
具有共享/独占访问权限,且具有升级/降级功能的互斥锁 介绍 我的目标是创建可以充当读/写锁定机制的对象。任何线程都可以锁定它以进行读取,但是只有一个线程可以锁定它以进行写入。在写入线程释放它之前,所有其他线程都将等待。在释放任何其他线程之前,写线程不会获取互斥体。 我可以使用Slim Reader …






我可以使用slim reader / writer锁,但是:

  • 它们不是递归的,例如,acquiresrwlockexclusive()如果同一线程较早调用同一函数,则对的调用将阻塞。
  • 它们不可升级,例如,已将锁锁定为读取访问权限的线程无法将其锁定为写入操作。
  • 它们不是可复制的句柄。

我可以尝试c ++ 14,shared_lock但是我仍然需要c ++ 11支持。此外,我还不确定它是否可以真正满足我的要求。

因此,我不得不手动实现它。由于缺少,删除了普通的c ++ 11方法waitformultipleobjects (nyi)。现在具有升级/降级功能。




1 class rwmutex  2     {  3     private:  4         handle hchangemap;  5         std::map<dword, handle> threads;  6         rwmutex(const rwmutex&) = delete;  7         rwmutex(rwmutex&&) = delete;




1 rwmutex(const rwmutex&) = delete;  2 void operator =(const rwmutex&) = delete;  3   4 rwmutex()  5     {  6     hchangemapwrite = createmutex(0,0,0);  7     }




 1 handle createif(bool keepreaderlocked = false)   2     {   3                 waitforsingleobject(hchangemap, infinite);   4                 dword id = getcurrentthreadid();   5                 if (threads[id] == 0)   6                     {   7                     handle e0 = createmutex(0, 0, 0);   8                     threads[id] = e0;   9                     }  10                 handle e = threads[id];  11                 if (!keepreaderlocked)  12                       releasemutex(hchangemap);  13                 return e;   14     }




 1 handle lockread()   2     {   3     auto f = createif();   4     waitforsingleobject(f,infinite);   5     return f;   6     }   7 void releaseread(handle f)   8     {   9     releasemutex(f);  10     }




 1 void lockwrite()   2     {   3                 createif(true);   4    5                 // wait for all    6                 vector<handle> allthreads;   7                 allthreads.reserve(threads.size());   8                 for (auto& a : threads)   9                     {  10                     allthreads.push_back(a.second);  11                     }  12   13                 waitformultipleobjects((dword)allthreads.size(), allthreads.data(), true, infinite);  14   15                 // reader is locked  16     }  17   18 void releasewrite()  19     {  20       21     // release all  22     for (auto& a : threads)  23         releasemutex(a.second);  24     releasemutex(hchangemap);  25     }







1 rwmutex()  2     {  3     closehandle(hchangemap);  4     hchangemap = 0;  5     for (auto& a : threads)  6         closehandle(a.second);  7     threads.clear();  8     }





 1 void lockwrite(dword updthread = 0)   2 {   3     createif(true);   4    5     // wait for all   6     allthreads.reserve(threads.size());   7     allthreads.clear();   8     for (auto& a : threads)   9     {  10         if (updthread == a.first) // except ourself if in upgrade operation  11             continue;  12         allthreads.push_back(a.second);  13     }  14     auto tim = waitformultipleobjects((dword)allthreads.size(), allthreads.data(), true, wi);  15   16     if (tim == wait_timeout && wi != infinite)  17         outputdebugstring(l"lockwrite debug timeout!");  18   19     // we don't want to keep threads, the hchangemap is enough  20     // we also release the handle to the upgraded thread, if any  21     for (auto& a : threads)  22         releasemutex(a.second);  23   24     // reader is locked  25 }  26   27 void upgrade()  28 {  29     lockwrite(getcurrentthreadid());  30 }  31   32 handle downgrade()  33 {  34     dword id = getcurrentthreadid();  35     auto z = threads[id];  36     auto tim = waitforsingleobject(z, wi);  37     if (tim == wait_timeout && wi != infinite)  38         outputdebugstring(l"downgrade debug timeout!");  39     releasemutex(hchangemap);  40     return z;  41 }







