







typedef struct tagofnw {     dwordlstructsize;     hwnd hwndowner;     hinstancehinstance;     lpcwstr  lpstrfilter;     lpwstr   lpstrcustomfilter;     dwordnmaxcustfilter;     dwordnfilterindex;     lpwstr   lpstrfile;     dwordnmaxfile;     lpwstr   lpstrfiletitle;     dwordnmaxfiletitle;     lpcwstr  lpstrinitialdir;     lpcwstr  lpstrtitle;     dwordflags;     word nfileoffset;     word nfileextension;     lpcwstr  lpstrdefext;     lparam   lcustdata;     lpofnhookproc lpfnhook;     lpcwstr  lptemplatename;  #ifdef _mac     lpeditmenu   lpeditinfo;     lpcstr   lpstrprompt;  #endif  #if (_win32_winnt >= 0x0500)     void *pvreserved;     dworddwreserved;     dwordflagsex;  #endif // (_win32_winnt >= 0x0500)  } openfilenamew, *lpopenfilenamew;


  • lstructsize字段[in]:用来存放当前结构体的长度。
  • hwndowner字段[in]:用来指定文件对话框的父窗口。
  • lpstrfilter字段[in]:用来设置选择的文件类型,如果要选择所有文件,则设置“all files(*.*)*.*”;如果选择的是常用的图片文件,则可以设置“图片文件(*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png)*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png”。
  • lpstrfile字段[out]:该字段用来传出用户选择的文件信息,存放选择的文件信息的buffer是需要外部申请内存的,然后将buffer地址赋值给该字段,然后在getopenfilename调用完成后通过该字段指定的buffer输出用户选择的文件信息。
  • nmaxfile字段[in]:用来指定设置给lpstrfile字段对应的buffer长度的。
  • lpstrinitialdir字段[in]:用来指定打开文件对话框时的初始显示路径。
  • flags字段[in]:用来设定文件对话框支持的属性,比如支持多选的ofn_allowmultiselect、选择的文件必须存在ofn_filemustexist等。






// 设置最多选择5个文件的buffer长度  int nbuflen = 5*(max_path+1) + 1;  tchar* pbuf = new tchar[nbuflen];  memset( pbuf, 0, nbuflen*sizeof(tchar) );     openfilename ofn;  memset( &ofn, 0 ,sizeof(ofn) );  ofn.lstructsize = sizeof(ofn);  ofn.hwndowner = m_hparentwnd;  ofn.lpstrfile = pbuf;  ofn.nmaxfile = nbuflen;  ofn.lpstrfilter = _t("all files(*.*)*.*");  ofn.lpstrfiletitle = null;  ofn.nmaxfiletitle = 0;  ofn.lpstrinitialdir = null;  ofn.flags = ofn_explorer|ofn_allowmultiselect|ofn_filemustexist|ofn_hidereadonly;  // 打开文件打开对话框  bool bret = ::getopenfilename( &ofn );  if ( !bret )  {      // 上面的ofn.lpstrfile buffer的长度设置存放3个图片路径,选择较多文件时      // 会超出给定的buffer长度,所以此处要判断一下这样的情况,并给出提示5      dword dwerr = commdlgextendederror();      if ( dwerr == fnerr_buffertoosmall )       {          // fnerr_buffertoosmall - the buffer pointed to by the lpstrfile member           // of the openfilename structure is too small          ::messagebox( null, _t("最多只允许选择5个文件,请重新选择"), _t("提示"), mb_ok );      }         delete []pbuf;      return;  }     // 再检查一下用户选择的文件个数,检测是否达到上限  int npictotal = 0;  uiposition pos = (uiposition)ofn.lpstrfile;  while ( pos != null )  {      // 获取用户选择的每个文件的路径,此处可以将文件的路径保存下来      strpicpath = getnextpathname( pos, ofn );      ++npictotal;  }     if ( npictotal > 5 )  {      ::messagebox( null, _t("最多只允许选择5个文件,请重新选择"), _t("提示"), mb_ok );      delete []pbuf;      return;  }






