
我正在使用恩智浦LPC1788微控制器,我正在尝试在主机上创建一个驱动程序,通过USB与它通信。 我相信我已经设法让设备正确处理标准USB请求(PC能够正确读取字符串描述符)。

但是,我在编写示例USB驱动程序并为设备安装时遇到了麻烦。 我正在使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.我的步骤是:




; ; TestCubeDriver.inf ; ; Installs WinUsb ; [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = USBDevice ClassGUID = {88BAE032-5A81-49f0-BC3D-A4FF138216D6} Provider = %ManufacturerName% CatalogFile=TestCubeDriver.cat DriverVer=04/16/2014, ; ========== Manufacturer/Models sections =========== [Manufacturer] %ManufacturerName% = Standard,NTamd64 [Standard.NTamd64] %DeviceName% =USB_Install, USBVID_0483&PID_5720 ; ========== Class definition =========== [ClassInstall32] AddReg = ClassInstall_AddReg [ClassInstall_AddReg] HKR,,,,%ClassName% HKR,,NoInstallClass,,1 HKR,,IconPath,%REG_MULTI_SZ%,"%systemroot%system32setupapi.dll,-20" HKR,,LowerLogoVersion,,5.2 ; =================== Installation =================== [USB_Install] Include=winusb.inf Needs=WINUSB.NT [USB_Install.Services] Include=winusb.inf AddService=WinUsb,0x00000002,WinUsb_ServiceInstall [WinUsb_ServiceInstall] DisplayName = %WinUsb_SvcDesc% ServiceType = 1 StartType = 3 ErrorControl = 1 ServiceBinary = %12%WinUSB.sys [USB_Install.HW] AddReg=Dev_AddReg [Dev_AddReg] ; By default, USBDevice class uses iProduct descriptor to name the device in ; Device Manager on Windows 8 and higher. ; Uncomment for this device to use %DeviceName% on Windows 8 and higher: ;HKR,,FriendlyName,,%DeviceName% HKR,,DeviceInterfaceGUIDs,0x10000,"{fcb251a5-6a1f-4e5b-9df8-e8de91d04cfe}" [USB_Install.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstallers_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstallers_CopyFiles [CoInstallers_AddReg] HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000,"WdfCoInstaller01011.dll,WdfCoInstaller" [CoInstallers_CopyFiles] WdfCoInstaller01011.dll [DestinationDirs] CoInstallers_CopyFiles=11 ; ================= Source Media Section ===================== [SourceDisksNames] 1 = %DiskName% [SourceDisksFiles] WdfCoInstaller01011.dll=1 ; =================== Strings =================== [Strings] ManufacturerName="" ClassName="Universal Serial Bus devices" DiskName="TestCubeDriver Installation Disk" WinUsb_SvcDesc="WinUSB Driver" DeviceName="TestCubeDriver Device" REG_MULTI_SZ = 0x00010000 

我的setupapi.dev.log文件的相关部分在这里给出。 以下类型的行在日志中多次出现:

  sig: Key = testcubedriver.inf sig: FilePath = C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreTemp{1bf7c0e3-30cb-6135-d9b8-7d1ac87a6c7c}testcubedriver.inf sig: Catalog = C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreTemp{1bf7c0e3-30cb-6135-d9b8-7d1ac87a6c7c}TestCubeDriver.cat ! sig: Verifying file against specific (valid) catalog failed! (0x800b0109) ! sig: Error 0x800b0109: A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider. 


  ndv: Installing device... dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICE} 09:58:11.087 dvi: No class installer for 'TestCubeDriver Device' dvi: CoInstaller 1: Enter 09:58:11.087 inf: Opened PNF: 'C:WindowsINFoem68.inf' ([strings]) !!! dvi: CoInstaller 1: failed(0xe0000101)! !!! dvi: Error 0xe0000101: The required section was not found in the INF. dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICE - exit(0xe0000101)} 09:58:11.907 !!! ndv: Error(e0000101) installing device! 


