android开发分享Android9.0 MTK 平板横屏方案修改(强制app横屏 + 开机logo/动画+关机充电横屏 + RecoveryUI 横屏)

文章较长建议先收藏再看 拆解步骤 1、app 强制横屏显示,无视 android:screenOrientation=”portrait” 属性 2、屏幕触摸坐标修改为横屏 3、开机动画横屏 4、开机logo、关机充电动画横屏 5、RecoveryUI 横屏 上代码 1、app 强制横屏显示 修改 …



1、app 强制横屏显示,无视 android:screenorientation="portrait" 属性




5、recoveryui 横屏


1、app 强制横屏显示

修改 rotationfororientationlw(), 默认返回 270

 @override     public int rotationfororientationlw(int orientation, int lastrotation, boolean defaultdisplay) {         ....          synchronized (mlock) {         ...          default:                     // for user, unspecified, nosensor, sensor and full_sensor,                     // just return the preferred orientation we already calculated.                     if (preferredrotation >= 0) {                         return preferredrotation;                     }                                          // return surface.rotation_0;                     return surface.rotation_270;//cczheng add for land scap             }         }   }

activity 默认强制属性为 screen_orientation_landscape

boolean updateorientationfromapptokenslocked(int displayid, boolean forceupdate) {         long ident = binder.clearcallingidentity();         try {             final displaycontent dc = mroot.getdisplaycontent(displayid);             // final int req = dc.getorientation();             int req =;//cczheng add for land scap             if (req != dc.getlastorientation() || forceupdate) {                 if (debug_orientation) {                     slog.v(tag, "updateorientation: req= " + req + ", mlastorientation= "                         + dc.getlastorientation(), new throwable("updateorientation"));                 }                 dc.setlastorientation(req);                 //send a message to policy indicating orientation change to take                 //action like disabling/enabling sensors etc.,                 // todo(multi-display): implement policy for secondary displays.                 if (dc.isdefaultdisplay) {                     mpolicy.setcurrentorientationlw(req);                 }                 return dc.updaterotationunchecked(forceupdate);             }             return false;         } finally {             binder.restorecallingidentity(ident);         }     }

displaycontent 显示 mrotation 默认改为 3 (270)

/**      * current rotation of the display.      * constants as per {@link android.view.surface.rotation}.      *      * @see #updaterotationunchecked()      */     // private int mrotation = 0;     private int mrotation = 3;//cczheng add for land scap 

修改默认值 config_reversedefaultrotation 为 true,翻转显示角度


<!-- if true, the direction rotation is applied to get to an application's requested          orientation is reversed.  normally, the model is that landscape is          clockwise from portrait; thus on a portrait device an app requesting          landscape will cause a clockwise rotation, and on a landscape device an          app requesting portrait will cause a counter-clockwise rotation.  setting          true here reverses that logic. -->     <!-- cczheng add for land scap -->     <bool name="config_reversedefaultrotation">true</bool>       <!-- the number of degrees to rotate the display when the keyboard is open.          a value of -1 means no change in orientation by default. -->     <!-- cczheng add for land scap -->     <integer name="config_lidopenrotation">270</integer> 


对调 frame 的宽和高,设置方向为 270


 void displaydevice::setprojection(int orientation,         const rect& newviewport, const rect& newframe) {     rect viewport(newviewport);     rect frame(newframe);      const int w = mdisplaywidth;     const int h = mdisplayheight;      transform r;     displaydevice::orientationtotransfrom(orientation, w, h, &r);      if (!frame.isvalid()) {         // the destination frame can be invalid if it has never been set,         // in that case we assume the whole display frame.         //cczheng add for land scap         // frame = rect(w, h);         if (w < h)             frame = rect(h, w);         else             frame = rect(w, h);     }     ....  }  // clang-format off displaydevice::displaydevice(         const sp<surfaceflinger>& flinger,         displaytype type,         int32_t hwcid,         bool issecure,         const wp<ibinder>& displaytoken,         const sp<anativewindow>& nativewindow,         const sp<displaysurface>& displaysurface,         std::unique_ptr<re::surface> rendersurface,         int displaywidth,         int displayheight,         bool haswidecolorgamut,         const hdrcapabilities& hdrcapabilities,         const int32_t supportedperframemetadata,         const std::unordered_map<colormode, std::vector<renderintent>>& hwccolormodes,         int initialpowermode)        .....      mhdrcapabilities = hdrcapabilities(types, maxluminance, maxaverageluminance, minluminance);      // initialize the display orientation transform.     // setprojection(displaystate::eorientationdefault, mviewport, mframe);     //cczheng add for land scap     setprojection(displaystate::eorientation270, mviewport, mframe); #ifdef mtk_sf_debug_support     mfps = fpscounterloader::getinstance().create(); #endif }


