
我的trie中有一个单词“all”,单词“alter”但是“alt”不是trie中的单词。 但是当我检查“alt”时它仍然返回true,因为is_word为真,因为“all”是一个单词。 应该如何处理这个错误。

//Here's the code typedef struct node{ bool is_word; struct node *children[27]; } node; unsigned int wsize=0; node * root; bool check(const char* word) { // TODO node *chrawler=root; for(int i=0;i=65&&word[i]children[t]==NULL) return false; else chrawler=chrawler->children[t]; } if(chrawler->is_word) return true; return false; } // Load function bool load(const char* dictionary) { // TODO FILE *inptr=fopen(dictionary,"r"); if(inptr==NULL) { return false; } node *new_node=malloc(sizeof(node)); root=new_node; char * word=malloc((LENGTH+1)*sizeof(char)); int index=0; for(int c=fgetc(inptr);c!=EOF;c=fgetc(inptr)) { char ch=c; if(ch=='n') { word[index]=''; index=0; node *chrawler=root; for(int i=1;ichildren[t]==NULL) { node *new_node=malloc(sizeof(node)); chrawler->children[t]=new_node; chrawler=chrawler->children[t]; } else chrawler=chrawler->children[t]; } chrawler->is_word=1; wsize++; } else { word[index]=ch; index++; } } return true; } 

    您需要确保新节点中的所有指针都为null,并将is_word值设置为false 。 这可能是通过使用calloc()来分配空间最容易完成的。 创建一个分配函数和错误检查节点的分配使其更容易。 同样,您有两个代码块将字符映射到trie索引。 你应该更慷慨地使用函数 – 甚至是小函数。

    一行数据的逐字符输入也不是必需的; 最好使用fgets()来读取行。

    添加这些和其他各种更改(例如,本地数组word而不是动态分配的数组 – 未释放;完成时关闭文件;等等)给出一个MCVE( 最小,完整,可validation的示例 ),如下所示:

     #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  enum { LENGTH = 256 }; // Here's the code typedef struct node { bool is_word; struct node *children[27]; } node; unsigned int wsize = 0; node *root; static inline int map_char(unsigned char c) { int t; if (isalpha(c)) t = tolower(c) - 'a'; else t = 26; return t; } static inline node *alloc_node(void) { node *new_node = calloc(1, sizeof(node)); if (new_node == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failed in %sn", __func__); exit(1); } return new_node; } static bool check(const char *word) { node *chrawler = root; int len = strlen(word); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int t = map_char(word[i]); if (chrawler->children[t] == NULL) return false; else chrawler = chrawler->children[t]; } return chrawler->is_word; } // Load function static bool load(const char *dictionary) { FILE *inptr = fopen(dictionary, "r"); if (inptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file '%s' for readingn", dictionary); return false; } root = alloc_node(); char word[LENGTH]; while (fgets(word, sizeof(word), inptr) != 0) { word[strcspn(word, "n")] = ''; printf("[%s]n", word); node *chrawler = root; int len = strlen(word); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int t = map_char(word[i]); //printf("t = %d (%c)n", t, word[i]); if (chrawler->children[t] == NULL) chrawler->children[t] = alloc_node(); chrawler = chrawler->children[t]; } chrawler->is_word = 1; wsize++; } printf("%d words read from %sn", wsize, dictionary); fclose(inptr); return true; } int main(void) { const char *wordfile = "words.txt"; if (load(wordfile)) { char line[4096]; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin) != 0) { line[strcspn(line, "n")] = ''; if (check(line)) printf("[%s] is a wordn", line); else printf("[%s] is unknownn", line); } } return 0; } 

    还有其他一些变化。 例如, wsize变量应该是非全局的; 它并没有真正在load()函数之外使用。 很容易争辩说,根节点也不应该是全局的; load()函数应该返回根节点, check()函数应该传递给根节点。 通常,应尽可能避免全局变量,并且通常是可能的。


     abelone abyssinia archimedes brachiosaurus triceratops all alter asparagus watchamacallit a abracadabra abyss ant 


     [abelone] [abyssinia] [archimedes] [brachiosaurus] [triceratops] [all] [alter] [asparagus] [watchamacallit] [a] [abracadabra] [abyss] [ant] 13 words read from words.txt a [a] is a word ab [ab] is unknown al [al] is unknown all [all] is a word alt [alt] is unknown alte [alte] is unknown alter [alter] is a word triceratops [triceratops] is a word brachiosaurus [brachiosaurus] is a word abys [abys] is unknown abbey [abbey] is unknown abyss [abyss] is a word ant [ant] is a word a [a] is a word archimedes [archimedes] is a word 





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