
目录timer.htimer.ctimer.h#ifndef __TIMER_H#define __TIMER_H 1#include <sys/time.h>#include <stdbool.h>#include “list.h”struct timer_node { unsigned long int timerid; struct timeval timeout; struct timeval interva






 #ifndef __TIMER_H #define __TIMER_H 1   #include <sys/time.h> #include <stdbool.h>  #include "list.h"    struct timer_node {     unsigned long int timerid;      struct timeval timeout;      struct timeval interval;     bool isloop;     void *arg;     void (*callback)(void *arg);          struct list_head list; };    void timer_initial();  unsigned long int timer_new(bool is_loop, void (*callback)(void *arg), void *arg, long sec, long usec);  int timer_del(unsigned long int timerid);    #endif //__TIMER_H 


 #define _GNU_SOURCE             /* See feature_test_macros(7) */ #include <pthread.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <stdbool.h>  #include "log.h" #include "timer.h"  #ifndef _unused #define _unused  __attribute__((unused)) #endif   pthread_t timer_routine; LIST_HEAD(timer_list); pthread_mutex_t timer_list_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;   #define CRTL_GT 1 #define CRTL_EQ 0 #define CRTL_LT (-1)  inline int timeval_cmp(struct timeval *in, struct timeval *in2) {     if(in->tv_sec > in2->tv_sec) {         return CRTL_GT;     } else if(in->tv_sec == in2->tv_sec) {         if( in->tv_usec > in2->tv_usec ) {             return CRTL_GT;         } else if (in->tv_usec == in2->tv_usec) {             return CRTL_EQ;         } else {             return CRTL_LT;         }     } else {         return CRTL_LT;     }      return CRTL_EQ; }  inline void timeval_add(struct timeval *in, struct timeval *in2, struct timeval *out) {     out->tv_sec = in->tv_sec + in2->tv_sec + (in->tv_usec+in2->tv_usec)/1000000; 	out->tv_usec = (in->tv_usec+in2->tv_usec)%1000000; }  inline int timeval_subabs(struct timeval *in1, struct timeval *in2, struct timeval *out) {     time_t in1Sec = in1->tv_sec;     time_t in2Sec = in2->tv_sec;     long in1uSec = in1->tv_usec;     long in2uSec = in2->tv_usec;      int cmp = timeval_cmp(in1, in2);     if(cmp == CRTL_GT) {         out->tv_usec = in1uSec+((in1uSec<in2uSec)?1000000:0) - in2uSec;         out->tv_sec = in1Sec + ((in1uSec<in2uSec)?-1:0) - in2Sec;     } else if(cmp == CRTL_EQ) {         out->tv_sec = 0; 	    out->tv_usec = 0;     } else if(cmp == CRTL_LT) {         out->tv_usec = in2uSec+((in2uSec<in1uSec)?1000000:0) - in1uSec;         out->tv_sec = in2Sec + ((in2uSec<in1uSec)?-1:0) - in1Sec;     }          return cmp; }  static long int _unused sub_timeval_usec(struct timeval *t1, struct timeval *t2) {     static struct timeval out;     timeval_subabs(t1, t2, &out);     return out.tv_sec*1000000 + out.tv_usec; } /* 查找一个定时器-线程不安全 */ inline static struct timer_node * get_timer_byid(unsigned long int timeid) {     /* 入参有误 */     if(((unsigned long int)0==(unsigned long int)timeid)) {         warning("wrong params error. timeid=%ldn", timeid);         return NULL;     }      struct timer_node *__list_ite_timer = NULL;     struct timer_node *_unused __list_ite_next_timer = NULL;          /* 轮询定时器链表 */     list_for_each_entry_safe(__list_ite_timer,__list_ite_next_timer, &timer_list, list) { //        __crtl_dbg(">>> %lx, %lxn", __list_ite_timer->timer_id, timeid);         if( __list_ite_timer->timerid == timeid ) {             return __list_ite_timer;         }         if(list_is_last(&__list_ite_timer->list, &timer_list)) { //            __crtl_dbg("Last NOde no OK.n");             return NULL;         }          if( __list_ite_next_timer->timerid == timeid ) {             return __list_ite_next_timer;         } else {             __list_ite_timer = __list_ite_next_timer;         }     }     debug("Not exist.n");     return NULL; }   /* 添加定时器到定时器链表 */ inline static int  timer_add_to_list(struct timer_node *__insert_timer) {     struct timer_node *__list_ite_timer = NULL;     struct timer_node *_unused  __list_ite_next_timer = NULL;     struct timer_node *_unused  __small_timer = NULL;     struct timer_node *_unused  __big_timer = NULL;      struct timeval time_interval = {0, 0};          /**      *  1.Find the location of insert timer      *      *      __small_timer   __big_timer      *      *  2.Insert new timer      *      __small_timer  __insert_timer  __big_timer      */          /* 如果为空,直接添加 */     if(list_empty(&timer_list)) {         list_add_tail(&__insert_timer->list, &timer_list); //        crtl_rbtree_insert(__crtl_timers_tree, __insert_timer, sizeof(struct crtl_timer_struct));     /* 如果不为空,查找位置 */     } else {         list_for_each_entry_safe(__list_ite_timer,__list_ite_next_timer, &timer_list, list) {                          int cmp = timeval_subabs(&__list_ite_timer->timeout,                                             &__insert_timer->timeout,                                             &time_interval);             if(cmp == CRTL_GT) {                 struct timer_node * __list_prev_timer = list_prev_entry(__list_ite_timer, list);                 list_add(&__insert_timer->list, &__list_prev_timer->list);                 break;             }              if(list_is_last(&__list_ite_timer->list, &timer_list)) {                 list_add(&__insert_timer->list, &__list_ite_timer->list);                 break;                          /* 如果不是最后一个定时器, 同时使用 __list_ite_next_timer */             } else {                              /* 轮询的定时器等于即将插入的定时器,插入*/                 if(cmp == CRTL_EQ) {                     list_add(&__insert_timer->list, &__list_ite_timer->list);                     