c/c++语言开发共享C trie试图添加撇号


typedef struct node { bool wordBool; struct node* next[27]; // 26 letters and one space for the apostrophe } node; node* base; int numWords = 0; bool load(const char* dictionary) { FILE* dictionaryf = fopen(dictionary, "r"); // the file to read base = malloc(sizeof(node)); node variable; node *currNode = &variable; int n = 0; while((n = fgetc(dictionaryf)) != EOF) { if (n == 'n') { if (!currNode->wordBool) { currNode->wordBool = true; numWords++; } currNode = base; } else if (n == 39) //I tried putting this in so it would accept apostrophes { if(currNode->next[n-39] == NULL) { currNode->next[n-39] = malloc(sizeof(node)); } currNode = currNode->next[n-39]; } else { if(currNode->next[n-96] == NULL) { currNode->next[n-96] = malloc(sizeof(node)); } currNode = currNode->next[n-96]; } } if (currNode!= base && !currNode->wordBool) { currNode->wordBool = true; numWords++; } printf("%in", numWords); fclose(dictionaryf); return true; } 


    这段代码非常基于你的代码,但解决了一个稍微不同的问题,因为它接受任意文本文件并处理它而不管其中的字符。 它在英语使用者的典型风格中将重音字符视为“非字母”(部分原因是它不使用setlocale() ,部分原因是它不处理多字节或宽字符)。 它计算每个单词存在的次数(在64位计算机上的数据结构中不占用额外空间)。 它包括打印function,当然,这对于检查它是否正确完成工作非常重要。

     #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  typedef struct node { bool wordBool; int wordCount; struct node *next[27]; // 26 letters and one space for the apostrophe } node; static const char trie_map[] = "'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; static node *base = 0; static int numWords = 0; static void oom(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memoryn"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static int trie_index(char c) { char *p = strchr(trie_map, tolower(c)); if (p == 0) return -1; else return (p - trie_map); } static bool load(const char *dictionary) { FILE *dictionaryf = fopen(dictionary, "r"); // the file to read if (dictionaryf == 0) return false; base = calloc(sizeof(node), 1); node *currNode = base; int n; while ((n = fgetc(dictionaryf)) != EOF) { n = trie_index(n); if (n >= 0) { if (currNode->next[n] == NULL) { currNode->next[n] = calloc(sizeof(node), 1); if (currNode->next[n] == NULL) oom(); } currNode = currNode->next[n]; } else if (currNode != base) { if (!currNode->wordBool) { currNode->wordBool = true; numWords++; } currNode->wordCount++; currNode = base; } /* else: consecutive non-letters, non-apostrophes */ } if (currNode != base && !currNode->wordBool) { currNode->wordBool = true; numWords++; } printf("%i distinct wordsn", numWords); fclose(dictionaryf); return true; } static void print_trie(node *trie, char *buffer, size_t buflen) { if (trie != 0) { if (trie->wordBool) printf("Word: %3d [%s]n", trie->wordCount, buffer); size_t len = strlen(buffer); if (len >= buflen - 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Word too long!n[%s]n", buffer); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++) { if (trie->next[i] != 0) { buffer[len] = trie_map[i]; buffer[len+1] = ''; print_trie(trie->next[i], buffer, buflen); } } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *data = "data"; if (argc == 2) data = argv[1]; if (load(data)) { printf("Loaded file '%s' OKn", data); char buffer[256] = ""; print_trie(base, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); } else printf("Load failed!n"); return 0; } 

    在自己的源代码( trie-31.c )上运行时,它会产生:

