c/c++语言开发共享C++ primer 练习9.52 适配器stack 中缀表达式

//调试环境 VS2015//本人菜鸟一枚,不喜勿喷! 谢谢!!!//主要思想引自 http://www.cnblogs.com/dolphin0520/p/3708602.html//主要代码引自 https://blog.csdn.net/fengzhanghao23/article/detai …

//调试环境 vs2015
//本人菜鸟一枚,不喜勿喷! 谢谢!!!
//主要思想引自  https://www.cnblogs.com/dolphin0520/p/3708602.html
//主要代码引自  https://blog.csdn.net/fengzhanghao23/article/details/47380793
//           2.循环操作采用c++11标准的范围for语句实现
//           3.输入采用文件输入,其文件名,存储地址及数据可自行修改

#include “stdafx.h”
using namespace std;
int priority(string opt)
 int p = 0;
 if (opt == “(“)
  p = 1;
 if (opt == “+” || opt == “-“)
  p = 2;
 if (opt == “*” || opt == “/”)
  p = 3;
 return p;
void calculate(stack<double> &opdstack, string opt)
 double ropd = 0;
 double lopd = 0;
 double result = 0;
 if (opt == “+”)
  ropd = opdstack.top();
  lopd = opdstack.top();
  result = lopd + ropd;
 if (opt == “-“)
  ropd = opdstack.top();
  lopd = opdstack.top();
  result = lopd – ropd;
 if (opt == “*”)
  ropd = opdstack.top();
  lopd = opdstack.top();
  result = lopd * ropd;
 if (opt == “/”)
  ropd = opdstack.top();
  lopd = opdstack.top();
  result = lopd / ropd;
double calexpression(vector<string> sv)
 stack<double> stack_opd;
 stack<string> stack_opt;
 for (auto c : sv)
  if (c == “+” || c == “-” || c == “*” || c == “/”)
   if (stack_opt.size() == 0)
    int c_p = priority(c);
    string top_opt = stack_opt.top();
    int opt_p = priority(top_opt);
    if (c_p > opt_p)
     while (c_p <= opt_p)
      calculate(stack_opd, top_opt);
      if (stack_opt.size() > 0)
       top_opt = stack_opt.top();
       opt_p = priority(top_opt);
  else if (c == “(“)
  else if (c == “)”)
   while (stack_opt.top() != “(“)
    string top_opt = stack_opt.top();
    calculate(stack_opd, top_opt);
   if (c.find(‘-‘) == 0)
    stack_opd.push(-stod(c.substr(c.find(‘-‘) + 1)));
 while (stack_opt.size() != 0)
  string top_opt = stack_opt.top();
  calculate(stack_opd, top_opt);
 return stack_opd.top();
int main()
 cout << “——this is a function test of test_9_52——” << endl;
 cout << “caution!!! the data stored in file of test_9_52.txt” << endl;
 ifstream ifs(“test_9_52.txt”);
 string s;
 vector<string> sv;
 if (ifs)
  while (ifs >> s)
  cout << “the file is not open!!!” << endl;
 cout << “the expression: “;
 for (auto c : sv)
  cout << c << ” “;
 cout << endl;
 cout << “it’s calculation results is: ” << calexpression(sv) << endl;
 cout << endl;
 return 0;




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