c/c++语言开发共享为什么fgets卡在回车上 r?

我是新来的论坛和c一般,所以请耐心等待我。 我正在尝试编写一个带有文本文件并解析所有单词和字符的ac程序,然后将它们保存到输出文本文件中。 我正在使用C99,Windows 7-64bit,MinGW,记事本,记事本++和用于txt文件的ASNI格式。 我已经读过fgets()比fscanf用于读取输入更好,因为它有缓冲区溢出保护,所以我决定尝试使用它,但它在测试文件中有一些标点符号的问题(我认为这是回车 r)。 我尝试使用fscanf,除了它跳过所有空格(我可以在以后添加,不关心它),它似乎接受所有文本就好并将其打印在输出文件中。


#include  #include  #include  #include  #include  void main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int limit=100, flimit=0, flimitmax=1900000000; //I stopped flimitmax short of the 2GB mark char name[limit], copyname[limit]; FILE *data, *output; //Gets the value of a specified data file for reading printf("nPlease specify a file to format for data input. NOTE: CHARACTERS LIMITIED TO %dn", limit); fgets(name, limit, stdin); //takes input of size 'limit' and assigns it to 'name' size_t ln = strlen(name); //gets the size of name[] if(name[ln-1]=='n') name[ln-1]=''; //gets rid of newline character read in by fget strncpy(copyname, name, limit); //stores the value of the specified file name for use making the input and output files strcat(name, ".txt"); //appends .txt file extension to the file name printf("nYou chose file %sn", name); data = fopen(name, "r"); //Checks to see if the specified data file exists and if it can be read if(data==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "nCan't open file %s!!!n", name); exit(1); } //Gets the size of the data file being worked. Used later when the file is copied into the program using fgets. fseek(data, 0, SEEK_END); // seek to end of file flimit = ftell(data)+1; // get current file pointer fseek(data, 0, SEEK_SET); // seek back to beginning of file if((flimit > flimitmax) || (flimit < 0))//Checks to see if flimit falls between 0 and 1.9GB. If not, the file is larger than 1.9GB { printf("Error, max file size exceeded. Program terminatingn"); exit(1); } printf("File size is %d bytesn", flimit); //Creates a name for the output file strncpy(name, copyname, limit); //reassigns original value to name to make output file name strcat(name, "OUT.txt"); //appends OUT.txt file extension to the file name printf("nOutput file is %sn", name); output = fopen(name, "w"); //checks to see if the Input file exists and if it can be read if(output==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "nCan't open file %s!!!n", name); exit(1); } //Reads the data file and assigns values to the input and output files char filein[flimit]; //I created this variable here to avoid issues of array resizing. //fgets attempt fgets(filein, flimit, data); //scans the whole datafile and stores it in the char array. printf("n%sn", filein); fprintf(output, filein); memset(&filein[0], 0, sizeof(filein)); //clears the filein array fseek(data, 0, SEEK_SET); // seek back to beginning of file //fscanf attempt while(fscanf(data, "%s", &filein)!=EOF) { printf("n%sn", filein); fprintf(output, filein); } //Closes the files and ends the program printf("nDONE!!!n"); fclose(data); fclose(output); } 


 Things/Words and punctuation: The Test This is a test (mostly to see if this program is working). 


 Things/Words and punctuation: The Test Things/Wordsandpunctuation:TheTestThisisatest(mostlytoseeifthisprogramisworking). 

为什么fgets()会挂断? 第一行就好了,然后它就卡住了。

提前感谢您抽出宝贵时间来看看这个。 如果您对我的代码有任何其他建议,请随时告诉我。


    你的fgets()遇到一个新行字符并停止。 这就是为什么你需要使用while循环来保持代码运行直到你到达文件的末尾。 成功完成后,fgets()返回一个流。 如果此流位于文件结尾,则fgets()返回空指针。


     ... while(fgets(filein,flimit,data) != NULL) { printf("%sn",filein); fprintf(output,filein); } ... 


    参考: http : //pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/fgets.html


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