break;                                  /* 轮询的定时器小于即将插入的定时器,比较下一个节点 */                 } else if(cmp == CRTL_LT) {                     int cmp_next = timeval_subabs(&__list_ite_next_timer->timeout,                                                          &__insert_timer->timeout,                                                          &time_interval);                     /* 下一个节点大于或者等于,直接插入 */                     if(cmp_next == CRTL_GT || cmp_next == CRTL_EQ) {                         list_add(&__insert_timer->list, &__list_ite_timer->list);                         break;                     /* 下一个节点小于,继续比较 */                     } else if(cmp_next == CRTL_LT) {                         continue;                     }                 }             }     	}     }          return 0; }  static void * sched_timer_list(void *arg) {     struct timeval currentTime, time_interval;     struct timer_node *__this_timer = NULL, _unused *next_timer, *__list_ite_timer, *__list_ite_next_timer;          while(1) {         usleep(1000);         gettimeofday(&currentTime, NULL);              pthread_mutex_lock(&timer_list_lock);         if(list_empty(&timer_list)) {             pthread_mutex_unlock(&timer_list_lock);             continue;         } #if 0         list_for_each_entry_safe(__this_timer, next_timer, &timer_list, list) {                          diff_usec = sub_timeval_usec(&__this_timer->timeout, &current);             if(diff_usec < 10000 ) {                 __this_timer->callback(__this_timer->arg);                 list_del(&__this_timer->list);                 if(__this_timer->isloop) {                                      }             }             __this_timer = next_timer;         } #else                  /* 轮询定时器链表 */         list_for_each_entry_safe(__list_ite_timer,__list_ite_next_timer, &timer_list, list) {              __this_timer = __list_ite_timer;             if(!list_is_last(&__list_ite_timer->list, &timer_list)) {                 __list_ite_timer = __list_ite_next_timer;             }                                      /* 计算当前时间与定时器超时时间差 */             timeval_subabs(&__this_timer->timeout, &currentTime,  &time_interval);              /* 如果时间差在刷新间隔内,调度定时器 */             if(10000 >= time_interval.tv_sec*1000000+time_interval.tv_usec) {                                  /* 调度 */                 __this_timer->callback(__this_timer->arg);                  /* 从链表中删除这个定时器 */                 list_del_init(&__this_timer->list); //                crtl_rbtree_delete(__crtl_timers_tree, __this_timer);                 /* 是否为循环定时器 */                 if(__this_timer->isloop) {                                          /* 获取到期时间:轮询表中将被与GetTimeofDay比较 */                     timeval_add(&currentTime, &__this_timer->interval,                                                      &__this_timer->timeout);                                          timer_add_to_list(__this_timer);                                      } else {                     free(__this_timer);                 }                              }else { /* 如果这个定时器没到时间,后面的定时器全部没有超时 */                 break;             }         }  #endif         pthread_mutex_unlock(&timer_list_lock);     }          return NULL; }     /* 创建定时器 */ unsigned long int timer_new(bool is_loop, void (*callback)(void *arg), void *arg, long sec, long usec) {     unsigned long int timerid = 0;          struct timer_node *__timer = malloc(sizeof(struct timer_node));      timerid = __timer->timerid = (unsigned long int)__timer;      __timer->isloop = is_loop;      struct timeval currentTime = {0,0};      /* 计算并保存间隔时间 */     __timer->interval.tv_sec = sec;     __timer->interval.tv_usec = usec;      /* 获取当前时间 */     gettimeofday(&currentTime, NULL);          /* 获取到期时间:轮询表中将被与GetTimeofDay比较 */     timeval_add(&currentTime, &__timer->interval, &__timer->timeout);      /* 置NULL */     __timer->list.next = __timer->list.prev = NULL;     __timer->callback = callback;     __timer->arg = arg;           pthread_mutex_lock(&timer_list_lock);          /* 添加到定时器链表 */     timer_add_to_list(__timer);          pthread_mutex_unlock(&timer_list_lock);      return timerid; }    /* 删除定时器 */ int timer_del(unsigned long int timerid) {     struct timer_node *__this_timer = NULL;      pthread_mutex_lock(&timer_list_lock);     __this_timer = get_timer_byid(timerid);      if((!__this_timer)) {         warning("null pointer error.n");         pthread_mutex_unlock(&timer_list_lock);         return -1;     }      /* 从链表中删除这个定时器 */     list_del_init(&__this_timer->list);     pthread_mutex_unlock(&timer_list_lock);          free(__this_timer);      return 0; } //    void timer_initial() {     pthread_create(&timer_routine, NULL, sched_timer_list, NULL);      pthread_setname_np(timer_routine, "timer"); } 


  void test_timer()  {     static unsigned long int timerid[10];          void timer_callback(void*arg) {         static volatile int count = 0;         count++;         unsigned long int *timerid = (unsigned long int *)arg;         error("timerid = %ld, count = %dn", *timerid, count);     }          int i=0;     for(i=0;i<10;i++)         timerid[i] = timer_new(true, timer_callback, &timerid[i], 1, 1);           for(i=0;i<10;i++) {         sleep(1);         timer_del(timerid[9-i]);     }     error("----------------------------------n");     for(i=0;i<10;i++) {         sleep(1);         timerid[i] = timer_new(true, timer_callback, &timerid[i], 1, 1);     } } 






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