// 主要用于文件打开对话框选中多个文件时,解析出多个文件名(绝对路径),从mfc库中的cfiledialog类的getnextpathname函数中剥离出来的  cuistring getnextpathname( uiposition& pos, openfilename& ofn )   {      bool bexplorer = ofn.flags & ofn_explorer;          tchar chdelimiter;      if ( bexplorer )      {          chdelimiter = '';      }      else      {          // for old-style dialog boxes, the strings are space separated and the function uses           // short file names for file names with spaces.           chdelimiter = ' ';       }         lptstr lpsz = (lptstr)pos;      if ( lpsz == ofn.lpstrfile ) // first time      {          if ( (ofn.flags & ofn_allowmultiselect) == 0 )          {              pos = null;              return ofn.lpstrfile;          }             // find char pos after first delimiter          while( *lpsz != chdelimiter && *lpsz != '' )          lpsz = _tcsinc( lpsz );          lpsz = _tcsinc( lpsz );             // if single selection then return only selection          if ( *lpsz == 0 )          {              pos = null;              return ofn.lpstrfile;          }      }         cstring strpath = ofn.lpstrfile;      if ( !bexplorer )      {          lptstr lpszpath = ofn.lpstrfile;          while( *lpszpath != chdelimiter )              lpszpath = _tcsinc(lpszpath);          strpath = strpath.left( lpszpath - ofn.lpstrfile );      }         lptstr lpszfilename = lpsz;      cstring strfilename = lpsz;         // find char pos at next delimiter      while( *lpsz != chdelimiter && *lpsz != '' )          lpsz = _tcsinc(lpsz);         if ( !bexplorer && *lpsz == '' )          pos = null;      else      {          if ( !bexplorer )              strfilename = strfilename.left( lpsz - lpszfilename );                 lpsz = _tcsinc( lpsz );          if ( *lpsz == '' ) // if double terminated then done              pos = null;          else              pos = (uiposition)lpsz;       }         // only add '\' if it is needed      if ( !strpath.isempty() )      {          // check for last back-slash or forward slash (handles dbcs)          lpctstr lpsz = _tcsrchr( strpath, '\' );          if ( lpsz == null )              lpsz = _tcsrchr( strpath, '/' );          // if it is also the last character, then we don't need an extra          if ( lpsz != null &&          (lpsz - (lpctstr)strpath) == strpath.getlength()-1 )          {              assert( *lpsz == '\' || *lpsz == '/' );              return strpath + strfilename;          }      }         return strpath + '\' + strfilename;  }


uiposition pos = (uiposition)ofn.lpstrfile;  while ( pos != null )  {      // 获取用户选择的每个文件的路径,此处可以将文件的路径保存下来      strpicpath = getnextpathname( pos, ofn );      ++npictotal;  }





tchar szfile[3*max_path] = { 0 };  _tcscpy( szfile, strfilename );  openfilename ofn;  memset( &ofn, 0 ,sizeof(ofn) );  ofn.lstructsize = sizeof(openfilename);   ofn.hwndowner = null;  ofn.lpstrfilter = _t("all files(*.*)|0*.*||");   ofn.lpstrfile = szfile;   ofn.nmaxfile = sizeof(szfile)/sizeof(tchar);   ofn.lpstrdefext = (lpctstr)strext;  ofn.lpstrinitialdir = null;   ofn.flags = ofn_explorer|ofn_pathmustexist|ofn_hidereadonly|ofn_nochangedir|ofn_overwriteprompt|ofn_enablehook;   ofn.lpfnhook = filesaveas_ofnhookproc; // 设置回调函数,添加额外的处理机制if ( ::getsavefilename( &ofn ) )  {      // 用户最终输入的文件名的完整路径      cstring strpathname = ofn.lpstrfile;  }


// 文件对话框回调函数  uint_ptr callback filesaveas_ofnhookproc(  hwnd hdlg,  // handle to child dialog box  uint uimsg, // message identifier  wparam wparam,  // message parameter  lparam lparam   // message parameter  )  {      if( uimsg == wm_notify)       {          lpofnotify pofn = (lpofnotify)lparam;          if( pofn->hdr.code == cdn_fileok )          {              hwnd hfiledlg = ::getparent( hdlg );                 // 获取用户选择保存路径              tchar achcurpath[max_path*3] = { 0 };              int nret = ::sendmessage( hfiledlg, cdm_getfolderpath,                        sizeof(achcurpath)/sizeof(tchar),              (lparam)achcurpath );              if ( nret < 0 )              {              return 0;              }                 // 判断当前程序对选择的目录是否有写权限              bool bcanwrite = canaccessfile( achcurpath, generic_write );              if ( !bcanwrite )              {                  ::messagebox( hfiledlg, string_have_no_right_save_file, string_tip,         mb_ok|mb_iconwarning );                     ::setwindowlong( hdlg, dwl_msgresult, 1 );                  return 1;              }          }      }         return 0;  }

