
因为没有复制粘贴示例来创建提交而不使用libgit2的磁盘上的文件 ,据我所知,我认为我应该添加一个。


    bool addGitCommit ( git_repository * repo, git_signature * sign, const char * content, int content_sz, const char * message ) { int rc; /* return code for git_ functions */ git_oid oid_blob; /* the SHA1 for our blob in the tree */ git_oid oid_tree; /* the SHA1 for our tree in the commit */ git_oid oid_commit; /* the SHA1 for our initial commit */ git_blob * blob; /* our blob in the tree */ git_tree * tree_cmt; /* our tree in the commit */ git_treebuilder * tree_bld; /* tree builder */ bool b = false; /* create a blob from our buffer */ rc = git_blob_create_frombuffer( &oid_blob, repo, content, content_sz ); if ( rc == 0 ) { /* blob created */ rc = git_blob_lookup( &blob, repo, &oid_blob ); if ( rc == 0 ) { /* blob created and found */ rc = git_treebuilder_create( &tree_bld, NULL ); if ( rc == 0 ) { /* a new tree builder created */ rc = git_treebuilder_insert( NULL, tree_bld, "name-of-the-file.txt", &oid_blob, GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB ); if ( rc == 0 ) { /* blob inserted in tree */ rc = git_treebuilder_write( &oid_tree, repo, tree_bld ); if ( rc == 0 ) { /* the tree was written to the database */ rc = git_tree_lookup( &tree_cmt, repo, &oid_tree ); if ( rc == 0 ) { /*we've got the tree pointer */ rc = git_commit_create( &oid_commit, repo, "HEAD", sign, sign, /* same author and commiter */ NULL, /* default UTF-8 encoding */ message, tree_cmt, 0, NULL ); if ( rc == 0 ) { b = true; } git_tree_free( tree_cmt ); } } } git_treebuilder_free( tree_bld ); } git_blob_free( blob ); } } return b; } 

    存储库来自git_repository_init()git_repository_open() 。 签名来自git_signature_now()git_signature_new()


    如果在函数执行后执行git status ,您会注意到文件name-of-the-file.txt显示为已删除。 那是因为该函数不会创建实际文件,只会创建git数据库中的条目。

    另外,请注意git_commit_create()的最后一个参数。 0和NULL表示这是第一个(根)提交。 对于所有其他应该至少应该指定父提交,可以使用git_commit_lookup()获得。

    我只是在学习这些东西。 如果您了解更多,请改进此答案。





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