

public class SMH extends Activity { public void onCreate(Bundle b) { super.onCreate(b); setContentView(R.layout.main); TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(; new CountDownTimer(10000, 2000) { public void onTick(long m) { long sec = m/1000+1; tv.append(sec+" seconds remainn"); } public void onFinish() { tv.append("Done!"); } }.start(); } 



我怎样才能让它显示“ 2秒钟 ”? 经过的时间确实是10秒,但最后一个onTick()从来没有发生过。 如果我将第二个参数从2000更改为1000,那么这是输出:


所以你看,这似乎是跳过最后onTick()调用。 顺便说一下,XML文件基本上是默认的main.xml,TextView分配了id 电视和文本设置为“”。

我不知道为什么最后一个滴答不工作,但你可以创build自己的定时器与运行 ,例如。

 class MyCountDownTimer { private long millisInFuture; private long countDownInterval; public MyCountDownTimer(long pMillisInFuture, long pCountDownInterval) { this.millisInFuture = pMillisInFuture; this.countDownInterval = pCountDownInterval; } public void Start() { final Handler handler = new Handler(); Log.v("status", "starting"); final Runnable counter = new Runnable(){ public void run(){ if(millisInFuture <= 0) { Log.v("status", "done"); } else { long sec = millisInFuture/1000; Log.v("status", Long.toString(sec) + " seconds remain"); millisInFuture -= countDownInterval; handler.postDelayed(this, countDownInterval); } } }; handler.postDelayed(counter, countDownInterval); } } 


 new MyCountDownTimer(10000, 2000).Start(); 


你应该有一个variables来保持计数器状态(布尔值)。 那么你可以写一个Stop()方法,像Start()。

编辑2 oft的问题


我正在写一个新的更新完整的代码,我刚刚尝试,它的工作。 这是一个基本的计数器,显示在屏幕上的开始和停止button的时间。


 public class MyCountDownTimer { private long millisInFuture; private long countDownInterval; private boolean status; public MyCountDownTimer(long pMillisInFuture, long pCountDownInterval) { this.millisInFuture = pMillisInFuture; this.countDownInterval = pCountDownInterval; status = false; Initialize(); } public void Stop() { status = false; } public long getCurrentTime() { return millisInFuture; } public void Start() { status = true; } public void Initialize() { final Handler handler = new Handler(); Log.v("status", "starting"); final Runnable counter = new Runnable(){ public void run(){ long sec = millisInFuture/1000; if(status) { if(millisInFuture <= 0) { Log.v("status", "done"); } else { Log.v("status", Long.toString(sec) + " seconds remain"); millisInFuture -= countDownInterval; handler.postDelayed(this, countDownInterval); } } else { Log.v("status", Long.toString(sec) + " seconds remain and timer has stopped!"); handler.postDelayed(this, countDownInterval); } } }; handler.postDelayed(counter, countDownInterval); } } 


 public class CounterActivity extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ TextView timeText; Button startBut; Button stopBut; MyCountDownTimer mycounter; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); timeText = (TextView) findViewById(; startBut = (Button) findViewById(; stopBut = (Button) findViewById(; mycounter = new MyCountDownTimer(20000, 1000); RefreshTimer(); } public void StartTimer(View v) { Log.v("startbutton", "saymaya basladi"); mycounter.Start(); } public void StopTimer(View v) { Log.v("stopbutton", "durdu"); mycounter.Stop(); } public void RefreshTimer() { final Handler handler = new Handler(); final Runnable counter = new Runnable(){ public void run(){ timeText.setText(Long.toString(mycounter.getCurrentTime())); handler.postDelayed(this, 100); } }; handler.postDelayed(counter, 100); } } 


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:weightSum="1"> <TextView android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge" android:text="TextView" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/time"> </TextView> <Button android:text="Start" android:id="@+id/start" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:onClick="StartTimer"> </Button> <Button android:text="Stop" android:id="@+id/stop" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:onClick="StopTimer"> </Button> </LinearLayout> 

我检查了CountDownTimer的源代码。 CountDownTimer的一个特殊function是“缺less的tick”,我还没有看到其他地方有logging:

在每个滴答的开始,在onTick()被调用之前,计算直到倒数结束的剩余时间。 如果这个时间小于倒数时间间隔,则onTick 不再被调用。 相反,只有下一个勾号(onFinish()方法将被调用)被调度。



  myCountDownTimer = new CountDownTimer(countDownTime, intervalTime - 500) { ... } 

我可以保留我的代码。 对于间隔时间长度很重要的应用,这里发布的其他解决scheme可能是最好的。

我花了好几个小时试图弄清楚这个问题,我很高兴向你展示一个很好的解决方法。 不要等待onFinish()调用,只需在你的单元中加1(或者你的间隔),然后在onTick()调用中添加一个if语句。 只需在onFinish()执行onFinish()任务onTick() 。 这是我得到的:

  new CountDownTimer( (countDownTimerValue + 1) * 1000, 1000) { //Added 1 to the countdownvalue before turning it into miliseconds by multiplying it by 1000. public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) { //We know that the last onTick() happens at 2000ms remaining (skipping the last 1000ms tick for some reason, so just throw in this if statement. if (millisUntilFinished < 2005){ //Stuff to do when finished. }else{ mTextField.setText("Time remaining: " + (((millisUntilFinished) / 1000) - 1)); //My textfield is obviously showing the remaining time. Note how I've had to subtrack 1 in order to display the actual time remaining. } } public void onFinish() { //This is when the timer actually finishes (which would be about 1000ms later right? Either way, now you can just ignore this entirely. } }.start(); 