 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * USB - K ernel *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Name: USBDESC.C * Purpose: USB Descriptors * Version: V1.10 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties, express, * implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied * warranties of fitness for purpose, satisfactory quality and * noninfringement. Keil extends you a royalty-free right to reproduce * and distribute executable files created using this software for use * on NXP Semiconductors LPC family microcontroller devices only. Nothing * else gives you the right to use this software. * * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Keil Software. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "lpc_types.h" #include "usb.h" #include "usbcore.h" #include "usbhw.h" /* USB Standard Device Descriptor */ const uint8_t USB_DeviceDescriptor[] = { USB_DEVICE_DESC_SIZE, /* bLength */ USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ WBVAL(0x0200), /* 2.00 */ /* bcdUSB */ 0xFF, /* bDeviceClass */ 0x00, /* bDeviceSubClass */ 0x00, /* bDeviceProtocol */ USB_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, /* bMaxPacketSize0 */ WBVAL(0x0483), /* idVendor */ WBVAL(0x5720), /* idProduct */ WBVAL(0x0100), /* 1.00 */ /* bcdDevice */ 0x04, /* iManufacturer */ 0x30, /* iProduct */ 0x42, /* iSerialNumber */ 0x01 /* bNumConfigurations */ }; /* USB Configuration Descriptor */ /* All Descriptors (Configuration, Interface, Endpoint, Class, Vendor */ const uint8_t USB_ConfigDescriptor[] = { /* Configuration 1 */ USB_CONFIGURATION_DESC_SIZE, /* bDescriptorType */ USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ WBVAL( /* wTotalLength */ 1*USB_CONFIGURATION_DESC_SIZE + 1*USB_INTERFACE_DESC_SIZE + 2*USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_SIZE ), 0x01, /* bNumInterfaces */ 0x01, /* bConfigurationValue */ 0x00, /* iConfiguration */ USB_CONFIG_SELF_POWERED /*|*/ /* bmAttributes */ /*USB_CONFIG_REMOTE_WAKEUP*/, USB_CONFIG_POWER_MA(100), /* bMaxPower */ /* Interface 0, Alternate Setting 0, MSC Class */ USB_INTERFACE_DESC_SIZE, /* bLength */ USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ 0x00, /* bInterfaceNumber */ 0x00, /* bAlternateSetting */ 0x02, /* bNumEndpoints */ 0xFF, /* bInterfaceClass */ 0x0, /* bInterfaceSubClass */ 0x0, /* bInterfaceProtocol */ 0x5C, /* iInterface */ /* Interrupt In Endpoint */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_SIZE, /* bLength */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ USB_ENDPOINT_IN(2), /* bEndpointAddress */ USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT, /* bmAttributes */ WBVAL(0x0040), /* wMaxPacketSize */ 0xA, /* bInterval */ /* Interrupt Out Endpoint */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESC_SIZE, /* bLength */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ USB_ENDPOINT_OUT(2), /* bEndpointAddress */ USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT, /* bmAttributes */ WBVAL(0x0040), /* wMaxPacketSize */ 0xA, /* bInterval */ /* Terminator */ 0 /* bLength */ }; /* USB String Descriptor (optional) */ const uint8_t USB_StringDescriptor[] = { /* Index 0x00: LANGID Codes */ 0x04, /* bLength */ USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ WBVAL(0x0409), /* US English */ /* wLANGID */ /* Index 0x04: Manufacturer */ 0x2C, /* bLength */ USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ 'A',0, 'T',0, 'P',0, ' ',0, 'I',0, 'n',0, 'd',0, 'u',0, 's',0, 't',0, 'r',0, 'i',0, 'e',0, 's',0, ' ',0, 'G',0, 'r',0, 'o',0, 'u',0, 'p',0, ' ',0, /* Index 0x30: Product */ 0x12, /* bLength */ USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ 'T',0, 'e',0, 's',0, 't',0, 'C',0, 'u',0, 'b',0, 'e',0, ' ',0, /* Index 0x42: Serial Number */ 0x1A, /* bLength */ USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ 'D',0, 'E',0, 'M',0, 'O',0, '0',0, '0',0, '0',0, '0',0, '0',0, '0',0, '0',0, '0',0, /* Index 0x5C: Interface 0, Alternate Setting 0 */ 0x0E, /* bLength */ USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ 'M',0, 'e',0, 'm',0, 'o',0, 'r',0, 'y',0, }; 

    我用自己的配置尝试了Daniel K建议的INF模板:

     ;This .inf file is a modified version of the example INF provided ;in the Microsoft document: ;"How to Use WinUSB to Communicate with a USB Device" [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = USBDevices ClassGuid= {88BAE032-5A81-49f0-BC3D-A4FF138216D6} Provider = %MFGNAME% DriverVer=04/17/2014, CatalogFile=winusb.cat ;CAT file needed for a signed driver pacakage ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ========== Manufacturer/Models sections =========== ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Manufacturer] %MFGNAME% = MyDevice_WinUSB,NTx86,NTamd64 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Vendor and Product ID Definitions ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; When developing your custom USB device, the VID and PID used in the PC side ; application program and the firmware on the microcontroller must match. ; Modify the below lines to use your VID and PID. Use the format as shown below. ; Note: One INF file can be used for multiple devices with different VID and PIDs. ; For each supported device, append ",USBVID_xxxx&PID_yyyy" to the end of the line. ; There is a maximum number of devices that can be supported per line however. ; If you append a large number of VID/PIDs to the end of the line, and get a: ; "The data area passed to a system call is too small." error when trying to install ; the INF, try removing some of the VIDs/PIDs. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [MyDevice_WinUSB.NTx86] %DESCRIPTION% =USB_Install, USBVID_0483&PID_5720 [MyDevice_WinUSB.NTamd64] %DESCRIPTION% =USB_Install, USBVID_0483&PID_5720 ;========================================================================================= ;ClassInstall32 and ClassInstall_AddReg sections used to make new device manager category. ;========================================================================================= [ClassInstall32] AddReg=ClassInstall_AddReg [ClassInstall_AddReg] HKR,,,,%DEVICEMANAGERCATEGORY% HKR,,Icon,,"-20" ; =================== Installation =================== [USB_Install] Include=winusb.inf Needs=WINUSB.NT [USB_Install.Services] Include=winusb.inf AddService=WinUSB,0x00000002,WinUSB_ServiceInstall [WinUSB_ServiceInstall] DisplayName = %WinUSB_SvcDesc% ServiceType = 1 StartType = 3 ErrorControl = 1 ServiceBinary = %12%WinUSB.sys [USB_Install.Wdf] KmdfService=WINUSB, WinUsb_Install [WinUSB_Install] KmdfLibraryVersion=1.11 [USB_Install.HW] AddReg=Dev_AddReg [Dev_AddReg] HKR,,DeviceInterfaceGUIDs,0x10000,"{fcb251a5-6a1f-4e5b-9df8-e8de91d04cfe}" ;When editing the GUID (the big hex number with dashes inside the squiggly ;braces), make sure to write the intended PC application to use the same GUID. ;Otherwise the application won't be able to find the USB device properly. [USB_Install.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstallers_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstallers_CopyFiles [CoInstallers_AddReg] HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000,"WdfCoInstaller01011.dll,WdfCoInstaller", [CoInstallers_CopyFiles] ;WinUSBCoInstaller2.dll WdfCoInstaller01011.dll [DestinationDirs] CoInstallers_CopyFiles=11 ; ================= Source Media Section ===================== [SourceDisksNames] 1 = %DISK_NAME% [SourceDisksFiles] WdfCoInstaller01011.dll=1 ; =================== Strings =================== [Strings] MFGNAME="ATP Industries Group" ; ManufacturerName DESCRIPTION="TestCube" ; DeviceName WinUSB_SvcDesc="WinUSB Device" DISK_NAME="TestCubeDriver Installation Disk" ; DiskName DEVICEMANAGERCATEGORY="Universal Serial Bus devices" ; ClassName 

    我的设备驱动程序安装成功,Device Manager报告设备正常运行。 我尝试运行我的应用程序,它能够找到我的设备并检索有关它的详细信息。 这一切现在都有效,我终于可以开始处理应用程序方面的问题了。

    编辑:即使它现在都在工作,我也不知道原始模板有什么问题 – 有人可以向我解释为什么第二个模板工作而不是第一个?

    你正在运行32位Windows,对吧? 原始文件不能为您工作的一个原因是它没有32位驱动程序的部分,它只有一个NTamd64部分。


     [Standard.NTamd64] %DeviceName% =USB_Install, USBVID_0483&PID_5720 

    从新文件中, MyDevice_WinUSB类似于Standard

     [MyDevice_WinUSB.NTx86] %DESCRIPTION% =USB_Install, USBVID_0483&PID_5720 [MyDevice_WinUSB.NTamd64] %DESCRIPTION% =USB_Install, USBVID_0483&PID_5720 






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