
  练习14.1:在什么情况下重载的运算符与内置运算符有所区别?在什么情况下重载的运算符又与内置运算符一样? 不同点: 重载运算符必须具有至少一个class或枚举类型的操作数。 重载运算符











  class sales_data  {  friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, sales_data &);  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const sales_data&);    public:  	sales_data& operator+=(const sales_data&);  };    sales_data operator+(const sales_data&, const sales_data&);




(a) "cobble" == "stone" (b) svec1[0] ==svec2[0] (c)svec1 ==svec2 (d) svec[0] == "stone"

(a)应用了c++内置版本的==,比较两个指针。(b) 应用了string版本的==。(c)应用了vector版本的==。(d)应用了string版本的==。



(a) % (b) %= (c) ++ (d) -> (e) << (f) && (g) == (h) ()

(a) %通常定义为非成员。

(b) %=通常定义为类成员,因为它会改变对象的状态。

(c) ++通常定义为类成员,因为它会改变对象的状态。

(d) ->必须定义为类成员,否则编译报错

(e) <<通常定义为非成员

(f) && 通常定义为非成员。

(g) ==通常定义为非成员。

(h) ()必须定义为类成员,否则编译会报错。



(a)book (b)date (c)employee (d)vehicle (e)object (f)tree


  #include   using std::ostream;  using std::endl;    class date  {  public:  	date() { }  	date(int y, int m, int d) {year = y; month = m; day = d;}  	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const date &dt);    private:  	int year, month, day;  };    ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const date& d)  {  	const char sep = 't';  	os << "year:" << d.year << sep << "month:" << d.month << sep << "day:" << d.day << endl;  	return os;  }




  class sales_data  {  friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const sales_data &item);  //其他成员  };    ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const sales_data &item)  {  	const char *sep = ' ';  	os << item.isbn() << sep << item.units_sold << sep << item.revenue <




  class string  {  public:  	string();  	string(const char *str);  	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const string &str);  private:  	char *str;  };    ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const string &str)  {  	cout << str;  	return os;  }







(a)0-201-99999-9 10 24.95 (b) 10 24.95 0-210-99999-9






  istream& operator>>(istream& in, sales_data& s)  {  	double price;  	in >> s.bookno >> s.unite_sold >> price;  	s.revenue = s.unite_sold * price;  	return in;  }




(a)如果输入的是0-201-99999-9 10 24.95,程序不会报错,sales_data能得到正确的值。

(b)如果输入的是10 24.95 0-201-99999-9,sales_data会得到错误的值。




  #include  using std::istream; class date { public: date() { } date(int y, int m, int d) {year = y; month = m; day = d;} friend istream& operator>>(istream &is, date &dt); private: int year, month, day; }; istream& operator>>(istream &is, date &dt) { is >> dt.year >> dt.month >> dt.day; if (!is) dt = date(0, 0, 0); return is; }

练习14.13:你认为sales_data类还应该支持 哪些其他算术运算符?如果有的话,请给出它们的定义。




  class sales_data  {  	friend sales_data operator-(const sales_data &lhs, const sales_data &rhs);  public:  	sales_data& operator-=(const sales_data &rhs);  	//其他成员  };  sales_data operator-(const sales_data &lhs, const sales_data &rhs)  {  	sales_data sub = lhs;  	sub -= rhs;  	return sub;  }  sales_data& sales_data::operator-=(const sales_data &rhs)  {  	units_sold -= rhs.units_sold;  	revenue -= rhs.revenue;  	return *this;  }