虽然上述解决scheme是有效的,但可以进一步改进。 它不必要地在另一个类中运行(已经可以自己处理)。 因此,只需创build一个扩展线程(或可运行)的类。

  class MyTimer extends Thread { private long millisInFuture; private long countDownInterval; final Handler mHandler = new Handler(); public MyTimer(long pMillisInFuture, long pCountDownInterval) { this.millisInFuture = pMillisInFuture; this.countDownInterval = pCountDownInterval; } public void run() { if(millisInFuture <= 0) { Log.v("status", "done"); } else { millisInFuture -= countDownInterval; mHandler.postDelayed(this, countDownInterval); } } } 

我提出的最简单的解决scheme如下。 请注意,只有当您需要简单的屏幕才能显示秒倒计时时,它才有效。

 mTimer = new CountDownTimer(5000, 100){ public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) { mTimerView.setText(Long.toString(millisUntilFinished/1000)); } public void onFinish() { mTimerView.setText("Expired"); } }; mTimer.start(); 


我发现简单的解决scheme 我需要CountDown来更新ProgressBar,所以我这样做:

 new CountDownTimer(1000, 100) { private int counter = 0; @Override public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Tick: " + millisUntilFinished); if (++counter == 10) { timeBar.setProgress(--lenght); // timeBar and lenght defined in calling code counter = 0; } } @Override public void onFinish() { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Finish."); timeBar.setProgress(0); } }; 


所以我觉得我有点过度了,因为我的计时器在自己的线程中运行,而不是使用postDelay处理程序,尽pipe它总是回到它创build的线程。我也知道,我只关心秒,所以它简化了理念。 它也可以让你取消它并重新启动它。 我没有暂停内置,因为这不符合我的需求。

 /** * Created by MinceMan on 8/2/2014. */ public abstract class SecondCountDownTimer { private final int seconds; private TimerThread timer; private final Handler handler; /** * @param secondsToCountDown Total time in seconds you wish this timer to count down. */ public SecondCountDownTimer(int secondsToCountDown) { seconds = secondsToCountDown; handler = new Handler(); timer = new TimerThread(secondsToCountDown); } /** This will cancel your current timer and start a new one. * This call will override your timer duration only one time. **/ public SecondCountDownTimer start(int secondsToCountDown) { if (timer.getState() != State.NEW) { timer.interrupt(); timer = new TimerThread(secondsToCountDown); } timer.start(); return this; } /** This will cancel your current timer and start a new one. **/ public SecondCountDownTimer start() { return start(seconds); } public void cancel() { if (timer.isAlive()) timer.interrupt(); timer = new TimerThread(seconds); } public abstract void onTick(int secondsUntilFinished); private Runnable getOnTickRunnable(final int second) { return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onTick(second); } }; } public abstract void onFinish(); private Runnable getFinishedRunnable() { return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onFinish(); } }; } private class TimerThread extends Thread { private int count; private TimerThread(int count) { this.count = count; } @Override public void run() { try { while (count != 0) {; sleep(1000); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (!isInterrupted()) {; } } } 


展开南托卡的答案。 这里是我的代码,以确保正确更新视图:

 countDownTimer = new CountDownTimer(countDownMsec, 500) { public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) { if(millisUntilFinished!=countDownMsec) { completedTick+=1; if(completedTick%2==0) // 1 second has passed { // UPDATE VIEW HERE based on "seconds = completedTick/2" } countDownMsec = millisUntilFinished; // store in case of pause } } public void onFinish() { countDownMsec = 0; completedTick+=2; // the final 2 ticks arrive together countDownTimer = null; // FINAL UPDATE TO VIEW HERE based on seconds = completedTick/2 == countDownMsec/1000 } } 

你正在计算剩余的时间不正确。 callback获得毫秒数,直到完成任务。

 public void onTick(long m) { long sec = m/1000+1; tv.append(sec+" seconds remainn"); } 


 public void onTick(long m) { long sec = m/1000; tv.append(sec+" seconds remainn"); } 

我从来没有使用过这个类,但是看起来你不会在开始的时候得到一个callback,这就是为什么它看起来像你缺less一个条目。 例如10000毫秒,每个滴答1000毫秒,你会得到总共9个更新callback,而不是10 – 9000,8000,7000,6000,5000,4000,3000,2000,1000,完成。

我也遇到了与CountDownTimer相同的问题,我尝试了不同的方法。 所以最简单的方法之一是@Nantoca提供的解决scheme – 他build议将频率从1000ms加倍到500ms。 但是我不喜欢这个解决scheme,因为它会使更多的工作消耗额外的电池资源。

所以我决定使用@ ocanal的灵魂,并写我自己的简单的CustomCountDownTimer。



 private class CustomCountDownTimer { private Handler mHandler; private long millisUntilFinished; private long countDownInterval; private boolean isCanceled = false; public CustomCountDownTimer(long millisUntilFinished, long countDownInterval) { this.millisUntilFinished = millisUntilFinished; this.countDownInterval = countDownInterval; mHandler = new Handler(); } public synchronized void cancel() { isCanceled = true; mHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); } public long getRemainingTime() { return millisUntilFinished; } public void start() { final Runnable counter = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (isCanceled) { publishUpdate(0); } else { //time is out if(millisUntilFinished <= 0){ publishUpdate(0); return; } //update UI: publishUpdate(millisUntilFinished); millisUntilFinished -= countDownInterval; mHandler.postDelayed(this, countDownInterval); } } };; } } 

如果您的时间间隔超过4秒,则每次onTick()调用都不正确。 所以如果你想得到精确的结果,那么保持间隔小于5秒。 Reseaon是在每个tick的开始,在onTick()被调用之前,剩余的时间直到倒计时结束,如果这个时间小于倒计时的时间间隔, onTick()将不会再被调用。 相反,只有下一个勾号( onFinish()方法将被调用)被调度。





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