c/c++语言开发共享this 指针

“` // // main.cpp // this指针 // // Created by mac on 2019/5/2. // Copyright © 2019年 mac. All rights reserved. // 默认情况下,编译器为类的每个成员函数提供了一个隐式形参,该隐式形参成为th …

// //  main.cpp //  this指针 // //  created by mac on 2019/5/2. //  copyright © 2019年 mac. all rights reserved. //  默认情况下,编译器为类的每个成员函数提供了一个隐式形参,该隐式形参成为this  #include <iostream>  using namespace std;  class example{ private:     int x; public:     example(int a){         this->x=a;     }     void setvalue(int);     void printaddressandvalue()const;      };  void example::setvalue(int a){     this->x=a; }  void example::printaddressandvalue()const{     cout<<"the object at address "<<this<<" has "<<"value "<<(*this).x<<endl; }  int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {     // insert code here...     example obj1(10),obj2(20);     cout<<"address of objects are "<<&obj1<<" and "<<&obj2<<endl;     obj1.printaddressandvalue();     obj2.printaddressandvalue();     return 0; } 


address of objects are 0x7ffeefbff578 and 0x7ffeefbff570 the object at address 0x7ffeefbff578 has value 10 the object at address 0x7ffeefbff570 has value 20 program ended with exit code: 0




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