




  #ifndef SOCKETCONNECTOR_H  #define SOCKETCONNECTOR_H  #include "global.h"  using namespace std;  class SocketConnector  {  public:    typedef enum {      ENormal,      EOther,    } SocketState;  public:    static SocketConnector * getInstance();    inline SocketState state(){ return m_state; }    inline void setState(SocketState _state){  m_state = _state;  }    inline bool isConnected() { return m_isConnected;  }    inline void setConnected(bool state) { m_isConnected = state; }    void start();    inline void setServerIP(string ip){  m_server_ip = ip;}    inline void setServerPort(int port){ m_server_port = port; }    int connect_sockfd();    int onSendMessage(string & message);  private:    SocketConnector();    void onConnectToServer(string & ip,int port);    static void * onReportMessage(void * p);    static void * onReadMessage(void * p);    static void * onWriteMessage(void * p);  private:    SocketState m_state;    bool m_isConnected;    int m_sockFd;    string m_server_ip;    int m_server_port;    pthread_t m_report_tid;    pthread_t m_read_tid;    pthread_t m_write_tid;  };  #endif // SOCKETCONNECTOR_H    


  #include "global.h"  #include "socketconnector.h"  #include "cmessagecenter.h"  #include "cmip_requestparser.h"  #include "csettings.h"  #include "datadef.h"  #include "cstringutils.h"  using namespace std;  static SocketConnector * g_instance = NULL;  /**************************************************************************************************  *  Single Instance.  ***************************************************************************************************/  SocketConnector * SocketConnector::getInstance()  {    if (g_instance == NULL)    {      g_instance = new SocketConnector();    }    return g_instance;  }  /**************************************************************************************************  *  Consturoctor  ***************************************************************************************************/  SocketConnector::SocketConnector()  {    m_isConnected = false;    m_state = ENormal;  }  /**************************************************************************************************  *  Connect to Server By Blocking Method.  ***************************************************************************************************/  void SocketConnector::onConnectToServer(string & ip,int port){    cout << __FUNCTION__ << "connecting::[" << ip << " , " << port << "]" << endl;    struct timeval send_timeout;    send_timeout.tv_sec = 5;    send_timeout.tv_usec = 0;    int keepalive = 1;    int keepidle = 10;    int keepinterval = 5;    int keepcount = 3;    int value = 0;    socklen_t len = sizeof(int);    static struct sockaddr_in server_addr;    memset(&server_addr, 0, sizeof(server_addr));    server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;    server_addr.sin_port = htons(port);    server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip.c_str());    do    {      m_sockFd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);      if ( -1 == m_sockFd )      {        sleep(1);        continue;      }    }while(-1 == m_sockFd);    if(setsockopt(m_sockFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &send_timeout, sizeof(send_timeout)) == -1)    {      printf("setsockopt SO_SNDTIMEO failn");    }    if(setsockopt(m_sockFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (void *)&keepalive , sizeof(keepalive )) == -1)    {      printf("setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE failn");    }    if(setsockopt(m_sockFd, SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPIDLE, (void*)&keepidle , sizeof(keepidle )) == -1)    {      printf("setsockopt TCP_KEEPIDLE failn");    }    if(setsockopt(m_sockFd, SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPINTVL, (void *)&keepinterval , sizeof(keepinterval )) == -1)    {      printf("setsockopt TCP_KEEPINTVL failn");    }    if(setsockopt(m_sockFd, SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPCNT, (void *)&keepcount , sizeof(keepcount )) == -1)    {      printf("setsockopt TCP_KEEPCNT failn");    }    getsockopt(m_sockFd, SOL_TCP, TCP_KEEPINTVL, (void *)&value, &len);    cout << __FUNCTION__ << "sockFd KeepIntval::[" << value << endl;    while (!m_isConnected)    {      if(connect(m_sockFd, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == 0)      {        m_isConnected = true;        break;      }      else      {        if ( ECONNREFUSED == errno)        {          m_isConnected = false;          sleep(1);          printf("Reconnect To Server:%s Port:%dn", m_server_ip.c_str(), m_server_port);        }        else        {          m_isConnected = false;          perror("connected() error()");          exit(-1);        }      }    }  }  /**************************************************************************************************  *  Create Report Thread;  *  Create Read Thread;  *  Create Write Thread;  *  MainThread wait the subThreads exits;  ***************************************************************************************************/  void SocketConnector::start()  {    m_sockFd = connect_sockfd();    cout << __FUNCTION__ << "Will Create Report|Read|Write Thread." << endl;    pthread_create(&m_report_tid,NULL, onReportMessage, this);  /* report to cmdmodule*/    pthread_create(&m_read_tid, NULL, onReadMessage, this);  /* read from cmdmodule*/    pthread_create(&m_write_tid, NULL, onWriteMessage, this);  /* reply to cmdmodule*/    pthread_join(m_read_tid,NULL);    pthread_join(m_write_tid,NULL);    pthread_join(m_report_tid,NULL);  }  /**************************************************************************************************  *  Used to Get connected socket fd.  *  if connected, return directly.  *  if not connected,try to create connect fd.  ***************************************************************************************************/  int SocketConnector::connect_sockfd()  {    if ( m_isConnected == true)    {      cout << __FUNCTION__ << "::Socket is Already Connected." << endl;      return m_sockFd;    }    cout << __FUNCTION__ << "::Will Try to Connect to Server." << endl;    onConnectToServer(m_server_ip, m_server_port);    return m_sockFd;  }  /**************************************************************************************************  *  Report Status to CmdModule Thread.  *  every 2s ,report one message to cmdwifi.  ***************************************************************************************************/  void * SocketConnector::onReportMessage(void * p)  {    SocketConnector * connector = (SocketConnector *)(p);    if ( NULL == p)    {      cout << __FUNCTION__ << "onSelectSocket() Error: param [connector] is NULL" << endl;      return NULL;    }    string content;    int devType = atoi(CSettings::getInstance()->getKuType().c_str());    int report_interval = atoi(CSettings::getInstance()->getKuReportinterval().c_str());    string position = CSettings::getInstance()->getKuPosition();    string local_ip = CSettings::getInstance()->getKuAgentip();    cout << endl;    cout << "###################################" << endl;    cout << "Local-IP::" << local_ip << endl;    cout << "Ku-CMA-Pos::" << position << endl;    cout << "Ku-CMA-Type::" << devType << endl;    cout << "###################################" << endl;    cout << endl;    while(true)    {      int state = connector->state();      content = "<status>" + CStringUtils::toString(state) + "</status>";      content += "<type>" + CStringUtils::toString(devType) + "</type>";      content += "<site>" + position + "</site>";      content += "<ip>" + local_ip + "</ip>";      Response resp(STATUS_REPORT_CMD,0,string(content));      CMessageCenter::getInstance()->addReply(resp);      sleep(report_interval);    }  }  /**************************************************************************************************  *  Read Message from Connection.  *  Then Send Message to MessageCenter Queue.  ***************************************************************************************************/  void * SocketConnector::onReadMessage(void * p)  {    SocketConnector * connector = (SocketConnector *)(p);    if ( NULL == p)    {      cout << __FUNCTION__ << "onSelectSocket() Error: param [connector] is NULL" << endl;      return NULL;    }    int sockFd = connector->connect_sockfd();    fd_set fds;    struct timeval timeout={0,0};    const int BUFFER_LEN = 4*1024;    static char buffer[BUFFER_LEN]={0};    while(true)    {      FD_ZERO(&fds);      FD_SET(sockFd,&fds);      int ret = select(sockFd + 1,&fds,NULL,NULL,&timeout);      switch (ret) {        case -1:/*Error process*/        {          perror("select()");          if ( EBADF == errno)          {            close(sockFd);            connector->setConnected(false);            sleep(1);            sockFd = connector->connect_sockfd();            continue;          }          if ( EINTR == errno || ENOMEM == errno)          {            sleep(1);            continue;          }        }break;        case 0:        {          //cout << "select() timeout! " << endl;        }break;        default:        {          if(FD_ISSET(sockFd,&fds))          {            memset(buffer, 0, BUFFER_LEN);            int nRead = read(sockFd, buffer, BUFFER_LEN);            cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" << endl;            cout << "From Server Recevied Data::" << string(buffer) << endl;            cout << "From Server Recevied Length::" << nRead << endl;            cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" << endl;            CRequestParser parser;            Request req;            int ret = parser.parseToMessage(buffer,&req);            if (0 != ret)            {              cout << __FUNCTION__ << "Request Format is invalid" << endl;              continue;            }            req.print();            CMessageCenter::getInstance()->addRequest(req);          }        }break;      }    }  }  /**************************************************************************************************  *  Write Message to Connection.  *  Then Send Message to MessageCenter Queue.  ***************************************************************************************************/  void * SocketConnector::onWriteMessage(void * p)  {    SocketConnector * connector = (SocketConnector *)(p);    if ( NULL == p)    {      cout << __FUNCTION__ << "onSelectSocket() Error: param [connector] is NULL" << endl;      return NULL;    }    while (true)    {        Response msg;        CMessageCenter::getInstance()->getReplyMsg(msg);        string data = CMessageEncoder(msg).encode();        connector->onSendMessage(data);    }  }  /**************************************************************************************************  *  Send Message By Socket.  ***************************************************************************************************/  int SocketConnector::onSendMessage(string & strSend)  {    if (atoi(CSettings::getInstance()->getDebugMode().c_str()) == 1)    {      cout << __FUNCTION__ << "Send To Cmdwifi Data::" << endl;      cout << strSend << endl;    }    int sock = m_sockFd;    char *pData = &strSend[0];    int nLen = static_cast<int>(strSend.size());    int nTotal = nLen;    int i = 0;    while(1)    {      int nTmp = send(sock, &pData[i], nTotal, 0);      if (nTmp <= 0)      {        close(sock);        return -1;      }      nTotal -= nTmp;      i += nTmp;      if (nTotal <= 0)      {        break;      }    }    return 0;  }    





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