c/c++语言开发共享Linux下onvif客户端获取ipc摄像头 获取能力:GetCapabilities

GetCapabilities:获取能力,主要目的获取设备能力信息(获取媒体服务地址) 鉴权:但是在调用获取设备能力之前是需要鉴权的。ONVIF协议规定,部分接口需要鉴权,部分接口不需要鉴权,在调用需要鉴权的接口时不使用鉴权,会导致接口调用失败。实现鉴权的方式之一可以调用gSOAP源码中的 soap …


鉴权:但是在调用获取设备能力之前是需要鉴权的。onvif协议规定,部分接口需要鉴权,部分接口不需要鉴权,在调用需要鉴权的接口时不使用鉴权,会导致接口调用失败。实现鉴权的方式之一可以调用gsoap源码中的 soap_wsse_add_usernametokendigest()函数。要安装依赖库openssl


  1 #include <stdio.h>    2 #include <stdlib.h>    3 #include <string.h>    4 #include <assert.h>    5      6 #include "soaph.h"    7 #include "stdsoap2.h"    8 #include "soapstub.h"    9 #include "wsseapi.h"   10     11 #include "wsdd.nsmap" //命名空间   12     13 static struct soap* onvif_initsoap(struct soap_env__header *header, const char *was_to, const char *was_action, int timeout)   14 {   15     struct soap *soap = null;    // soap环境变量   16     unsigned char macaddr[6];   17     char _hwid[1024];   18     unsigned int flagrand;   19     20     soap = soap_new();   21     if(soap == null)   22     {   23         printf("[%d]soap = nulln", __line__);   24         return null;   25     }   26     27     soap_set_namespaces(soap, namespaces);   // 设置soap的namespaces,即设置命名空间   28     29     // 设置超时(超过指定时间没有数据就退出)   30     if(timeout > 0)   31     {   32         soap->recv_timeout = timeout;   33         soap->send_timeout = timeout;   34         soap->connect_timeout = timeout;   35     }   36     else   37     {   38         //maximum waittime : 20s   39         soap->recv_timeout  = 20;   40         soap->send_timeout  = 20;   41         soap->connect_timeout = 20;   42     }   43     44     soap_default_soap_env__header(soap, header);   45     46     //create sessionid randomly,生成uuid(windows下叫guid,linux下叫uuid),格式为urn:uuid:8-4-4-4-12,由系统随机产生   47     srand((int)time(0));   48     flagrand = rand()%9000 + 8888;   49     macaddr[0] = 0x1;   50     macaddr[1] = 0x2;   51     macaddr[2] = 0x3;   52     macaddr[3] = 0x4;   53     macaddr[4] = 0x5;   54     macaddr[5] = 0x6;   55     sprintf(_hwid, "urn:uuid:%ud68a-1dd2-11b2-a105-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", flagrand, macaddr[0], macaddr[1], macaddr[2],macaddr[3],macaddr[4],macaddr[5]);   56     header->wsa__messageid = (char *)malloc(100);     57     memset(header->wsa__messageid, 0, 100);   58     strncpy(header->wsa__messageid, _hwid, strlen(_hwid));    //wsa__messageid存放的是uuid   59     60     if(was_action != null)   61     {   62         header->wsa__action = (char*)malloc(1024);   63         memset(header->wsa__action, '', 1024);   64         strncpy(header->wsa__action, was_action, 1024); //   65     }   66     if(was_to != null)   67     {   68         header->wsa__to = (char *)malloc(1024);   69         memset(header->wsa__to, '', 1024);   70         strncpy(header->wsa__to, was_to, 1024);//"urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:ws:2005:04:discovery";   71     }   72     soap->header = header;   73     return soap;   74 }   75     76     77 //释放函数   78 void onvif_soap_delete(struct soap *soap)   79 {   80     soap_destroy(soap);                      // remove deserialized class instances (c++ only)   81     soap_end(soap);                          // clean up deserialized data (except class instances) and temporary data   82     soap_free(soap);                         // reset and deallocate the context created with soap_new or soap_copy   83 }   84     85     86 //鉴权   87 static int onvif_setauthinfo(struct soap *soap, const char *username, const char *password)   88 {   89     int result = 0;   90     if((null != username) || (null != password)){   91         soap_wsse_add_usernametokendigest(soap, null, username, password);   92     }else{   93         printf("un etauthn");   94         result = -1;   95     }   96     97     return result;   98 }   99    100    101    102 int main(int argc,char *argv[])  103 {  104     int ret = 0;  105     char sercer_addr[] = ""; //设备搜索得到的地址  106    107     struct soap_env__header header;  108     struct soap* soap = onvif_initsoap(&header, null, null, 5);  109    110     struct _tds__getcapabilities *req;  111     struct _tds__getcapabilitiesresponse *response;  112       113     if(null == (req = (struct _tds__getcapabilities *)calloc(1,sizeof(struct _tds__getcapabilities))))  114     {  115         printf("calloc is error n");  116         ret = -1;  117         return ret;  118     }else{  119         req->__sizecategory = 1;  120         req->category = (enum tt__capabilitycategory *)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(int));  121         *(req->category) = (enum tt__capabilitycategory)5; //5表示:tt__capabilitycategory__media  122    123         onvif_setauthinfo(soap,"admin","hk123456");  //鉴权,输入摄像头的用户名、密码  124         ret = soap_call___tds__getcapabilities(soap, sercer_addr, null,req, response);  125         if(soap->error){   126             ret = -1;  127             printf("soap error: %d, %s, %sn", soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap));  128             return ret;  129         }else{;  130             if(null != response->capabilities)  131             {  132                 if (response->capabilities->media != null){  133                     if (response->capabilities->media->xaddr != null){  134                         printf(" media_addr: %s n", response->capabilities->media->xaddr);   135                     }  136                 }  137             }  138         }  139     }  140    141     if(null != req)  142     {  143         free(req);  144         req = null;  145     }  146    147     onvif_soap_delete(soap);  148     return ret;  149 }


在编译之前要把:stdsoap2.c  soapc.c  md5.c dom.c mecevp.c smdevp.c threads.c wsaapi.c wsseapi.c soapclient.c   把这些.c 还有有些配套的.h  拷贝到当前工作目录下。

 Linux下onvif客户端获取ipc摄像头 获取能力:GetCapabilities




 Linux下onvif客户端获取ipc摄像头 获取能力:GetCapabilities


编译:gcc -o test get_uri_test.c stdsoap2.c soapc.c md5.c dom.c mecevp.c smdevp.c threads.c wsaapi.c wsseapi.c soapclient.c -i import/ -dwith_openssl -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -pthread 

Linux下onvif客户端获取ipc摄像头 获取能力:GetCapabilities





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