void surfaceflinger::oninitializedisplays() {     // reset screen orientation and use primary layer stack     vector<composerstate> state;     vector<displaystate> displays;     displaystate d;     d.what = displaystate::edisplayprojectionchanged |              displaystate::elayerstackchanged;     d.token = mbuiltindisplays[displaydevice::display_primary];     d.layerstack = 0;     //d.orientation = displaystate::eorientationdefault;     //cczheng add for land scap     d.orientation = displaystate::eorientation270;     d.frame.makeinvalid();     d.viewport.makeinvalid();     d.width = 0;     d.height = 0;     displays.add(d);      .... }


对调 createsurface() 的 w 和 h


status_t bootanimation::readytorun() {     massets.adddefaultassets();      sp<ibinder> dtoken(surfacecomposerclient::getbuiltindisplay(             isurfacecomposer::edisplayidmain));     displayinfo dinfo;     status_t status = surfacecomposerclient::getdisplayinfo(dtoken, &dinfo);     if (status)         return -1;      // create the native surface     /*sp<surfacecontrol> control = session()->createsurface(string8("bootanimation"),             dinfo.w, dinfo.h, pixel_format_rgb_565);*/      //cczheng add for land scap  [s]     sp<surfacecontrol> control;     if(dinfo.w < dinfo.h)         control = session()->createsurface(string8("bootanimation"),             dinfo.h, dinfo.w, pixel_format_rgb_565);     else         control = session()->createsurface(string8("bootanimation"),             dinfo.w, dinfo.h, pixel_format_rgb_565);     //cczheng add for land scap  [e]      surfacecomposerclient::transaction t;     t.setlayer(control, 0x40000000)         .apply();      .....  }



开机logo定义屏幕分辨率以对应资源文件夹的位置为 没有则看下面的

mk 中的 boot_logo = wxga

对应的资源文件位置在 vendor/mediatek/proprietary/bootable/bootloader/lk/dev/logo/wxga

可以看到 wxga 中都是竖屏的图片,而 wxganl 中已经是横屏的图片

Android9.0 MTK 平板横屏方案修改(强制app横屏 + 开机logo/动画+关机充电横屏 + RecoveryUI 横屏)

则我们将 boot_logo 修改为 wxganl 即可

接下来还需要继续修改显示的角度,依旧改成 270,不然会出现花屏的现象

开机第一张图片 uboot 对应显示


void init_fb_screen() {     .....      // in need to allign width and height to 32 ,but needn't     phical_screen.needallign = 1;     phical_screen.allignwidth = align_to(cfg_display_width, mtk_fb_alignment);      /* in gb, no need to adjust 180 showing logo ,for fb driver dealing the change */     /* but in jb, need adjust it for screen 180 roration           */     phical_screen.need180adjust = 0;   // need sync with chip driver      dprintf(info, "[lk logo: %s %d]mtk_lcm_physical_rotation = %sn",__function__,__line__, mtk_lcm_physical_rotation);      if (0 == strncmp(mtk_lcm_physical_rotation, "270", 3)) {         phical_screen.rotation = 270;     } else if (0 == strncmp(mtk_lcm_physical_rotation, "90", 2)) {         phical_screen.rotation = 90;     } else if (0 == strncmp(mtk_lcm_physical_rotation, "180", 3) && (phical_screen.need180adjust == 1)) {         phical_screen.rotation = 180;     } else {         phical_screen.rotation = 270;//cczheng add for land scap     }      .... 