在hook回调函数中我们拦截了点击确定的消息,判断一下用户当前选择的路径有没有权限保存文件。因为在win7及以上系统中,如果程序没有管理员权限,是没有权利向c:windows、c:program files等系统关键路径中写入文件的。


// 将要检测的权限generic_xxxxxx传递给dwgenericaccessmask,可检测对  // 文件或者文件夹的权限  bool canaccessfile( cstring strpath, dword dwgenericaccessmask )    {        cstring strlog;      strlog.format( _t("[canaccessfile] strpath: %s, dwgenericaccessmask: %d"), strpath,     dwgenericaccessmask );      writeupdatelog( strlog );         dword dwsize = 0;        psecurity_descriptor psd = null;        security_information si = owner_security_information |       group_security_information | dacl_security_information;         writelog( _t("[canaccessfile] getfilesecurity - null") );         // 获取文件权限信息结构体大小        bool bret = getfilesecurity( strpath, si, psd, 0, &dwsize );        if ( bret || getlasterror() != error_insufficient_buffer )        {            strlog.format( _t("[canaccessfile] getfilesecurity - null failed, getlasterror: %d"), getlasterror() );          writelog( strlog );          return false;        }              char* pbuf = new char[dwsize];      zeromemory( pbuf, dwsize );      psd = (psecurity_descriptor)pbuf;           strlog.format( _t("[canaccessfile] getfilesecurity - dwsize: %d"), dwsize );      writelog( strlog );         // 获取文件权限信息结构体大小        bret = getfilesecurity( strpath, si, psd, dwsize, &dwsize );        if ( !bret )        {            strlog.format( _t("[canaccessfile] getfilesecurity - dwsize failed, getlasterror: %d"), getlasterror() );          writelog( strlog );          delete []pbuf;          return false;        }           writelog( _t("[canaccessfile] openprocesstoken") );         handle htoken = null;        if ( !openprocesstoken( getcurrentprocess(), token_all_access, &htoken ) )        {            strlog.format( _t("[canaccessfile] openprocesstoken failed, getlasterror: %d"),     getlasterror() );          writelog( strlog );          delete []pbuf;          return false;        }           writelog( _t("[canaccessfile] duplicatetoken") );         // 模拟令牌        handle himpersonatedtoken = null;        if( !duplicatetoken( htoken, securityimpersonation, &himpersonatedtoken ) )        {            strlog.format( _t("[canaccessfile] duplicatetoken failed, getlasterror: %d"),     getlasterror() );          writelog( strlog );             delete []pbuf;          closehandle( htoken );          return false;        }           writelog( _t("[canaccessfile] mapgenericmask") );          // 在检测是否有某个权限时,将generic_write等值传给本函数的第二个参数dwgenericaccessmask      // generic_write等参数在调用createfile创建文件时会使用到,下面调用mapgenericmask将      // generic_write等转换成file_generic_write等      // 将generic_xxxxxx转换成file_generic_xxxxxx      generic_mapping genmap;      genmap.genericread = file_generic_read;        genmap.genericwrite = file_generic_write;        genmap.genericexecute = file_generic_execute;        genmap.genericall = file_all_access;        mapgenericmask( &dwgenericaccessmask, &genmap );           writelog( _t("[canaccessfile] accesscheck") );         // 调用accesscheck来检测是否有指定的权限      privilege_set privileges = { 0 };        dword dwgrantedaccess = 0;        dword privlength = sizeof(privileges);        bool bgrantedaccess = false;        if( accesscheck( psd, himpersonatedtoken, dwgenericaccessmask,   &genmap, &privileges, &privlength, &dwgrantedaccess, &bgrantedaccess ) )        {          strlog.format( _t("[canaccessfile] accesscheck succeed, dwgenericaccessmask: %d,     dwgrantedaccess: %d, bgrantedaccess: %d, "),   dwgenericaccessmask, dwgrantedaccess, bgrantedaccess );          writelog( strlog );             if ( bgrantedaccess )          {              if ( dwgenericaccessmask == dwgrantedaccess )              {                  bgrantedaccess = true;              }              else              {                  bgrantedaccess = false;              }          }          else          {              bgrantedaccess = false;          }      }      else      {          strlog.format( _t("[canaccessfile] accesscheck failed, getlasterror: %d"), getlasterror() );          writelog( strlog );             bgrantedaccess = false;      }         strlog.format( _t("[canaccessfile] bgrantedaccess: %d"), bgrantedaccess );      writelog( strlog );         delete []pbuf;      closehandle( himpersonatedtoken );      closehandle( htoken );      return bgrantedaccess;    } 