  //strblob  class strblob  {  	friend bool operator==(const strblob &lhs, const strblob &rhs);  	friend bool operator!=(const strblob &lhs, const strblob &rhs);  	//其他成员  };  bool operator==(const strblob &lhs, const strblob &rhs)  {  	return lhs.data ==rhs.data;  }  bool operator!=(const strblob &lhs, const strblob &rhs)  {  	return !(lhs == rhs);  }    //strblobptr  class strblobptr  {  	friend bool operator==(const strblobptr &lhs, const strblobptr &rhs);  	friend bool operator!=(const strblobptr &lhs, const strblobptr &rhs);  	//其他成员  };  bool operator==(const strblobptr &lhs, const strblobptr &rhs)  {  	auto l = lhs.wptr.lock(), r = rhs.wptr.loc();  	if (l == r)  		return (!r || lhs.curr == rhs.curr);  	else  		return false;  }  bool operator!=(const strblobptr &lhs, const strblobptr &rhs)  {  	return !(lhs == rhs);  }    //strvec  class strvec  {  	friend bool operator==(const strvec &lhs, const strvec &rhs);  	friend bool operator!=(const strvec &lhs, const strvec &rhs);  	//其他成员  };  bool operator==(const strvec &lhs, const strvec &rhs)  {  	if (lhs.size() == rhs.size())  		return false;  	for (auto itr1 = lhs.begin(), itr2 = rhs.begin(); itr1 != lhs.end() && itr2 != rhs.end(); ++itr1, ++itr2)  	{  		if (*itr1 != *itr2)  			return false;  	}  	return true;  }  bool operator!=(const strvec &lhs, const strvec &rhs)  {  	return !(lhs == rhs);  }    //string  class string  {  	friend bool operator==(const string &lhs, const string &rhs);  	friend bool operator!=(const string &lhs, const string &rhs);  	//其他成员  private:  	const char *str;  };  bool operator==(const string &lhs, const string &rhs)  {  	return strcmp(lhs.str, rhs.str);  }  bool operator!=(const string &lhs, const string &rhs)  {  	return !(lhs == rhs);  }




  class date  {  	friend bool operator==(const date &dl, const date &d2);  	friend bool operator!=(const date &d1, const date &d2);  	//其他成员  };  bool operator==(const date &d1, const date &d2)  {  	return d1.year == d2.year && d1.month == d2.month && d1.day == d2.day;  }  bool operator!=(const date &d1, const date &d2)  {  	return !(da == d2);  }