     94 distinct words Loaded file 'trie-31.c' OK Word: 3 ['] Word: 1 ['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz] Word: 1 [and] Word: 1 [apostrophe] Word: 1 [apostrophes] Word: 2 [argc] Word: 2 [argv] Word: 7 [base] Word: 2 [bool] Word: 10 [buffer] Word: 3 [buflen] Word: 2 [c] Word: 2 [calloc] Word: 8 [char] Word: 1 [consecutive] Word: 3 [const] Word: 1 [ctype] Word: 14 [currnode] Word: 1 [d] Word: 5 [data] Word: 2 [dictionary] Word: 4 [dictionaryf] Word: 1 [distinct] Word: 4 [else] Word: 1 [eof] Word: 4 [exit] Word: 1 [failed] Word: 2 [failure] Word: 1 [false] Word: 1 [fclose] Word: 1 [fgetc] Word: 3 [file] Word: 1 [fopen] Word: 2 [for] Word: 2 [fprintf] Word: 5 [h] Word: 7 [i] Word: 14 [if] Word: 5 [include] Word: 2 [index] Word: 7 [int] Word: 4 [len] Word: 2 [letters] Word: 3 [load] Word: 1 [loaded] Word: 1 [long] Word: 1 [main] Word: 4  Word: 1 [memory] Word: 16 [n] Word: 7 [next] Word: 8 [node] Word: 2 [non] Word: 2 [null] Word: 4 [numwords] Word: 1 [of] Word: 1 [ok] Word: 1 [one] Word: 2 [oom] Word: 1 [out] Word: 3 [p] Word: 3 [print] Word: 4 [printf] Word: 1 [r] Word: 1 [read] Word: 5 [return] Word: 2 [s] Word: 1 [s'] Word: 2 [size] Word: 3 [sizeof] Word: 1 [space] Word: 7 [static] Word: 1 [stdbool] Word: 2 [stderr] Word: 1 [stdio] Word: 1 [stdlib] Word: 1 [strchr] Word: 1 [string] Word: 1 [strlen] Word: 2 [struct] Word: 2 [t] Word: 2 [the] Word: 1 [to] Word: 1 [tolower] Word: 1 [too] Word: 15 [trie] Word: 3 [true] Word: 1 [typedef] Word: 3 [void] Word: 1 [while] Word: 2 [word] Word: 6 [wordbool] Word: 3 [wordcount] Word: 1 [words] 

    有些词包括撇号(有'自己'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzs' )。 对于包含以下内容的文件great.panjandrum

     So she went into the garden to cut a cabbage-leaf to make an apple-pie and at the same time a great she-bear coming down the street pops its head into the shop What no soap So he died and she very imprudently married the Barber and there were present the Picninnies and the Joblillies and the Garyulies and the great Panjandrum himself with the little round button at top and they all fell to playing the game of catch-as-catch-can till the gunpowder ran out at the heels of their boots 


     66 distinct words Loaded file 'great.panjandrum' OK Word: 2 [a] Word: 1 [all] Word: 1 [an] Word: 7 [and] Word: 1 [apple] Word: 1 [as] Word: 3 [at] Word: 1 [barber] Word: 1 [bear] Word: 1 [boots] Word: 1 [button] Word: 1 [cabbage] Word: 1 [can] Word: 2 [catch] Word: 1 [coming] Word: 1 [cut] Word: 1 [died] Word: 1 [down] Word: 1 [fell] Word: 1 [game] Word: 1 [garden] Word: 1 [garyulies] Word: 2 [great] Word: 1 [gunpowder] Word: 1 [he] Word: 1 [head] Word: 1 [heels] Word: 1 [himself] Word: 1 [imprudently] Word: 2 [into] Word: 1 [its] Word: 1 [joblillies] Word: 1 [leaf] Word: 1 [little] Word: 1 [make] Word: 1 [married] Word: 1 [no] Word: 2 [of] Word: 1 [out] Word: 1 [panjandrum] Word: 1 [picninnies] Word: 1 [pie] Word: 1 [playing] Word: 1 [pops] Word: 1 [present] Word: 1 [ran] Word: 1 [round] Word: 1 [same] Word: 3 [she] Word: 1 [shop] Word: 2 [so] Word: 1 [soap] Word: 1 [street] Word: 13 [the] Word: 1 [their] Word: 1 [there] Word: 1 [they] Word: 1 [till] Word: 1 [time] Word: 3 [to] Word: 1 [top] Word: 1 [very] Word: 1 [went] Word: 1 [were] Word: 1 [what] Word: 1 [with] 

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