c/c++语言开发共享C – 文件中的字符数

所以我想创建一个程序来计算文件中每个字符的出现次数。 例如:






#include  const char FILE_NAME[] = "input.txt"; #include  int main() { int count = 0; /* number of characters seen */ FILE *in_file; /* input file */ /* character or EOF flag from input */ int ch; in_file = fopen(FILE_NAME, "r"); if (in_file == NULL) { printf("Cannot open %sn", FILE_NAME); exit(8); } while (1) { ch = fgetc(in_file); if (ch == EOF) break; ++count; } printf("Number of characters in %s is %dn", FILE_NAME, count); fclose(in_file); return (0); 


     #include #include int main() { /* a buffer to hold the count of characters 0,...,256; it is * initialized to zero on every element */ int count[256] = { 0 }; /* loop counter */ int k; /* file handle --- in this case I am parsing this source code */ FILE *fp = fopen("ccount.c", "r"); /* a holder for each character (stored as int) */ int c; /* for as long as we can get characters... */ while((c=fgetc(fp))) { /* break if end of file */ if(c == EOF) break; /* otherwise add one to the count of that particular character */ count[c]+=1; } /* now print the results; only if the count is different from * zero */ for(k=0; k<256; k++) { if(count[k] > 0) { printf("char %c: %d timesn", k, count[k]); } } /* close the file */ fclose(fp); /* that's it */ return 0; } 

    我使用以下命令编译代码(OS X 10.7.4上的GCC 4.8.1)

     gcc ccount.c -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -ansi 

    它编译时没有任何警告,也没有错误; 这是输出:

     char : 40 times char : 190 times char ": 6 times char #: 2 times char %: 2 times char ': 1 times char (: 11 times char ): 11 times char *: 23 times char +: 3 times char ,: 5 times char -: 3 times char .: 9 times char /: 20 times char 0: 5 times char 1: 1 times char 2: 3 times char 5: 3 times char 6: 3 times char :: 1 times char ;: 13 times char <: 3 times char =: 7 times char>: 3 times char E: 2 times char F: 2 times char I: 2 times char L: 1 times char O: 1 times char [: 4 times char : 1 times char ]: 4 times char a: 29 times char b: 4 times char c: 36 times char d: 15 times char e: 49 times char f: 25 times char g: 4 times char h: 22 times char i: 36 times char k: 9 times char l: 19 times char m: 5 times char n: 35 times char o: 38 times char p: 9 times char r: 34 times char s: 22 times char t: 49 times char u: 16 times char v: 1 times char w: 4 times char y: 2 times char z: 3 times char {: 5 times char }: 5 times 


     int charArray[256]; memset(charArray, 0, 256*sizeof(int)); // instead of memset, for 0 values you can you just {0} while (1) { ch = fgetc(in_file); if (ch == EOF) break; charArray[ch]++; } for (int i=0; i<256; i++) if (charArray[i] > 0) printf("Number of character %c is %dn", (char)i, charArray[i]); 


     int counts[26]; memset(&counts[0], 0, sizeof(counts)); while ( (ch = fgetc(in_file)) != EOF) { if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ++count[ch - 'a']; } 


     for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z', ++c) printf("Count of '%c' is %dn", c, count[c - 'a']); 

    我在这里找到一个简单的程序。 它需要两个输入,首先是您要计算的字符和必须计算字符出现的文件名。

    您可以使用256个整数的数组(在许多平台上, char是8位值)。 由于字符在文件中出现的次数不能为负,因此无符号类型是有意义的。

     unsigned charCount[256] = { 0 }; 


     while ((ch = fgetc(in_file)) != EOF) { // increment the count of character ch charCount[ch]++; } 


     for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { // only display characters with a count of at least 1 if (charCount[i] > 0) { if (!isprint(i) || isspace(i)) printf("%u instances of character %xn", charCount[i], (unsigned) i); else printf("%u instances of character '%c'n", charCount[i], i); } } 

     int strchro(char c, char *str) { char *pch; int found = 0; pch=strchr(str,c); while (pch!=NULL) { //printf("found at %dn",pch-str+1); found++; pch=strchr(pch+1,c); } return found; } 

    更多信息: http : //en.cppreference.com/w/c/string/byte/strchr

      以上就是c/c++开发分享C – 文件中的字符数相关内容,想了解更多C/C++开发(异常处理)及C/C++游戏开发关注计算机技术网(www.ctvol.com)!)。




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