// 通过该回调函数移动文件保存对话框的位置,解决win32 文件对话框默认显示在屏幕左上方的问题  uint_ptr callback ofnhookproc(  hwnd hdlg,  // handle to child dialog box  uint uimsg, // message identifier  wparam wparam,  // message parameter  lparam lparam   // message parameter  )  {      if ( uimsg == wm_initdialog )      {          hwnd hfiledlg = ::getparent( hdlg );          hwnd hparent = ::getparent( hfiledlg );             rect rcparent;          ::getwindowrect( hparent, &rcparent );             rect rcfiledlg;          ::getwindowrect( hfiledlg, &rcfiledlg );             int nfiledlgwdith = rcfiledlg.right - rcfiledlg.left;          int nfiledlgheight = rcfiledlg.bottom - rcfiledlg.top;             rect rcdst;          rcdst.left = rcparent.left + ( (rcparent.right - rcparent.left) - nfiledlgwdith )/2;          rcdst.right = rcdst.left + nfiledlgwdith;          rcdst.bottom = rcparent.bottom + 1;          rcdst.top = rcdst.bottom - nfiledlgheight;             // 下面保证文件对话框处于屏幕可视区域内          if ( rcdst.left < 0 )          {              rcdst.left = 0;              rcdst.right = rcdst.left + nfiledlgwdith;          }             if ( rcdst.top < 0 )          {              rcdst.top = 0;              rcdst.bottom = rcdst.top + nfiledlgheight;          }             int nxscreen = ::getsystemmetrics( sm_cxscreen );          int nyscreen = ::getsystemmetrics( sm_cyscreen );             if ( rcdst.right > nxscreen )          {              rcdst.right = nxscreen;              rcdst.left = rcdst.right - nfiledlgwdith;          }             if ( rcdst.bottom > nyscreen )          {              rcdst.bottom = nyscreen;              rcdst.top = rcdst.bottom - nfiledlgheight;          }             // 重新设置文件对话框位置          ::setwindowpos( hfiledlg, null, rcdst.left, rcdst.top, 0, 0, swp_nosize | swp_nozorder );             return 1;      }         return 0;  } 





// 打开目录选择对话框  ::coinitialize( null );     lpmalloc lpmalloc = null;  tchar  pchseldir[max_path] = {0};  pchseldir[0] = _t('');  if( e_fail == ::shgetmalloc(&lpmalloc) )  {  ::couninitialize();  return;  }     browseinfo browseinfo;  browseinfo.hwndowner  = m_hparentwnd;  browseinfo.pidlroot   = null;   browseinfo.pszdisplayname = null;  browseinfo.lpsztitle  = string_sel_folder_to_send;     browseinfo.ulflags= bif_returnonlyfsdirs;    browseinfo.lpfn   = null;     browseinfo.lparam = 0;     // 打开浏览文件夹对话框  lpitemidlist lpitemidlist = null;  if ( ( lpitemidlist = ::shbrowseforfolder(&browseinfo) ) != null )  {      // 获取用户选择的文件夹      ::shgetpathfromidlist( lpitemidlist, pchseldir );         lpmalloc->free( lpitemidlist );      lpmalloc->release();    }  else  {      lpmalloc->free( lpitemidlist );      lpmalloc->release();       ::couninitialize();      return;  }     ::couninitialize();







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