  class string  {  	friend bool operator<(const string &s1, const string &s2);  	friend bool operator<=(const string &s1, const string &s2);  	friend bool operator>(const string &s1, const string &s2);  	friend bool operator>=(const string &s1, const string &s2);  	//其他成员  };    friend bool operator<(const string &s1, const string &s2)  {  	return strcmp(s1.str, s2.str) < 0;  }  friend bool operator<=(const string &s1, const string &s2)  {  	return strcmp(s1.str, s2.str) <= 0;  }  friend bool operator>(const string &s1, const string &s2)  {  	return strcmp(s1.str, s2.str) > 0;  }  friend bool operator>=(const string &s1, const string &s2)  {  	return strcmp(s1.str, s2.str) >= 0;  }    class strblob  {  	friend bool operator<(const strblob &s1, const strblob &s2);  	friend bool operator<=(const strblob &s1, const strblob &s2);  	friend bool operator>(const strblob &s1, const strblob &s2);  	friend bool operator>=(const strblob &s1, const strblob &s2);  };  bool operator<(const strblob &s1, const strblob &s2)  {  	return *s1.data < *s2.data;  }  bool operator<=(const strblob &s1, const strblob &s2)  {  	return *s1.data <= *s2.data;  }  bool operator>(const strblob &s1, const strblob &s2)  {  	return *s1.data > *s2.data;  }  bool operator>=(const strblob &s1, const strblob &s2)  {  	return *s1.data >= *s2.data;  }    class strblobptr  {  	friend operator<(const strblobptr &s1, const strblobptr &s2);  	friend operator<=(const strblobptr &s1, const strblobptr &s2);  	friend operator>(const strblobptr &s1, const strblobptr &s2);  	friend operator>=(const strblobptr &s1, const strblobptr &s2);  };  bool operator<(const strblobptr &s1, const strblobptr &s2)  {  	auto l = s1.wptr.lock(), r = s2.wptr.lock();  	if (l == r)  	{  		if (!r)  			return false;  		return (s1.curr < s2.curr);  	}  	else  		return false;  }  bool operator<=(const strblobptr &s1, const strblobptr &s2)  {  	auto l = s1.wptr.lock(), r = s2.wptr.lock();  	if (l == r)  		return (!r || s1.curr <= s2.curr);  	else  		return false;  }  bool operator>(const strblobptr &s1, const strblobptr &s2)  {  	auto l = s1.wptr.lock(), r = s2.wptr.lock();  	if (l == r)  	{  		if (!r)  			return false;  		return (s1.curr > s2.curr);  	}  	else  		return false;  }  bool operator>=(const strblobptr &s1, const strblobptr &s2)  {  	auto l = s1.wptr.lock(), r = s2.wptr.lock();  	if (l == r)  		return (!r || s1.curr >= s2.curr);  	else  		return false;  }    class strvec  {  	friend operator<(const strvec &s1, const strvec &s2);  	friend operator<=(const strvec &s1, const strvec &s2);  	friend operator>(const strvec &s1, const strvec &s2);  	friend operator>=(const strvec &s1, const strvec &s2);  	//其他成员  };  bool operator<(const strvec &s1, const strvec &s2)  {  	for (auto p1 = s1.begin(), p2 = s2.begin(); p1 != s1.end(), p2 != s2.end(); ++p1, ++p2)  	{  		if (*p1 < *p2)  			return true;  		else if (*p1 > *p2)  			return false;  	}  	if (p1 == s1.end() && p2 != s2.end())  		return true;  	return false;  }  bool operator<=(const strvec &s1, const strvec &s2)  {  	for (auto p1 = s1.begin(), p2 = s2.begin(); p1 != s1.end(), p2 != s2.end(); ++p1, ++p2)  	{  		if (*p1 < *p2)  			return true;  		else if (*p1 > *p2)  			return false;  	}  	if (p1 == s1.end())  		return true;  	return false;  }  bool operator>(const strvec &s1, const strvec &s2)  {  	for (auto p1 = s1.begin(), p2 = s2.begin(); p1 != s1.end(), p2 != s2.end(); ++p1, ++p2)  	{  		if (*p1 < *p2)  			return false;  		else if (*p1 > *p2)  			return true;  	}  	if (p1 == s1.end() && p2 != s2.end())  		return true;  	return false;  }  bool operator>=(const strvec &s1, const strvec &s2)  {  	for (auto p1 = s1.begin(), p2 = s2.begin(); p1 != s1.end(), p2 != s2.end(); ++p1, ++p2)  	{  		if (*p1 < *p2)  			return false;  		else if (*p1 > *p2)  			return true;  	}  	if (p2 == s2.end())  		return true;  	return false;  }




  class date  {  	friend operator<(const date &d1, const date &d2);  	friend operator<=(const date &d1, const date &d2);  	friend operator>(const date &d1, const date &d2);  	friend operator>=(const date &d1, const date &d2);  	//其他成员  };    bool operator<(const date &d1, const date &s2)  {  	return (d1.year < d2.year) || (d1.year == d2. year && d1.month < d2.month) || (d1.year == d2.year && d1.month == d2.month && d1.day < d2.day);  }  bool operator<=(const date &d1, const date &s2)  {  	return (d1 < d2) || (d1 == d2);  }  bool operator>(const date &d1, const date &s2)  {  	return !(d1 <= d2);  }  bool operator>=(const date &d1, const date &s2)  {  	return (d1 > d2) || (d1 == d2);  }




  class sales_data  {  	friend sales_data operator+(const sales_data &lhs, const sales_data &rhs);  public:  	sales_data& operator+=(const sales_data &rhs);  	//其他成员  };  sales_data operator+(const sales_data &lhs, const sales_data &rhs)  {  	sales_data sum = lhs;  	sum += rhs;  	return sum;  }  sales_data& sales_data::operator+=(const sales_data &rhs)  {  	units_sold += rhs.units_sold;  	revenue += rhs.revenue;  	return *this;  }






