item.Items, item.Tag); } } public object ObjectGraph { get { return (object)GetValue(ObjectGraphProperty); } set { SetValue(ObjectGraphProperty, value); } } public static readonly DependencyProperty ObjectGraphProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ObjectGraph", typeof(object), typeof(PropertyTree), new UIPropertyMetadata(0, OnObjectGraphPropertyChanged)); private static void OnObjectGraphPropertyChanged(DependencyObject source, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { PropertyTree control = source as PropertyTree; if (control != null) { control.OnObjectGraphChanged(source, EventArgs.Empty); } } protected virtual void OnObjectGraphChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoadGraph(treeView1.Items, ObjectGraph); } private void LoadGraph(ItemCollection nodeItems, object instance) { nodeItems.Clear(); if (instance == null) return; Type instanceType = instance.GetType(); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in instanceType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)) { object propertyValue =pi.GetValue(instance, null); TreeViewItem item = new TreeViewItem(); item.Header = BuildItemText(instance, pi, propertyValue); if (!IsPrimitive(pi) && propertyValue != null) { item.Items.Add(string.Empty); item.Tag = propertyValue; } nodeItems.Add(item); } } private string BuildItemText(object instance, PropertyInfo pi, object value) { string s = string.Empty; if (value == null) { s = ""; } else if (IsPrimitive(pi)) { s = value.ToString(); } else { s = pi.PropertyType.Name; } return pi.Name + " : " + s; } private bool IsPrimitive(PropertyInfo pi) { return pi.PropertyType.IsPrimitive || typeof(string) == pi.PropertyType; } } } 

使用控件非常简单。 这里我将把控件放在Form上,然后将ObjectGraph设置为一个对象的实例,我随意选择了XmlDataProvider




 using System; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Data; namespace ObjectBrowser { ///  /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml ///  public partial class MainWindow : Window { public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var o = new XmlDataProvider(); o.Source = new Uri("https://www.stackoverflow.com"); propertyTree1.ObjectGraph = o; } } } 






上一篇 2021年12月28日
下一篇 2021年12月28日