开机第二张图片 kernel 对应显示


int anim_fb_init(void) {      .....      phical_screen.needallign = 1;     phical_screen.need180adjust = 1;     phical_screen.fb_size = fb_size;     if (mtk_log_enable == 1) {         slogd("[libshowlogo: %s %d]mtk_lcm_physical_rotation = %sn",__function__,__line__, mtk_lcm_physical_rotation);     }      if(0 == strncmp(mtk_lcm_physical_rotation, "270", 3))     {         phical_screen.rotation = 270;     } else if(0 == strncmp(mtk_lcm_physical_rotation, "90", 2)){         phical_screen.rotation = 90;     } else if(0 == strncmp(mtk_lcm_physical_rotation, "180", 3) && (phical_screen.need180adjust == 1)){         phical_screen.rotation = 180;     } else {         phical_screen.rotation = 270;//cczheng add for land scap     }     if (mtk_log_enable == 1) {         slogd("[libshowlogo]phical_screen: width= %d,height= %d,bits_per_pixel =%d,needallign = %d,allignwidth=%d rotation =%d ,need180adjust = %dn",                 phical_screen.width, phical_screen.height,                 phical_screen.bits_per_pixel, phical_screen.needallign,                 phical_screen.allignwidth, phical_screen.rotation, phical_screen.need180adjust);         slogd("[libshowlogo: %s %d]show old animtion= 1, running show_animationm_ver %dn",__function__,__line__, show_animationm_ver);         slogd("[libshowlogo: %s %d]draw_anim_mode = 1, running mode %dn",__function__,__line__, draw_anim_mode);     }      return 0; }

如果出现充电动画图片错位的现象,多数都是因为图形绘制点和屏幕尺寸不匹配导致的。可通过调整 cust_display.h 中位置参数

android m 后:/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/external/libshowlogo/cust_display.h

android m 前: /vendor/mediatek/proprietary/bootable/bootloader/lk/target/${project}/include/target/cust_display.h

(1 ,使用old version动画方案的调整如下设置,

#define bar_left (215)
#define bar_top (156)
#define bar_right (265)
#define bar_bottom (278)

这里坐标的参考原点是左上角,背景图片的左上角是(0,0),这四个值都是相对于左上角的坐标来确定的,因此right > left,bottom > top
小技巧:1)打开画图软件,选择 查看->缩放->自定义,将图片放到到800%
2)选择 查看->缩放->显示网格
(2,使用new version动画方案调整如下设置:

#define capacity_left (278)  #define capacity_top (556) #define capacity_right (441) #define capacity_bottom (817)

5、recoveryui 横屏

参考之前写的文章 mtk recovery 模式横屏修改(适用于6.0 + 8.1+9.0)

6、系统导航栏位置调整,横屏后 navigationbarposition 默认在左边

作为平板项目,需要将位置改为底部,直接修改 navigationbarposition() 返回 nav_bar_bottom

@navigationbarposition     private int navigationbarposition(int displaywidth, int displayheight, int displayrotation) {         //cchzneg annotaion for land scape         /*if (mnavigationbarcanmove && displaywidth > displayheight) {             if (displayrotation == surface.rotation_270) {                 return nav_bar_left;             } else {                 return nav_bar_right;             }         }*/         return nav_bar_bottom;     }

这样位置是变为底部了,但是三个按钮都重叠在一起了,需要修改 systemui 的布局显示

Android9.0 MTK 平板横屏方案修改(强制app横屏 + 开机logo/动画+关机充电横屏 + RecoveryUI 横屏)

private void updaterotatedviews() {         //cczheng change rot0 rot90 for landscape         mrotatedviews[surface.rotation_0] =                 mrotatedviews[surface.rotation_180] = findviewbyid(;                 // mrotatedviews[surface.rotation_180] = findviewbyid(;         mrotatedviews[surface.rotation_270] =                 mrotatedviews[surface.rotation_90] = findviewbyid(;                 // mrotatedviews[surface.rotation_90] = findviewbyid(;                  updatecurrentview();     }

顺带再调整下 navigationbarview 的默认高度和左边 back 键区域太大的问题

private view createview(string buttonspec, viewgroup parent, layoutinflater inflater) {         view v = null;         string button = extractbutton(buttonspec);         if (left.equals(button)) {              //cchzheng change navspace to menu_ime for small left back click area             string s = dependency.get(tunerservice.class).getvalue(nav_bar_left, menu_ime_rotate/*navspace*/);             button = extractbutton(s);         } else if (right.equals(button)) {             string s = dependency.get(tunerservice.class).getvalue(nav_bar_right, menu_ime_rotate);             button = extractbutton(s);         }          ...


 <!-- height of the bottom navigation / system bar. -->     <!--cczheng change 48dp to 30dp-->     <dimen name="navigation_bar_height">30dp</dimen>


Android9.0 MTK 平板横屏方案修改(强制app横屏 + 开机logo/动画+关机充电横屏 + RecoveryUI 横屏)




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