  class sales_data  {  	friend sales_data operator+(const sales_data &lhs, const sales_data &rhs);  public:  	sales_data& operator+=(const sales_data &rhs);  	//其他成员  };  sales_data operator+(const sales_data &lhs, const sales_data &rhs)  {  	sales_data sum = lhs;  	units_sold += rhs.units_sold;  	revenue += rhs.revenue;  	return sum;  }  }  sales_data& sales_data::operator+=(const sales_data &rhs)  {  	*this = (*this) + rhs;  }




  class sales_data  {  public:  	sales_data& operator=(const string &isbn);  	//其他成员  };  sales_data& sales_data::operator=(const string &isbn)  {  	bookno = isbn;  	return *this;  )




  class strvec  {  public:  	strvec& operator=(std::initializer_list il);  	//其他成员  };  strvec& strvec::operator=(std::initializer_list il)  {  	auto data = alloc_n_copy(il.begin(), il.end());  	free();  	elements = data.first;  	first_free = cap = data.second;  	return *this;  }








  class date  {  public:  	date& operator=(const string &date);  	//其他成员  };  date& sales_data::operator=(const string &date)  {  	istringstream in(date);  	char ch1, cha2;  	in >> year >> ch1 >> month >> ch2 >> day;  	if (!in || ch1 != '-' || ch2 != '-')  		throw std::invalid_argument("bad date");  	if (month < 1 || month >12 || day < 1 || day > 31)  		throw std::invalid_argument("bad date");  	return *this;  }




  class strblob  {  public:  	std:;string& operator[](std:;size_t n) { return data[n]; }  	const std:;string& operator[](std:;size_t n) const { return data[n]; }  };  class strblobptr  {  	std::string& operator[](std::size_t n) { return (*wptr.lock())[n]; }  	const std::string& operator[](std::size_t n) const { return (*wptr.lock())[n]; }  };  class strvec  {  public:  	std:;string& operator[])(std:;size_t n) { return elements[n]; }  	const std:;string& operator[])(std:;size_t n) const { return elements[n]; }  };  class string  {  public:  	char& operator[](std::size_t n) { return (char) str[n]; }  	const char& operator[](std::size_t n) const { return (char) str[n]; }  private:  	char *str;  }




  class strblobptr  {  public:  	//前缀  	strblobptr& operator++();  	strblobptr& operator--();  	//后缀  	strblobptr operator++(int);  	strblobptr operator--(int);  };  strblobptr& strblobptr::operator++()  {  	check(curr, " increment past end of strblobptr ");  	++curr;  	return *this;  }  strblobptr& strblobptr::operator--()  {  	--curr;  	check(-1, " decrement past begin of strblobptr ");	  	return *this;  }  strblobptr strblobptr::operator++(int)  {  	strblobptr ret = *this;  	++*this;  	return ret;  }  strblobptr strblobptr::operator--(int)  {  	strblobptr ret = *this;  	--*this;  	return ret;  }




  class strblobptr  {  	friend strblobptr operator+(int n);  	friend strblobptr operator-(int n);  	//其他成员  };  strblobptr strblobptr::operator+(int n)  {  	auto ret = *this;  	ret.curr += n;  	return ret;  }  strblobptr strblobptr::operator-(int n)  {  	auto ret = *this;  	ret.curr -= n;  	return ret;  }






