c/c++语言开发共享c/c++ 模板 类型推断

模板类型的推断 下面的函数f是个模板函数,typename T。下表是,根据调用测的实参,推断出来的T的类型。 请注意下表的红字部分, f(T&& t)看起来是右值引用,但其实它会根据实参的类型,来决定T的类型,如果实参是左值,则它是左值,如果实参是右值,则它是右值。 所以可以看出来,T&可以变成c …


下面的函数f是个模板函数,typename t。下表是,根据调用测的实参,推断出来的t的类型。

请注意下表的红字部分, f(t&& t)看起来是右值引用,但其实它会根据实参的类型,来决定t的类型,如果实参是左值,则它是左值,如果实参是右值,则它是右值。

所以可以看出来,t&可以变成const& ,f(t&& t)也可以变成const&。

f(t t) f(const t t)   f(t& t) f(const t& t) f(t&& t) f(const t&& t)
f(1) f<int> f<int> error cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type ‘int&’ to an rvalue of type ‘int’ f<int> f<int> f<int>
int i = 1;
f<int> f<int>   f<int> f<int> f<int&> error cannot bind rvalue reference of type ‘const int&&’ to lvalue of type ‘int’
int& ri = i;
f<int> f<int>    f<int> f<int> f<int&> cannot bind rvalue reference of type ‘const int&&’ to lvalue of type ‘int’
const int ci = 2;
f<int> f<int>    f<const int> f<int> f<const int&> cannot bind rvalue reference of type ‘const int&&’ to lvalue of type ‘const int’
const int& rci = ci;
f<int> f<int>    f<const int> f<int> f<const int&> cannot bind rvalue reference of type ‘const int&&’ to lvalue of type ‘const int’


#include <iostream>  template<typename t> void f1(t t){   t = 99; }  template<typename t> void f4(const t t){   //t = 99; }  template<typename t> void f2(t& t){   //t = 99; }  template<typename t> void f3(const t& t){}   template<typename t> void f5(t&& t){}  template<typename t> void f6(const t&& t){}  int main(){   /*   //void f1(t t)   f1(1);//int   int i = 1;   f1(i);//int   int& ri = i;   f1(ri);//int   std::cout << ri << std::endl;   const int ci = 2;   f1(ci);//int   const int& rci = ci;   f1(rci);//int   */    /*   //void f4(const t t)   f4(1);//int   int i = 1;   f4(i);//int   int& ri = i;   f4(ri);//int   std::cout << ri << std::endl;   const int ci = 2;   f4(ci);//int   const int& rci = ci;   f4(rci);//int   */      /*   //void f2(t& t)   //f2(1);//error cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type ‘int&’ to an rvalue of type ‘int’   int i = 1;   f2(i);//int   int& ri = i;   f2(ri);//int   const int ci = 2;   f2(ci);//const int   const int& rci = ci;   f2(rci);//const int   */    /*   //void f3(const t& t)   f3(1);//int   int i = 1;   f3(i);//int   int& ri = i;   f3(ri);//int   const int ci = 2;   f3(ci);//int   const int& rci = ci;   f3(rci);//int   */    /*   //void f5(t&& t)   f5(1);//int   int i = 1;   f5(i);//int&   int& ri = i;   f5(ri);//int&   std::cout << ri << std::endl;   const int ci = 2;   f5(ci);//const int&   const int& rci = ci;   f5(rci);//const int&   */    /*   //void f6(const t&& t)   f6(1);//int   int i = 1;   //f6(i);//error cannot bind rvalue reference of type ‘const int&&’ to lvalue of type ‘int’   int& ri = i;   //f6(ri);//error cannot bind rvalue reference of type ‘const int&&’ to lvalue of type ‘int’   std::cout << ri << std::endl;   const int ci = 2;   //f6(ci);//error cannot bind rvalue reference of type ‘const int&&’ to lvalue of type ‘const int’   const int& rci = ci;   //f6(rci);//error cannot bind rvalue reference of type ‘const int&&’ to lvalue of type ‘const int’   */    }




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