  • 直接从映射上获取手柄,无需重新锁定
  • 锁定此句柄,就像我们处于读取模式一样
  • 发布变更映射


  1 // rwmutex    2     class rwmutex    3         {    4         private:    5             handle hchangemap = 0;    6             std::map<dword, handle> threads;    7             dword wi = infinite;    8             rwmutex(const rwmutex&) = delete;    9             rwmutex(rwmutex&&) = delete;   10             operator=(const rwmutex&) = delete;   11    12         public:   13    14             rwmutex(bool d = false)   15                 {   16                 if (d)   17                     wi = 10000;   18                 else   19                     wi = infinite;   20                 hchangemap = createmutex(0, 0, 0);   21                 }   22    23             ~rwmutex()   24                 {   25                 closehandle(hchangemap);   26                 hchangemap = 0;   27                 for (auto& a : threads)   28                     closehandle(a.second);   29                 threads.clear();   30                 }   31    32             handle createif(bool keepreaderlocked = false)   33                 {   34                 auto tim = waitforsingleobject(hchangemap, infinite);   35                 if (tim == wait_timeout && wi != infinite)   36                     outputdebugstring(l"lockread debug timeout!");   37                 dword id = getcurrentthreadid();   38                 if (threads[id] == 0)   39                     {   40                     handle e0 = createmutex(0, 0, 0);   41                     threads[id] = e0;   42                     }   43                 handle e = threads[id];   44                 if (!keepreaderlocked)       45                     releasemutex(hchangemap);   46                 return e;   47                 }   48    49             handle lockread()   50                 {   51                 auto z = createif();   52                 auto tim = waitforsingleobject(z, wi);   53                 if (tim == wait_timeout && wi != infinite)   54                     outputdebugstring(l"lockread debug timeout!");   55                 return z;   56                 }   57    58     void lockwrite(dword updthread = 0)   59     {   60         createif(true);   61    62         // wait for all    63         allthreads.reserve(threads.size());   64         allthreads.clear();   65         for (auto& a : threads)   66         {   67             if (updthread == a.first) // except ourself if in upgrade operation   68                 continue;   69             allthreads.push_back(a.second);   70         }   71         auto tim = waitformultipleobjects((dword)allthreads.size(), allthreads.data(), true, wi);   72    73         if (tim == wait_timeout && wi != infinite)   74             outputdebugstring(l"lockwrite debug timeout!");   75    76         // we don't want to keep threads, the hchangemap is enough   77         // we also release the handle to the upgraded thread, if any   78         for (auto& a : threads)   79             releasemutex(a.second);   80    81         // reader is locked   82     }   83    84     void releasewrite()   85     {   86         releasemutex(hchangemap);   87     }   88    89     void releaseread(handle f)   90     {   91         releasemutex(f);   92     }   93    94     void upgrade()   95     {   96         lockwrite(getcurrentthreadid());   97     }   98    99     handle downgrade()  100     {  101         dword id = getcurrentthreadid();  102         auto z = threads[id];  103         auto tim = waitforsingleobject(z, wi);  104         if (tim == wait_timeout && wi != infinite)  105             outputdebugstring(l"downgrade debug timeout!");  106         releasemutex(hchangemap);  107         return z;  108     }                109 };



 1 class rwmutexlockread   2     {   3     private:   4         rwmutex* mm = 0;   5     public:   6    7         rwmutexlockread(const rwmutexlockread&) = delete;   8         void operator =(const rwmutexlockread&) = delete;   9   10         rwmutexlockread(rwmutex*m)  11             {  12             if (m)  13                 {  14                 mm = m;  15                 mm->lockread();  16                 }  17             }  18         ~rwmutexlockread()  19             {  20             if (mm)  21                 {  22                 mm->releaseread();  23                 mm = 0;  24                 }  25             }  26     };  27   28 class rwmutexlockwrite  29     {  30     private:  31         rwmutex* mm = 0;  32     public:  33         rwmutexlockwrite(rwmutex*m)  34             {  35             if (m)  36                 {  37                 mm = m;  38                 mm->lockwrite();  39                 }  40             }  41         ~rwmutexlockwrite()  42             {  43             if (mm)  44                 {  45                 mm->releasewrite();  46                 mm = 0;  47                 }  48             }  49     };



 1 class rwmutexlockreadwrite   2 {   3 private:   4     rwmutex* mm = 0;   5     handle lm = 0;   6     bool u = false;   7 public:   8    9     rwmutexlockreadwrite(const rwmutexlockreadwrite&) = delete;  10     void operator =(const rwmutexlockreadwrite&) = delete;  11   12     rwmutexlockreadwrite(rwmutex*m)  13     {  14         if (m)  15         {  16             mm = m;  17             lm = mm->lockread();  18         }  19     }  20   21     void upgrade()  22     {  23         if (mm && !u)  24         {  25             mm->upgrade();  26             lm = 0;  27             u = 1;  28         }  29     }  30   31     void downgrade()  32     {  33         if (mm && u)  34         {  35             lm = mm->downgrade();  36             u = 0;  37         }  38     }  39   40     ~rwmutexlockreadwrite()  41     {  42         if (mm)  43         {  44             if (u)  45                 mm->releasewrite();  46             else  47                 mm->releaseread(lm);  48             lm = 0;  49             mm = 0;  50         }  51     }  52 };



 1 rwmutex m;   2    3 // ... other code   4 void foo1() {   5   rwmutexlockread lock(&m);   6   }   7    8 void foo2() {   9  rwmutexlockwrite lock(&m);  10 }





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