练习14.30:为你的strblob类和在12.1.6节练习12.22中定义的conststrblobptr类分别添加解引用运算符和箭头运算符。注意:因为conststrblobptr的数据成员指向const vector,所以conststrblobptr中的运算符必须返回常量引用。


  class strblobptr  {  public:  	std::string& operator*() const  	{  		auto p = check(curr, "dereference past end");  		return (*p)[curr];  	}   	std::string* operator->() const  	{  		return &(this->operator*());  	}  };  class conststrblobptr  {  public:  	const std::string& operator*() const  	{  		auto p = check(curr, "dereference past end");  		return (*p)[curr];  	}   	const std::string* operator->() const  	{  		return &(this->operator*());  	}  };








  class myclass  {  public:  	std::string* operator->() const  	{  		return ptr->operator->();  	}  private:  	strblobptr *ptr;  }








  class ifelsethen  {  public:  	ifelsethen() { }  	ifelsethen(int i1, int i2, int i3) : ival1(i1), ival2(i2), ival3(i3) { }  	int operator()(int i1, int i2, int i3)  	{  		return i1 ? i2 : i3;  	}  private:  	int ival1, ival2, ival3;  };




  class readstring  {  public:  	readstring(istream &is = cin) : is(is) { }  	std:;string operator()()  	{  		string line;  		if (!getline(is, line))  		{  			line = " ";  		}  		return line;  	}  private:  	istream &is;  };




  void testreadstring()  {  	readstring rs;  	vector vec;  	while (true)  	{  		string line = rs();  		if (!line.empty())  		{  			vec.push_back(line);  		}  		else  			break;  	}  }




  class intcompare  {  public:  	intcompare(int v) : val(v) { }  	bool operator()(int v) { return val ==v; }  private:  	int val;  };    int main()  {  	vector vec = {1, 2, 3, 2, 1};  	const int oldvalue = 2;  	const int newvalue = 200;  	intcompare icmp(oldvalue);  	std::replace_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), icmp, newvalue);    	return 0;  }




  #include   #include   #include   #include   using std::istream;  using std::cout;  using std::cin;  using std::endl;  using std::vector;  using std::string;    class strlenis  {  public:  	strlenis(int len) : len(len) { }  	bool operator()(const string &str) { return str.length() == len; }    private:  	int len;  };    void readstr(istream &is, vector &vec)  {  	string word;  	while (is >> word)  	{  		vec.push_back(word);  	}  }    int main()  {  	vector vec;  	readstr(cin, vec);  	const int minlen = 1;  	const int maxlen = 10;  	for (int i = minlen; i <= maxlen; ++i)  	{  		strlenis slenis(i);  		cout << "len: " << i << ", cnt: " << count_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), slenis) << endl;  	}    	return 0;  }




  #include   #include   #include   #include   using std::istream;  using std::cout;  using std::cin;  using std::endl;  using std::vector;  using std::string;    class strlenbetween  {  public:  	strlenbetween(int minlen, int maxlen) : minlen(minlen), maxlen(maxlen) { }  	bool operator()(const string &str) { return str.length() >= minlen && str.length() <= maxlen; }    private:  	int minlen, maxlen;  };    class strnoshorterthan  {  public:  	strnoshorterthan(int len) : minlen(len) { }  	bool operator()(const string &str) { return str.length() >= minlen; }  private:  	int minlen;  };  void readstr(istream &is, vector &vec)  {  	string word;  	while (is >> word)  	{  		vec.push_back(word);  	}  }    int main()  {  	vector vec;  	readstr(cin, vec);  	strlenbetween slenbetween(1, 9);  	strnoshorterthan snoshorterthan(10);  	cout << "len 1-9 :" << count_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), slenbetween) << endl;  	cout << "len >= 10 : " << count_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), snoshorterthan) << endl;    	return 0;  }    



  class isshorter  {  public:  	bool operator()(const string &s1, const string &s2)  	{  		return s1.size() < s2.size();  	}  };  class notshorterthan  {  public:  	notshorterthan(int len) : minlen(len) { }  	bool operator()(const string &str)  	{  		return str.size() >= minlen;  	}  private:  	int minlen;  };  class printstring  {  public:  	void operator()(const string &str)  	{  		cout << str << " ";  	}  };    void biggies(vector &words, vector::size_type sz)  {  	elimdups(words);  	isshorter is;  	stable_sort(words.begin(), words.end(), is);  	notshorterthan nst(sz);  	auto wc = find_if(words.begin(), words.end(), nst);  	auto count = words.end() - wc;  	cout << count << " " << make_plural(count, "words", "s") << " of length " <, sz << " or longer" <











count_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), bind2nd(greater(), 1024));  find_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), bind2nd(not_equal_to(), "pooh"));  transform(vec.begin(), vec.end(), vec.begin(), bind2nd(multiplies(), 2));




  bool pidebyall(vector &ivec, int pidend)  {  	return count_if(ivec.begin(), ivec.end(), bindlst(modulus, pidend)) == 0;  }




  #include   #include  #include   #include   #include   using std::function;  using std::map;  using std::cin;  using std::cout;  using std::endl;  using std::string;  using std::plus;  using std::minus;  using std::multiplies;  using std::pides;  using std::modulus;  map> binops ={  	{"+", plus()},  	{"-", minus()},  	{"*", multiplies()},  	{"/", pides()},  	{"%", modulus()}  };    int main()  {  	int a, b;  	string op;  	cin >> a >> op >> b;  	cout<< binops[op](a, b) << endl;    	return 0;  }








sales_data不应该定义这两种类型转换运算符,因为对于类来说,它包含三个数据成员:bookno,units_sold和revenue,只有三者在一起才是有效的数据。但是如果确实想要定义这两个类型转换运算符的话,应该把它们声明成explicit的,这样可以防止sales_data 在默写情况下被默认转换成string或double类型,这有可能导致意料之外的运算结果。




  struct integral  {  	operator const int();  	operator int() const;  };


前者将对象转换成const int,在接受const int值的地方才能够使用。










  class date  {  	explicit operator bool()  	{  		vector> days_per_month = {{31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}, {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}};  		return 1 <= month && month <= 12 && 1 <= day && day <= days_per_month[isleapyear()? 1 : 0][month - 1];  	}    	bool isleapyear()  	{  		return (year % 4 ==0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0);  	}  };





  struct longdouble {  	longdouble(double = 0.0);  	operator double();  	operator float();  };  longdouble ldobj;  int ex1 = ldobj;  float ex2 ldobj;


对于int ex1 = ldob;,它需要把longdouble类型转换成int类型,但是longdouble并没有定义对应的类型转换运算符,因此它会尝试使用其他的来进行转换。题中给出的两个都满足需求,但编译器无法确定那一个更合适,因此会产生二义性错误。


对于foloat ex2 = ldobj;,它需要把longdouble转换成float类型,而我们恰好定义了对应的类型转换运算符,因此直接调用operator float()即可。



void calc(int);

void calc(longdouble);

double dval;


这里会优先调用void calc(int)函数。因为double转换为int是标准类型转换,而转换为longdouble则是转换为用户自定义类型,实际上调用了转换构造函数,因此前者优先。




  struct longdouble {  	//用于演示的成员operator+; 在通常情况下+s是个非成员  	longdouble operator+(const smallint&);  	//其他成员与14.9.2节一致  };  longdouble operator+(longdouble&, double);  smallint si;  longdouble ld;  ld = si + ld;  ld = ld + si;


对于ld=si+ld,由于longdouble不能转换为smallint,因此smallint的成员operator+和friend operator都不可行。



由于smallint可以转换为int, longdouble了可以转换为float和double,所以内置的operator+(int, float)和operator+(int, double)都可行,会产生二义性。


smallint可以转换为int,longdouble可以转换为float和double,因此内置的operator+(float, int)和operator(double, int)都可行。但它们都需要类型转换,因此longdouble的成员operator+优先匹配。



samllint sl;

double d = s1 + 3.14;

内置的operator+(int, double)是可行的,而3.14可以转换为int,然后再转换为smallint,所以smallint的成员operator+也是可行的。两者都需要进行类型转换,所以会产生二义性。改为:double d = s1 +smallint(3.14);即可。




上一篇 2021年5月14日
下一篇 2021年5月14日
